We have been echo-chambered that COVID-19 has caused several hundred thousands of deaths in the U.S. and nearly 1.5 million worldwide.
That narrative has been challenged head-on by a Johns Hopkins University study published on Sunday, November 22. (see video with data below)
But wouldn’t you know it… the original article was deleted from the Johns Hopkin’s website soon afterwards!
According to the study’s author (assistant program director of the Applied Economics Master’s program at Johns Hopkins University), Genevieve Briand, “in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is NOT alarming. In fact, it has relatively NO effect on deaths in the United States.”
Can this be true? Well, yes, apparently so – when you know the facts that have been hidden!
Happily, the internet is forever and a back-up, archived copy of the John’s Hopkins Newsletter remains on The Wayback Machine for all to read.
After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph (top image) representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September, which includes the period from before COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to after infection rates soared.
Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed ESSENTIALLY THE SAME BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the worst of COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an INCREASE in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is NOT seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same throughout.
According to Briand, “The reason we have a higher number of REPORTED COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because EVERY DAY in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals (and they always have..).”
So, if COVID-19 has actually had no significant impact on U.S. deaths, why does it look so terrible and excessive?
Briand explained: “Every year in the U.S. when we observe the seasonal ups and downs, we have an increase of deaths due to ALL causes.”
When Briand looked at the 2020 data, COVID-19-related deaths EXCEEDED deaths from heart diseases. This was highly unusual since heart disease has ALWAYS prevailed as the leading cause of deaths. As Briand compared the number of deaths per cause during that period in 2020 to that of 2018, she found that instead of the expected drastic increase across all causes, there was a significant DECREASE in deaths due to heart disease. Even more surprising, this SUDDEN DECLINE in deaths is observed for all OTHER causes, as well.
The study found that “This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years.” In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes ALMOST EXACTLY EQUALS the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”
Briand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is MISLEADING and that DEATHS FROM OTHER DISEASES ARE BEING LISTED AS COVID-19 DEATHS.
Patients WHO NEVER TESTED POSITIVE FOR THE DISEASE had COVID-19 as their CAUSE OF DEATH on their death certificates.
And many who tested positive for Covid, were tested with a hit-or-miss process that has waaaay too many false positives! (source)
We should all call out the CDC like Jared Polis!
In May, Polis, the Democrat governor of Colorado, started pushing back against the official coronavirus death counts, saying even those of the CDC are inflated by including people who tested positive for the coronavirus BUT DIED OF OTHER CAUSES.
And a coroner In Colorado slams COVID-19 death data and says it’s inflated!
In July, a fatal motorcycle accident victim was listed as a COVID-19 death.
This is NOT uncommon! In fact, with some digging, you will see it is COMMON!
Johns Hopkins participated in academic censorship when they UNLISTED this video and punished Dr. Briand’s article with a Non-Logical Response.
IT WILL PLAY, just click “Watch on YouTube.” Below this video is the SAME video with only the graphs ↓
So, yeah! Covid-19 looks pretty terrible when many of the deaths for OTHER causes are CALLED COVID deaths!
No wonder many uninformed people are clamoring for a rushed, untested vaccine!
“Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” ~John Adams, in a letter to Abigail Adams, July 17, 1775
“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” ~3 John 1:2
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Thank you for being a voice of truth! God bless 😊
Thank you, Autumn! I just feel led to share these things for the sake of truth!
God bless you!
Sandy Weaver
The truth is not hard to find if you are looking for it. Thank you for posting this. I’m sure there will be some that still don’t want to know. Cognitive dissonance.
Yes, Sandy! I have thought a while ago that we don’t have to be a “researcher” to see this if we are just paying attention!
Blessings! ~J
I have a friend whose mother died right before Thanksgiving. Her husband had a “mild” case of covid-19 and they “think” she caught it from him. She was never tested nor did they do an autopsy. She was having a difficult time breathing and she keeled over and hit the floor and was dead. EMS worked over 30 minutes and was unable to revive her. My friend, says that even her doctor thinks she died of a massive heart attack. But the cause of death on her death certificate is covid-19.
This newsletter was retracted not for political reasons but because it was grossly inaccurate. Clearly the author, Dr. Briand, did not perform a decent literature review. If she had, she might have wondered how, when there are so many excess deaths this year in the US, her conclusion that, “Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers”, could possibly be true.
In the 2nd paragraph of Dr. Briand’s newsletter she states, “From mid-March to mid-September, U.S. total deaths have reached 1.7 million”, without mentioning that the corresponding total for 2019 was 1.43 million. That’s almost a 20% increase. Significant, don’t you think?
All the more surprising, then, that the author concludes, “Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary.”
They found no evidence; evidently because they didn’t look very hard. No wonder the newsletter was retracted!
Deaths from all causes so far this year have *already* reached almost 3 million, compared with about 2.85 million for the whole of last year. And that’s with two weeks left in the year, plus the weeks-long lag in data being reported to the CDC. Total deaths this year will likely reach about 3.2 million. Roughly a 12% increase.
Source: CDC
See for yourself. Download (export) the above spreadsheet and sum ‘All Cause’ deaths for 2020 and Jurisdiction = United States. As of now, the total is 2,999,326.
Note also the large increase in weekly deaths compared to 2019, beginning in week 13. For example, in week 15 (w/e 11th April), 78,998 Americans died this year vs. 55,636 last year. So much for Dr. Briand’s “Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers.”
