I believe Kristy’s journey back to health will encourage you as it has me. A major trauma early in her young life set her up for drugs and the downward spiral began. Whenever someone goes from a very dark place to vibrant health and obvious joy, it’s worthy of celebration, and I’m thankful for her willingness to share.
Kristy’s own words:
I’ve been on Advanced TRS* for 9 1/2 months. The reason for starting was toxic black mold poisoning. I was blood bruising, my hair fell out, Dr.s couldn’t figure out what was making me sick on top of also diagnosed Bipolar, PTSD, COPD, Fibromyalgia and Tardive Dyskinesia (side-effect of psychiatric drugs). I’m also a recovered addict of 9 years. I’m 54 and my quality of life was sad and very depressing!
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This week I had my regular 3-month check up. My Dr. has known all along I’m taking TRS. Not really much of a believer of it, but kind of like… whatever! … until she has watched me come off of antidepressants and meds I had been on for 35 years for Bipolar and PTSD. I got my blood work back and she messaged me ALL of my blood work is very very good! She said for me to keep doing what I’m doing and keep exercising and eating right! For years I slept more than I was awake! I no longer require daily naps. I could just feel her excitement for me in her message. She knows where I’ve been and how far I’ve come!
My exercise is being able to get out of bed and function and participate in life again. My eating right is pushing away from the table, healthier choices, and limit my sugar, but no dieting. I have energy and feel good and have lost 31 lbs.
I prayed for a solution to all of my health issues. I had so many I just didn’t even know what to pray specifically for. My Best Friend told me about TRS. It didn’t take me long at all to order. TRS has been life-changing for me! I praise God for answering my prayers! Sometimes our healing come in different ways! Mine came through TRS. I was anxiously waiting for this appointment to see what my blood work looked like this time. Each visit it was better. Today is was perfect!
Kristy’s Gains:
- Hair is growing back in thicker than ever before. I detoxed dormant staph out of my forearms and pits. My skin no longer easily injures and is soft and healthy!
- I peed out metallic specks just one time. That was amazing!
- I’m off the antidepressants and nerve pain meds, and weaned down to only 2 meds 1x/day, the rest are just supplements! My Pharmacist laughed yesterday and said “I know how good you are doing! I never see you anymore!”
- I went down from a pot and 1/2 of coffee to 2 cups per day.
- I’ve done a lot of retracing and healing! I had 1 night of nightmares of events and people I didn’t have closure with! I believe I emotionally detoxed then and received healing of many traumas in my life and have not experienced anything like that since.
- My muscle disorder (Tardive Dyskinesia) is minimal now that my toxin load is far, far less (I was told there was no cure) Ha! I sucked on my tongue for 15 years and oh my, it makes me cry happy tears to no longer do that anymore and those muscles not move and cause me to choke like I used to!
- I’m no longer on an inhaler, I do not have COPD as diagnosed, it was from the mold! I’ve passed Candida, parasites and liver flukes. I do not have sleep apnea symptoms any longer.
- My blood work and blood pressure was excellent. I’ve lost 31 lbs. because I’m up going more!
- My chin hairs have stopped coming in as my hormones have leveled out, and my cholesterol is way down. Getting closer to normal.
I do 5 sprays of TRS in the morning, go about my day, and do my support supplements at night.
I have more energy than I’ve had in years but still have a ways to go! I do have lots of muscle pain and joint pain where I have had involuntary muscle movements for years. I believe my body is still trying to heal after the movement began to stop. My body had not been used to being still for years.
