CNBC headlines read “The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about.” We’re talking about medical errors, friends!
Realistically, what happens in hospitals today should be considered from all angles before you enter (thankfully, we have the best trauma care in the world!). This is the true story of a family that is filled with lessons for all of us. The names have been changed for privacy sake.
We must arm ourselves with knowledge, but not give way to fear, for fear can cripple our reason and how we respond to these emerging challenges.
[Please consider birthing centers or a home birth. See text from 4 studies from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists at the end that shows very good support for this. ~Jacqueline]
I’ve been hesitant to share my story, because It’s not over yet, and to be honest, I feel like I’m living in a nightmare that I’ll never wake up from..
As you may know, I went into the hospital on June 29th for preterm labor, they stopped the labor, tested me for covid with the rapid quick test (negative), and sent me home the next afternoon. I go home, and everything is fine, I carry on with my everyday life like normal.
At 2:30 am, July 11th, I woke up in bed, in excruciating pain, and went straight to the hospital. They came in and told me my placenta was detaching, and they wanted to do a C-section right then, they also said they needed to do another Rapid Covid test— even tho I was negative on the 29th. 40 minutes later they come to take me back to the OR and say “it happens btw, you’re covid positive,”
Sooo here I am, in complete shock, going into surgery that I’m already terrified of, super confused how in the hell i’m “covid positive.”
They do the surgery, Eliana was born first, and Ariana 3 minutes later.
I never saw them. They would not hold them up so I could look at them not even for a second.
They took them away, and transferred them to ———– Children’s.
After my surgery, I was told that the rapid covid tests are not accurate and throw a lot of false positives.
They suggested I take the confirmation test to prove I don’t have covid and said as soon as those results were negative, I could see my babies. If I refused the confirmation test, I would not be allowed to see my babies at all!!!… I take the test.
The next morning, my nurse comes in to tell me the confirmation test was positive as well, so now I have two positive covid tests.
Now they have to test my babies for covid, TWICE…..two days in a row….it just so happens both of my babies are negative.
I am not sick, I have no fever, no body aches, I feel great…..NEVER HAD ANY SYMPTOMS.
Today is July 16th…my babies were born on the 11th, and their dad and I still have NOT seen them. Even with a negative test, their dad is not allowed to see them until he has a second negative test on July 20th, and then they’ll discuss allowing us to see our babies. MAYBE on July 22nd.
My babies are PERFECTLY fine. I literally watch my babies from a live stream to my phone… with no idea when I’ll ever see them. They are so healthy and strong and perfect. They need help eating at the moment, because they’re still a little small but that’s it. They do not need to be there!
So here we are sitting in our home, feeling perfectly normal and healthy, being told were not allowed to see our babies.
Idk what your thoughts are on covid, I don’t even know what my thoughts are anymore, but please believe when it comes to this crap, it happens! We have absolutely NO rights and NOO say over ourselves or our children. Obviously, I would never want to jeopardize their health but I feel fine, how am I even positive?!
I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy!
My entire house is quarantined to separate bedrooms, were living off of Instacart and pictures of the twins, just trying to get by.
I am just trying to stay sane and not fall into some deep depression while being locked in my home not allowed to see my own children with no date as to when I ever will.
I felt led to share this not-so-uncommon story so NO ONE walks into this unaware, as hard as this is to hear.
I will say again, that knowledge is power! Do your research. There have been so many asking, I’m working on a post on home birth, so stay tuned.
Is this increased covid testing an attempt to make the covid case numbers seem higher than they really are? It seems so. It’s all in the way that they are CALCULATED:
1:00 minute!
“Considering childbirth, most people have to overcome two different misconceptions— that is, two fairly recent ideas— which are just plain wrong. First is that childbirth is a major physiological crisis requiring a great deal of medical intervention. This is just not true. Childbirth is a perfectly natural phenomenon; a normal, complex, but not complicated process which does not involve a state of illness. The second wrong idea most people hold is that it is better, safer, easier, and calmer to have a baby in a hospital —this is also untrue. It might be harder than you think to validate this position even though the system makes positive and authoritative statements about the benefits of hospital birth, they have very little to support their claims.” ~Carol Balizet, Born in Zion
So, what do the Studies say about Home Birth/Birthing Center Safety Outcomes?
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists study states, “Women planning a home birth may do so, often out of a desire to avoid medical interventions and the hospital atmosphere [1].
Recent studies have found that when compared with planned hospital births, planned home births are associated with fewer maternal interventions, including labor induction or augmentation, regional analgesia, electronic fetal heart rate monitoring, episiotomy, operative vaginal delivery, and cesarean delivery. (see Table 1)
Planned home births also are associated with fewer vaginal, perineal, and third-degree or fourth-degree lacerations and less maternal infectious morbidity. [2][3][4][5] These observations may reflect fewer obstetric risk factors among women planning home births compared with those planning hospital births. (Source)
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~Isaiah 41:10
Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine, and I just gave my testimony of past abortion. We are doing this on a trial period to see if this interests our audience. So head over today and like, share and download a few episodes!