Nick, I disagree with you! I think there are a lot of factors… especially considering that every day in the US just under 8,000 people die… that’s EVERY day.
The last year that full statistics have been published for is 2018. The average mortality rate was 7,708 per day, but it’s not evenly distributed. A higher proportion of people die during the winter months. Unfortunately the stats published by the CDC don’t provide the breakdown by time of year. But it is reasonable to assume that April is probably about average (not high like winter, nor low like summer). https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/deaths.htm
Two of the biggest factors in covid death numbers are how deaths are coded in hospitals (and that determines HOW MUCH they are paid for their services – covid earns them a LOT more $$$) and false positives, mentioned in the post incl the WHO screenshot in th post.
I was addressing Dr. Briand’s claim that, “Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers.” That’s just plain wrong.
Deaths have already exceeded 3 million, and if recent weekly deaths of around 60,000 continue, will reach about 3.2 million for the year. About 350,000 more than last year or the year before.
You can find weekly CDC stats at the link below. You need to download (export) the spreadsheet – or there’s a data visualizer, but I don’t find that very user friendly. The stats are provisional, but they’re the best we’ve got at the moment.
Data source: CDC
Nick, I’m sure you realize that the numbers for suicides are far higher than they had been, that overdoses with drugs like oxycontin, etc are far higher, that elderly in nursing homes are dying at far higher numbers than normal because of isolation and grief? Also people not getting the surgeries they need, etc. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/13/us/deaths-covid-other-causes.html
Thanks for your input!
You allege that Johns Hopkins participated in academic censorship?
First of all, Marie, I don’t appreciate trolls who decide to be obnoxious on my page. You were inflammatory and rude. Why allow that?
Secondly, those I communicate with open up and will feel more free to share personal health concerns that are inappropriate to discuss online.
The price options are readily available in all of my posts via links to my website, and it is very reasonable for what it does!
140 sprays can take someone through 140 days (4+ months) of serious detox. We don’t waste it!
I have one family who adopted 6 special needs children and could only afford to give them 1 spray each a day.
After ~2 years of use, these children are coming off the spectrum, able to hold eye contact, can process information,
do some math, read, stopped seizing, have normal stools or are passing parasites that have kept them pencil thin
(now gaining weight), sleep better and have much less behavior problems. The family now has more peace and learning can take place. Water could never do that!
Why should I tolerate a troll who irrationally questions the efficacy of something that is helping hundreds of families and risk turning someone off to something that they desperately need?
I would never recommend something that doesn’t work. As an RN, I have an excellent reputation and it would be ludicrous to destroy it by selling water in a bottle.
Think logically for a minute: why would a thriving business risk killing repeat orders. If TRS was junk, NO ONE would reorder! That would be a terrible business plan! But the reality is that many reorder because they see what it can do. You are practically saying that we are fooling a bunch of really stupid people and that they can’t think and discern for themselves!
Have you read the studies, have you read any of the thousands of stories by families where they are getting their regressed vaccine injured child back? Obviously not!
Go to the FB group, and you can read there for yourself! I am glad I blocked you.
Also, the FDA gives TRS the G.R.A.S. status which is the usual for natural products. There is also a LOT of time and transparency on the website as to the science and FAQs – you should avail yourself to have knowledge before you attack anything.
There’s more insight in the detailed FAQs section on my website: https://inspiredhealthtrs.cosevatrs.com/faq/ Also the “Science” video section in the menu bar at the top if you have questions on a more technical nature.
Finally, there is INDEPENDENT 3RD PARTY TESTING. Each batch of Advanced TRS is rigorously tested, both internally and with independent 3rd party laboratories, to ensure that the product’s particle sizes, shape, and overall composition are uniform and maximize bioavailability, safety, and efficacy.
Click “Advanced TRS” in the menu to see 2 independent 3rd party tests of the Advanced TRS product, which confirm definitively that its molecular makeup is that of 100% pure clinoptilolite and that it is completely free of any heavy metals or other contaminants. There is a COVALENT METROLOGY video which shows how testing is done, etc.
I have no time for belligerent people like you appear to be!
You can read more here and go through the link to see the price options if you are that interested: https://deeprootsathome.com/avalyns-story-how-trs-a-safe-heavy-metal-detox-can-help-you-and-your-child/
or https://deeprootsathome.com/surprise-trs-giveaway-4-true-detox-stories-from-real-people/
Marie, where did I say that? I kindly ask that you show me what you are talking about!
I strive to highlight things that people who are not researchers should be aware of like:
Serious Misconduct: Retraction of Major Lancet Hydroxychloroquine Study (https://deeprootsathome.com/serious-misconduct-retraction-of-major-lancet-hydroxychloroquine-study/)
Investigating Chronic Fatigue: The Story of Dr. Judy Mikovits (https://deeprootsathome.com/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-whats-behind-it-why-its-vital-you-know/)
Suppressed Studies: Vaccines Increase Brain Injuries, Chr. Disease in Kids (https://deeprootsathome.com/buried-evidence-rises-again-chronic-disease-immune-systems-injuries/)
None of these can be refuted… look at the supporting links!
However, there is lots of proof out there that there are studies hidden and facts obscured. Even past head editor of The New England Journal of Medicine Marcia Angell, MD admits it:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” —Marcia Angell, MD