I am so thankful for TRS. It has been life-changing in just a short time! I’ve discovered the mind and body can heal. I stay consistant. That works best for me! I talked to my medical Dr. about TRS and her words were “Keep doing what you are doing! It’s working.” She was very surprised when she saw me this last visit. I thank God daily for answering my prayers for a solution to all of my health issues.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Kristy’s text to me last night: “It will be 3 years in August that my nightmare began healing in layers, and I continue to detox and have gains. What was so amazing was my Tardive Dyskinesia reversed as I detoxed. The involuntary muscle movements are caused by Antipsychotics I had taken for many years. My body movements caused me to be disabled at the age of 42. I was told it was non-reversible! I’m now 57 and have minimal movements. I’ve came off of so many medications like gabapentin and medications for Parkinson’s. I will continue to take TRS for maintenance. I’m a recovered drug addict going on 12 years now. God has been so good to me. I’ve lived a very toxic past. I’ve had lots of trauma in my life, but Praise God for his healing and directing me to TRS. I’m on a fixed income, but he made a way at the time I needed the help. My sister is a Nurse Practitioner and she has watched me and helped me wean off of medication along the way. I’m very blessed! ~Kristy
About TRS*, the Detox:
I believe getting to the root cause of a health problem is far preferable to applying a Band-Aid to a problem. A deep, gentle detox does that. Advanced TRS is continuing to help many families and special needs children I’ve worked with. *This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The definitive PubMed metastudy (140+ studies) shows safety in babies, children and adults, and pregnant moms.
What Is Advanced TRS?
- Only two ingredients – nanozeolites and purified water (it can go where other detoxes cannot go)
- Advanced TRS removes ~80,000 toxins including: aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead, etc., herbicides and pesticides, mold and yeast toxins, plastic residues, and radioactive materials like cesium.
- TRS does not heal or cure anything, but it clears the body of toxins/metals and such so the body can heal and rebalance itself as it was designed to do!
- TRS is tasteless and is sprayed directly into the mouth or topically.
- Zeolites are passive chelators. They have a negative charge and a strong affinity for positively-charged toxins.
- Toxins are bound within the zeolites’ cage-like structure and are rendered inert. They cannot be redistributed to the body.
- Nano-zeolites are so small the kidneys don’t have to work to filter them; a very gentle detox.
- TRS has a shelf life of ~7 years and ships worldwide.
This is my personal order link: https://inspiredhealthtrs.mycoseva.com/shopline_category.html
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” ~Psalm 34:8
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
What an amazing story. In today’s world where big corp’s create such a toxic envirnment we are unaware that our “bodies” are “sacred temples” and that these toxins can disrupt the pure and fine connection with the essence of life. TRS and fasting are amazing ways to open these subtle pathways to the devine. Thank you, Kristy, for sharing you path. Many will be inspired by your unwavering spirit to get well. And what a wonderful mother you are blessed with – pure love.
May I please have additional information or details about taking TRS? I’ve only been able to tolerate a very little (but with amazing results) over many months. I’m trying to dig deeper to find out why. 🙂 Thanks for any info you can send along!
Whitney, can you email me at [email protected] and remind me of your question?… Then, I can get back with you tomorrow with 2 thoughts. . 1. have you heard of MTHFR?
Read this: https://deeprootsathome.com/poor-methylation-mthfr/ Once you have a proper methylfolate supplement in place, it will spped everything up!
2. Also, there IS a trick that we’ve learned to handle what you are experiencing with a very good response, and I’ll share that with you. It’s too much for here, and I can’t put attachments here.
And I will tell how to proceed. We can totally tailor it to your needs.
I will be happy to help you.
Blessings, Jacque
Thank you!
Thank you Jacqueline for all you do. And Thank you Kristy for sharing.
God bless you both.
Thank you so very much Jaqueline for sharing Kristys story and thank you precious lady for inspiring others in your story. I believe this one testimonial is meant for all to see the same hope in Jesus, proper foods, supplements, encouragement and Love is for each one. I cried because I’ve been in a few areas you’ve been in and my heart goes out to you. I’m exceptionally grateful for sister Jaquelines tender Godly loving heart for others and how the Lord is using her efforts as a ministry to others. Jesus hands and heart. You, dearest Kristy, are one more encouragement to others. God bless you
Brad, what kind and encourging words. That is my heart’s delight, but only by the power of Jesus can I do it. I think Kristy would agree after talking with her about the source of her strength.