I am only on FB now by the grace of God, but the algorithms are set to make it hard for me to be seen there… So if you want to stay connected, here is one way…
You can also find me on Instagram, Truth Social (a new free-speech conservative channel), MeWe and Telegram.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Please notify me of the coming post on home birth. I can’t seem to locate an author’s name or where her blog is… Heartbroken by this story and at the same time not surprised. It is my fear, going into this second half of my pregnancy with the current COVID climate. I was concerned something like this would happen….now I feel justified in having this concern, but it doesn’t clarify anything for me. We can not afford a midwife… What do I do? I’ve delivered two already. Do I risk going it alone at home? I would probably be fine… Baby would probably be fine… In the hospital, which I already dislike and NEVER let baby out of my sight for fear of baby getting vaccines I don’t give permission for, would baby and I be safer? If they keep us apart for weeks because of a false positive (possible) test, who knows what could happen in that time. That’s not something I’m willing to risk. So many things….
Alainya, I will email you now!
Warm hugs! ~J
Alainya Falk
Baby girl was born safe and healthy AT HOME on December 1. So sad to see that mamas are still struggling in the hospital to have their babies protected and released.
Kimberly in NC
Alainya, have you asked about a payment plan with a midwife? Our two younger sons (now 10 and 8) were born at home with a midwife because our insurance had gotten so unreasonable that it was cheaper to birth at home with her than in a hospital with what we’d have to pay before insurance kicked in! We made payments to her before the birth and we were so happy with how it all went. At that time, she worked in VA, NC and SC and I think she charged about $2300 back then. God’s hand was all over this as we learned so much thru our awesome midwife about the dangers of vaccines and she started me on a more natural way of looking at my family’s health. Praying safety for you and your baby! God bless!
Kimberly in NC, I will reach out to Alainya and tell her of your thoughtful comment and direct her back here. Otherwise she may not see it! Thank you for caring for her and for praying, too!
PS. We are in communication on email <3
Alainya Falk
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers
Kristin H.
Thank you for sharing your story. It’s so so terrible and we’re praying for you, your family,and your babies!
Can you test everyday just in case you “had” it for awhile before you were tested so you might be negative and able to get the babies back sooner?
Kristin, I am not sure you read the story in its entirety, but it is a family I know! No, they do NOT want to take the test, bc we know that most of these test are coming back false positives. That is why the numbers reported in the media are not accurate and causing such panic! I would read it and listen to the 1 minute video for more details!
I hope that helps, Jacqueline
Crystal Thompson
Hi Jacqueline,
I normally love your posts but I feel like this is a TERRIBLE time to title a blog post in such a fear inducing way. It’s absolutely terrible what is happening here, but as I commented elsewhere, I would love to see some actual proactive research done concerning this topic. What CAN we do? Because WE DO have control over our families. We ARE NOT just helpless to allow this to happen to us! So many women , pregnant women, including me read your articles and trust you to bring sound advice. This article does not do that. What solutions do you suggest other than be very afraid and birth at home? My husband does NOT feel safe birthing at home so my plan is to stay peaceful, educate myself on the different hospital policies, speak with an attorney and most likely have documents in hand when it’s time to go in to deliver, outlining the law, and my wishes and rights. Possibly working with a doula who understands these things as well in case an emergency arises and my husband is fearful and vulnerable. How about writing the attorney general with specific inquiries and being armed with his response as well. Being proactive is my plan. Confidence comes from preparedness. Help us be prepared not scared.
All my love, Crystal Thompson
Crystal, did you read the post to the end? I give solid research saying why we should NOT be afraid of home birth or birthing center alternatives (not saying that is what you should do since your husband is not on board). It is a MAIN plan and what I would advise to those who are open to it!
I also state that there is a post coming on home birth/birthing center delivery and why it is best anyway!!
I am not equipped to write on legal things, but there will be some suggestions (as you mentioned) in your comment here; blogging is not all I do. I also have other things that our family needs of me.
I ask the Lord about everything I write on and whether it is helpful or not. I believe that to get the attention of people who do NOT usually think of these things, it is a wake up call. And it IS happening A LOT. I am not of the mind to pass over things to alert and give foreknowledge when it is warranted.
I am sorry it hit you wrong. If you would be willing to take on the task of writing on what you are doing and I can edit it and we post it, that would be really good, but I am only human and have 1000 things that are on my plate as I write the blog, coach and care for hundreds of families using TRS for deep health concerns, our farm, preparing for what may be coming, and our own children, grandchildren, and my moms I mentor.
