The Benjamin Franklin axiom that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is as true today as it was when Franklin made the quote. The quote applies to this post, as it has occurred to me that we would do well to learn things from others that are already walking the path of autism.
What can we learn beforehand that could save us and our loved ones great harm and trouble?
Support Groups To Know About:
Check out the active Recovering Kids Facebook group for parents. It is a huge group of over 51,000 active members. The safe place to ask questions about detoxing, vaccines, parenting, etc.
What began as a group of parents who came together to decrease their children’s toxic burden, became a group of friends learning together about healing options for their children.
It didn’t matter whether they needed a healing resource for:
• Lyme
• allergies
• autoimmune
• autism
• sensory processing disorder
• thyroid
• mitochondria disorder
• asthma
These families realized their children were not exactly alike, but the parents had so much in common: the diets, the issues, the treatments. Also the bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeast, and more. These families widened their perspective and re-grouped to discuss the “whole child” and healing.
More Groups To Check Out
Many of these are “Closed Groups”. You will need to ask to join and answer a few questions from the admin before being accepted.
(PS I cannot know if I agree with every tenet of each of these groups, so you need to do your due diligence).
If you are in need of help, hope, or ways to rid your child’s toxic load and reclaim their childhood, consider visiting :
The Nemechek Protocol Autism and Developmental Disorders Support Group
PANDAS -Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated w/ Strep
PANS, PANDAS and Methylation Parents Support
Autism Biomedical Treatments and Chelation for Kids
Rogue Recovery: An Open Discussion of ASD Protocols
Andy Cutler Chelation: Safe Mercury and Heavy Metal Detox (FB group)
Fight Autism and Win Yahoo Group
MS Parents Vaccine Discussion Group, (excellent)
Alabama Medical Freedom Alliance
Indiana Coalition For Vaccination Choice
Arizona Coalition for Vaccine Awareness
Californians for Vaccine Choice
California Coalition for Health Choice
Colorado Coalition for Vaccine Choice
Coalition for Vaccine-Free Hawaii
Delaware Vaccine Choice Coalition
See the rest of the states here.
Insights from Parents of Children with Autism
1,287 parents of autistic children in the Recovering Kids group were asked what could be done to stop the increasing numbers of children being diagnosed on the autism spectrum… currently one in every 40 children is affected.
Their answers are valuable insight to anyone who is terrified of the epidemic that is changing the face of a generation of children: The original video here was removed.
So I replaced it with Dr. Paul Thomas – a vitally important video! Just the first 12 minutes only. It could save you and your child an immense amount of pain and trouble
Andy Cutler Chelation For Heavy Metals
Parents of children facing developmental disorders and other medical challenges have learned that they can often stem from heavy metal toxicity.
Primarily exposure can come:
• in utero
• from the mother’s own heavy metal load
• from vaccines
• metals are abundant in the environment, too
Often, removing these metals we can help children’s bodies and brains to begin healing.
Andy Cutler chelation, is a low/frequent dose oral chelation method developed by Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, a chemist who found himself poisoned by his mercury amalgams.
Children have been safely treated with his protocol for many years. Autism and other serious health conditions are being helped. By removing metals, which are impairing the immune system, the body often begins to function properly and synergistic healing can begin.
I have not researched it thoroughly enough to give direction, but I do know that the reports I have heard by parents are very good, so it may be worth your time to investigate.
No one has all the answers, and every child is different. This approach may or may not be just right for your child or your family.
See more at Getting Started and read the real stories of recovering kids on their Facebook page.
Also investigate Avalyn’s Story using TRS here.
Pray, seek the Lord, read, research, and learn all you can. May the Lord guide you according to His will.
What is your story?
“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” ~Ps. 139:15-16
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine. Head over today and like, share and download a few episodes!
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Our oldest child always seemed a little different… I really became concerned at about 2 years. He had very few words, had extreme anxiety issues, among some other issues. Screaming, panicked meltdowns were regular occurences. Not because of * I want that toy now*, but more like *I’m terrified of all these people* or *everything here is so bright and loud*. It made going anywhere difficult- like the grocery store, friend’s houses, family gatherings, even church. I read and read and read online, but he just didn’t seem to exactly fit in any box. But I knew something wasn’t right.
We went on the GAPS diet for a little over a year (100% adherent) when he was 2, and kept going new places and trying new things, and slowly, he improved. Now he is 4, and we are on a WAPF-style, very low grain diet. He is doing so much better with new people and new situations. What would’ve caused shrieking-at-the-top-of-his-lungs, with his hands held over his eyes, now he is calm. His vocabulary is increasing, and he does better playing with other kids. He loves going new places. I no longer have to escort my screaming little guy out of social situations as people stare.
For the first time, a few weeks ago he walked up to me, hugged me and spontaneously said “I love you Mommy” and gave me a kiss. It was one of the sweetest moments of my life.
Thanks for sharing this post- I hadn’t heard of Recovering Kids and will have to check it out. I know there are more things we could do for him (for all of us really.) I would love to do genetic testing, among many other things I’d love to buy/do, but some things are just out of reach financially. So I keep doing the best I can and trust God with the rest.
Tricia Knights
Hi Jacqueline,
I’m Tricia with My Spectrum Heroes™. We provide high-quality nutritional support products for children with autism and ADHD that are formulated based on clinical trials and evidence-based research.
I hope you are both doing well.
I’m reaching out to you because our company is committed to improving the health, behavior, and neurocognitive function of children with autism and ADHD. Since Deep Roots at Home has a kid’s health section, we would like to extend our interest in forming a referral partnership.
Let me know your thoughts. I’m happy to answer any questions and hope we can start a conversation.
Tricia Knights
Affiliate & JV Partnerships Manager
E [email protected] | W
Hello, Tricia!
I looked at some of the ingredients. I was only able to find 2 of the products’ ingredients listed. I am afraid I will need to decline bc I saw “natural flavors” listed, and am not a fan of using them. I can’t find the other products’ list to read. The other reason is that I am having time management issues. I have not a minute left in my day, so that is also huge!
Thanks for thinking of me! ~J