God bless you for that, brother.
Sending peace,
I’ve been on the fence for the past few month about TRS, but God has prompted me to order it and Fulvic today. I respect your knowledge and when He said order, I did. My dh is a Farmer and works in a metal factory with galvanized metals. Today I read your post about drugs made from snake venom. He’s on Enalapril, or was. We are stopping as of now. Ordered Flax Seed and other supplements. He was on a low dosage and will be talking to his doctor. We both are going to be eating even better than we had been trying to do. As things get worse in this country/world; we need to be prepared spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Thank you for all you do for us.
Hi, Kay, I did just see your order, and I know that it will help anyone who is consistent with it. I, like you, have decided to be obedient when I hear from the Lord, and i’ve not been disappointed.
I look forward to coaching you as needed!
Sending peace,
Hi Jacqueline, I have been considering TRS for my daughter (and myself) for some time. She’s 15, is a struggling learner with ADD and processing speed/comprehension issues, gut issues, many food/environmental allergies, was fully vaccinated as a child (I didn’t know better), many years of meds, hormones out of whack and now some depression/anxiety. She loves the Lord, is well spoken and loves to be social, music and physical activity, but I desperately want to get her gut healed, off all meds, help her like and do better in school ( we homeschool), and help her feel positive and healthy again. I also saw your post on hyoscyamus and wasn’t sure if I should try that too. I would love your help and guidance for her! God bless you!
Hi, Sarah, I will email you now. ~J
Janet Cherry
Dear Jackie,
The following is what I just tried to email to you. I see my concern was correct. I hope you can contact Mike Adams to see what a safe amount of nano particle zeolites would be to avoid too much aluminum accumulating in the body.
Hi Jackie!
Do you ever listen to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger? He has a channel at Brighteon.com. I was listening to his podcast recently. If I remember and understood correctly, he said that nano particle zeolites can help with nuclear radiation exposure, but that he does not sell them because they can lead to an accumulation of aluminum in the body. Then I thought of what you sell for autism and I thought it was the same thing, so I wanted to let you know in case your children and others would be accumulating aluminum to dangerous levels in their bodies. I’m not a health expert, but I am a sister in Christ and was concerned for you all.
I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Janet Cherry
Hi, Janet, No, thankfully, your concern is misplaced. TRS is quite different than the product that Mike Adams was talking about.
The practitioners I work with using TRS know this to be true. What he was touting is an earth-mined zeolite. I listen to Mike regularly. This is why it is different. Please read it carefully:
TRS is vastly different from any earth-mined zeolite such as PBX or a similar brand. They are contaminated and TRS is pure. This will give insight:
“There is another zeolite detox product called PBX that we often see sharing lab results from their third-party testing as some kind of evidence to the effectiveness of PBX. After looking at their results, the overall conclusion of our team has been that PBX zeolite spray is of lower quality in several different respects.
First, to understand the results it’s important to know that several different elements are assessed in such laboratory testing, including things like arsenic and cadmium and mercury. When elements are minimally present, they are measured in terms of “less than,” for example, there are less than .0004 mg per liter.
The chemical formula of clinoptilolite zeolite varies with composition. These lab results show that the zeolite used in PBX has a different composition than the zeolites in TRS. It appears that the silicon:aluminum ratio is very different, and this ratio affects the stability of zeolite. Aluminum is a necessary element in the creation of the zeolite molecule, but you want a very stable zeolite to prevent any of the aluminum from leaching off, as can be the case in Synthetic Zeolite A. TRS has an excellent silicon:aluminum ratio for stability and does not leach aluminum into the body.
The PBX third-party testing is here: https://thegoodinside.com/wp-content/uploads/PB_LabAnalysis_Oct2018.pdf
And the TRS third-party testing is here:https://shield237.zt1.com/wcegmem/coseva/coseva_ATRS_Analysis_Report_Updated_v2.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1X3BtSZTdHgUU5TcnPglsYaXDxeWPJ7qD_e6Ai8Pi5PvINXP8mCV7qxNQ
If you compare the two third-party tests, you find the following:
Total Silicon: 1.73 mg/L
Total Aluminum: .299 mg/L
Ratio: 5.78:1
Total Silicon: 45.9 mg/L
Total Aluminum: 1.4 mg/L
Ratio: 32.7:1
As you can see, PBX zeolite has a MUCH higher silicon:aluminum (Si:Al) ratio than TRS. TRS has 5.7 molecules of silicon for every molecule of aluminum, but PBX has 32.7 molecules of silicon for every molecule of aluminum. Why does this matter?
The 2019 study entitled “Relationship between Si/AL ratio and the sorption of CD(II) by natural and modified clinoptilolite-rich tuff with sulfuric acid” explains, “It can be observed that the adsorption efficiency of the sorbents decrease with the increase of the SAR. This can be attributed to low accessibility of the adsorbent active site on the surface.” https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332408596_Relationship_between_SiAL_ratio_and_the_sorption_of_CDII_by_natural_and_modified_clinoptilolite-rich_tuff_with_sulfuric_acid
In other words, zeolites become less effective as the Si:Al ratio goes up.
In numeric terms, PBX’s Si:Al ratio is almost 6x higher than the ratio for TRS.
The higher the ratio, the less effective the zeolite.
Which zeolite is going to be more effective?
Beyond all of this, there is the matter of lead content in PBX as described by its lab results.
In the TRS lab results, they found less than 0.0075 mg/L of lead––meaning that if there is any lead in there at all, it is SO trace and minimal it is hardly even measurable.
By contrast, the PBX lead results were that they only found less than 0.5 mg/L––this is a HUGE number. If indeed there was any lead found at all whatsoever in TRS lab results, the PBX numbers are at MINIMUM 66.6x higher than TRS’s.
Since TRS is grown in a sterile laboratory, it is unlikely to have any lead at all, so that would certainly fit into the “less than 0.0075” number.
But other minerals in PBX were found to be at “less than 0.015.” So we KNOW this lab had the capability to test for numbers smaller than 0.5 mg/L.
People who are taking zeolites for the purpose of detoxing heavy metal should probably think twice about using a “natural” zeolite product that has such a high, high amount of lead.
With TRS, you don’t need to worry about lead content.
To sum up: the PBX third party testing lab results are a wonderful chemical demonstration of how TRS is many times more effective than PBX, in at least two separate ways. In terms of the numbers here, we could estimate that each bottle of TRS is worth at least 5-6 bottles of PBX in terms of sheer detoxing ability.
In other words: based on the chemical structure, ratios, and content of PBX compared to TRS, you would have to take at least 5 bottles of PBX to equal the results you would receive from 1 bottle of TRS.
In terms of cost, a 5-pack of PBX on autoship costs 4.3x as much as 1 bottle of TRS on autoship.
So when it comes to cost and what you get, you are getting several times more bang for your buck when you order TRS, when it comes down to the science of how zeolites work and doing the math.
TRS is, as you know, a spray and it is very gentle when started slowly and according to the schedule. Even safe in pregnancy and we have 3 grandchildren “TRS babies” and they are all super healthy and alert and growing normally.
Our family has now used TRS since July 19, 2019. Lyme, lupus, prions and assorted other health issues are addressed and undetectable by our naturopaths electro-dermal scanner! And we do NOT have high aluminum levels (or any other metal or mineral level), for that matter.
If you have another question I am willing to try and answer!
Sending peace,
Have you heard of any treatment for liver flukes? Our pastors daughter is really struggling. She is a freshman in high school and has been out all year. Drs have had a hard time figuring this out. A close friend said it sounded like liver flukes but we are having a hard time finding treatment. Thank you for all you do.
Yes, there is a treatment, but not a direct one. Please email me at [email protected]. I can’t share as much here.