God bless you! I am praying for you and everyone who finds ourselves in this big mess and especially those who don’t yet know the Lord Jesus!
I trust the Lord will show us the way -He IS able- and He can handle our fears as we seek Him!
Love, Jacqueline
Hi Jackie,
I 100% agree with you that birth center/homebirth are the best options. But for many, many women it’s not a possibility. I’m not afraid for myself, I’m nearly 40, on my 5th pregnancy, closer to God than I’ve ever been and I know His will, I also will research, ask questions and advocate myself. Who I’m concerned about are the younger , or less mature/experienced mothers. They need loving support and yes, compassionate “alerts”, but never doom and gloom. You asked what we wanted from a mentor right? Well I would say keep up all the wonderful things you are doing, it’s always been helpful. The title and spirit of this ONE just isn’t. Testimonials are great knowledge given in the spirit not of fear, but of love and encouragement. To build up. I’m not a blogger but I will consider writing my experiences down in order to empower, encourage and arm women and families in this time of fear and anxiety. Many in the church are struggling in their faith right now, they need us right now.
Thank you for the prayer! Bless your family.
Crystal, I would LOVE it if you could help out! I am maxed out and just have nO ability to do more. Family and grands coming in less than 6 hours for 2 weeks!!
Thank you for taking the time to invest in encouraging me in the way! Big hugs!
Ok so here is my question. I have had two c-sections and hope to have more children. I am not sure a doctor would be willing or if it would be safe in my case to attempt a vbac this time. I would most likely be required to be in a hospital I assume for a c section. Do you have recommendations for my case other than to not have anymore kids
Hi, Krista! It is such a personal thing and I feel inadequate to advise. If my daughter asked me, I would pray with her and encourage her to seek the Lord for that answer. If you have a VERY good doctor maybe, but I also believe a woman seeking the wisdom of the Lord will consider the situation and avoid a potentially VERY difficult scenario. Our daughter used the Daisey (a compter to keep track of ovulation and when to and when not to be with your husband) so she could know when she was fertile. They waited over a year to conceive, and it was right for their situation. Our grand daughter came in january befire all this chaos happened. I’m praying for you! The Lord will guide you perfectly! Peace ~J
Krista, I just had a good friend who vbac’d after 2 c-sections with zero problems. This baby was her 4th (so it was 1st born natural,2 and 3 c sections and 4 natural). But she had to look around hard for a doc who was supportive and allowed her to move forward with the decision. He was a Catholic doc. Even if you aren’t Catholic, you may have better luck finding a physician who is willing to work with you who comes from a Christian worldview over a secular. My friends previous docs were even suggesting abortions rather than natural births—and baby 4 was born with ZERO issues and is as healthy and happy as a clam! Goes to show just how different views can be from doc to doc.
This is so so awful to hear! I had my baby earlier this year at home before this covid mess hit. I ended up with high blood pressure post partum so had to go to the hospital three days after the birth. The hospital was fantastic and let me keep my baby with me at all times as long as another adult was present. My advice for pregnant moms is to plan a Homebirth or birth center birth and get a doula. Don’t you think you can get by without a doula!! They are just so helpful in so many ways. We discussed which hospital we wanted if we had to transfer and we chose the Catholic hospital. That is another piece of advice. If you have to go to a hospital go to a Catholic hospital.
Yes!! Sahmpaw, I agree with all of what you said! There is likely to be more empathy and concern (respect for life) at a Catholic hospital! Go faith-based if possible near you!
I’m praying you are doing well now and on the mend!
I am, praise God, all better in terms of blood pressure. I do have some lingering tailbone pain, but my baby is healthy and I’m healthy. Thank the Lord. You are an angel for sharing this information with mamas so they can be prepared. I really do not get the logic of removing the baby from the mother after birth. How traumatic for both of them!! And not a good thing to be worried about before going into labor. 🙁
Can you point me anywhere, or to someone, who has information as to LEGALLY what parents can when in the hospital for the birth of their baby? My SIL is due in a month. She is having a scheduled C section and has already been told if she tests positive and shows any symptons at all, the baby will be taken from her. We are in Mid-MO. I have had home births but I know she simply isn’t in a place mentally to even consider this option this late in the game. My brother is insisting that if they fight hard enough they will win over the hospitals ridiculous demands, but I’m not so sure. Is there anyway they can legally equip themselves? Even so far as an attorney prior to birth? They are open to any options. They aren’t going to go down easy with this!
Tell them to speak to an attorney ASAP! They need to have legal forms drafted to TAKE WITH THEM! Be proactive, dont wait until the baby is taken, it could take forever by then. The hospital is serious if they said that! They need to know their rights, let the hospital KNOW they know their rights and that they HAVE secured legal counsel that will show up if need be!
This is my plan, and my hospital doesn’t even have this policy…yet. I’m due in November.
Crystal, you know so much more about this than I do! Thank you for responding to Justina with this advice! I would be so grateful if you would write a post about what to do in regards to the legal things that should be in place for a hospital birth today!
I am praying the Lord will help you! ~J
You’ve got some great ladies following you on this journey Jacqueline! This bit of the internet is such a blessing to me!
Crystal, thanks So so much for this! I am meeting them for dinner this evening. I will relay this message.
I am, praise God, all better in terms of blood pressure. I do have some lingering tailbone pain, but my baby is healthy and I’m healthy. Thank the Lord. You are an angel for sharing this information with mamas so they can be prepared. I really do not get the logic of removing the baby from the mother after birth. How traumatic for both of them!! And not a good thing to be worried about before going into labor. 🙁
Alainya Falk
My first baby dislocated my sacrum. I thought (and doctors told me) I’d broken my tailbone. Three months of pain and then the chiropractor adjusted it back in. Pain gone. Might be worth a try!
Hang in there with the tailbone pain! I had the same and it lingered for 2 years. Amazingly, after having baby 2 it basically disappeared. (Maybe babe knocked ‘er back in place, haha!) I only have issues now if I have to sit for long car rides and then only very mild.
Justina, I’m so glad to hear that is was corrected (somehow)! It is often the case, especially with tailbones! 😀
Our baby boy was born this year too and I even though I tested negative we still dealt with feeling that as long as we were at the hospital the care of our child was out of our hands. My baby was Coombs positive and had to go under the lights for jaundice. Of course I wanted to do what was best for my baby, but we felt like we were never able to get a clear answer about his status and they would string us along every day saying that they would send us home that day only to come in at the last minute and announce that his numbers weren’t where they wanted them to be. We have two other kids at home, who weren’t allowed to come to the hospital so the emotional stress from not being able to see them and constantly fighting to find out what exactly was going on with my new born was enormous. The thing that was the most unnerving to my husband and I, was that the doctors would come in with the guise of asking for permission, but really they were going to do what they wanted to do regardless of what we said… they literally told us, “We will not allow you to take him home”.
Amanda, that makes me so upset to hear! This should never happen. You are the consumer, after all!
Many doctors have learned to be bullies in the current medical school climate!
I have seen it many times.
Be aware that many (not all) pediatricians are not working in you or your baby’s best interests. Find out why:
I am sorry that you had that happen to you and decided to share that to help more families become aware of the real challenges to their parental rights that can, and often do, happen!
God bless you and your family!
Thank you! I don’t pretend to know as much as people who have studied medicine and are practicing it, but you’re right, it’s so important to do your own research on who is treating you and your kids! Feeling as though you are listened to is huge and I think that there usually is more than one way to treat most medical issues. I respect a doctor so much who is able to give me options and is willing to put me in the drivers seat for my own and my family’s health! God bless you and your family as well!
Alainya Falk
My newest one, born December 1, has jaundice. My midwife says use activated charcoal once to twice a day. So I’m mixing it with breast milk and dropper feeding it to her daily. The stuff seems to be good for everything.
You can also give a baby Chelidonium 6X, twice daily. See below blog post.
I have used it for my own liver pain and elevated liver enzymes with excellent results.
If we have another baby I think we would both be on board with a home birth. We used a midwife in a birth center this time and the birth process was so much more relaxing. Just can’t stand how much all the nurses and pediatricians freak out over everything! Our little guy is doing great now, and I’m so glad to hear your little one is doing well too! I would have much rather done that than had him stuck under those lights for days!
VBAC is very safe and a low intervention birth at home is actually the best way to have a successful VBAC. Homebirth midwives know how to help you have an intervention free birth, including VBAC. Don’t listen to the scare tactics. In my 2 midwife assisted homebirths I became supremely confident that my midwife would advise me early and well if hospital intervention became necessary. She also told me that most hospital transfers are very calm and done long before anything is needed. The true “sudden emergency” is rare. (Of course I am in a low reg state so midwives here do not fear hospital transfer like they do in some states) And trust in the Lord, I echo that, He holds you in HIS hands.
Melissa, YES! I totally agree and love that you know this and are encouraging others!
Jane Marek
So horrible. I feel like covid has been weaponized to destroy the home, by stealing babies from their families. There was a another story from last year where a mother had her baby taken from her and it was a fight to get him back. I might have shared it on my MeWe profile.
That being said, I’m definitely all for home births. I had my second at home (and he is perfectly healthy and a strapping young boy), and planning to have my third at home as well (currently 10 wks). Yes ladies! If you are expecting, please look into having the baby at home or a birthing center. