WebMD reported on a study by Dr. Shanna Swan that found young boys whose mothers were exposed to higher levels of phthalates were more likely to exhibit non-masculine behavior and less likely to “play with trucks and other male-typical toys or to play fight.”
Swan writes that humanity is facing an “existential crisis” in fertility rates as a result of phthalates, a chemical used when manufacturing plastics that affects the hormone-producing endocrine system. Swan based her research on studying phthalate syndrome in rats. The baby rats’ exposure to the chemical increased the likelihood of the rat being born with shrunken genitals.
In humans, Swan found that male babies exposed to the chemical in the womb were more likely to have an impaired testicular descent and reduced male organ size. (source)
Phthalates Causing Shrunken Genitalia
Exposure to phthalates seems to lower testosterone production in the baby during a crucial period of development. At 8 to 24 weeks gestation, when the testes begin to function, exposure appears to alter sexual differentiation in the brain. (source)
Where Phthalates Are Found
Phthalates are found in sippy cups, bottles, pacifier chew toys, food packaging, personal care products, nail polish (see safer polish alternatives), adhesives/glues in pressed wood, furniture, etc. Also, automotive interiors, seat covers and interior trim that use vinyl softened with high phthalates because of their durability, UV resistance and ability to withstand high temperatures. Think about your child’s binky, teething toy, shower curtain, vinyl furniture, and floor coverings.
We are swimming in it.
And this includes disposable surgical masks.
Face Mask Pollution
A 2020 study shows the manufacture of Covid face masks involves microplastics containing a number of toxic chemicals, including the penis-shrinking phthalates. (source)
Perhaps most damning, the study notes that microplastics we breathe from masks “contain chemical additives like phthalate, organotin, nonylphenol, polybrominated biphenyl ether, and triclosan.” (source)
Swan and other experts suspect that exposure to the chemicals affects the level of testosterone crucial for the development not only of male reproductive organs, but also the masculine brain. ”We now suspect that the phthalate [exposure] affects the entire body,” Swan says.
Now that young mothers have worn or are wearing surgical masks during 2020 and into 2021, theoretically this is affecting their baby-in-womb, esp male babies.
And mask-wearing moms could unknowingly be decreasing their own fertility: “In some parts of the world, the average twentysomething woman today is less fertile than her grandmother was at 35.” (Count Down, book by Dr. Swann)
This study by itself shouldn’t make parents panic, but I do think we are beginning to accumulate more and more evidence that exposure to phthalates, especially during pregnancy, can be harmful for the development of baby boys.
Microplastics contained within face masks are having an “enormous effect on the entire environment… and should be a focus worldwide.” (source)
Sperm levels among men in some Western countries had dropped by more than 50 percent in just four decades. (Source)
“Those toxic chemicals can be released (either chemically or biologically) during the degradation processes of plastic polymers in the open environment,” the study notes. (source)
Dr. Swan explained that babies get exposed to various chemicals while in the womb, and again during their own life cycle, so each generation is absorbing toxins more rapidly than the last.
“If we didn’t have a hit from our parents and our grandparents, then each generation would just start healthy all over again.”
As National File reported earlier this week, Covid face mask pollution has already taken a staggering toll on the environment, with an estimated 1.56 billion masks – “amounting to between 4,680 and 6,240 metric tonnes of plastic pollution” according to ecological experts – entering the world’s oceans in 2020.

Count Down: by Dr. Shanna Swan, a professor of Environmental Medicine & Public Health at Mount Sinai Health System.
Pregnant moms, please avoid wearing a mask whenever possible, for your own 02 level, fertility, and immune system – and also for your baby’s future! I would add that masking boys adds fuel to this fire!
It all makes sense now – that this is one of the causes of my own nearly 20-year infertility! As an RN (during most of those 20 years), I wore a blue surgical mask daily (8-10 hours) as I scrubbed in or circulated in the Cardiac Bypass Graft Heart OR! If I had only known! ~Jacqueline
**For the FULL PROTOCOL (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “Vaccine” and to help those who took the “Vaccine”, go here.
Here is my story and testimony.
These 2 Posts are Banned on Facebook:
Masks Facts From an RN & 6 Things that Weaken Our Immune Systems
Do Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To Children & to the Healthy?

©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Liberty Gal
Phthalates are definitely a problem, but there seem to be lots of chemicals in our food, skin care products, food packaging, etc. that cause lots of problems including hormonal issues. It takes a lot of work to try to avoid all of these harmful chemicals. It is impossible to avoid them entirely, but I have worked hard to avoid them and to help my family to avoid them.
Liberty Gal, yes, there are the broad range of things (as you mnetion) that I’ve listed in the post! Thank you for echoing me!
Kathleen Aherne
Thank you for reporting this, it breaks my heart. The veil of blindness seems to have descended on so much of humankind.
We will feature your post in the next Blogger’s Pit Stop.
Hi jackie would you also write a blog on safe items facial and beauty care products we can find on drugs stores like cvs walgreens.Do you have you tube videos?
Hi, Gretchen! Thank you for the encouragement! About writing a blog on safe products in a local drug store, I have leooked high and low for safer products in them and unless they have a “natural care” aisle or area, you won’t find amything really of high quality there. They cater to quick needs and the most common and commercialized products. Truly safe skin care products are a niche in the overall skin care world. They seen to “cost more” at the time of purchase, but they are also “less costly” if you think about them being “insurance” for your/our future health!
The “Nasty Chemicals in Our Skin Care” post is really the only source – and I had to really search to find what I listed!
Companies today are not all about consumer health but the bottom line of their profits!
For those reading here, if you are concerned with toxins like plastics (incl. phthalates, BPA, BPS), mercury in your amalgams, vaccine adjuvants, fluoride, pesticides/herbicides (from farming around you or contaminated foods you’ve consumed), molds, etc. there is a cost-effective, brilliant, and simple way to bind them and remove them deeply (cellularly as well as in the gut and blood). Or, if you just want to strengthen your immune system, read on!
Here is some basic information:
FAQ on my website: https://inspiredhealthtrs.cosevatrs.com/faq/
reads: AdvancedTRS contains nano-clinoptilolite and water (just 2 ingredients). Clinoptilolite itself has been shown to:
—Bind heavy metals and over 80,000 toxins
—Adjust the balance of vital nutrients like iron & calcium
—Support intestinal microflora and pH
—Promote healthy immune function
Please read Avalyn’s Story: https://deeprootsathome.com/avalyns-story-how-trs-a-safe-heavy-metal-detox-can-help-you-and-your-child/ It is even safe in pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
I do complimentary coaching via email with every order through my link, https://inspiredhealthtrs.cosevatrs.com/ or you can friend me at https://www.facebook.com/jacque.line.357/
Please contact me if you have any questions! I am here to guide.
Blessings, Jacque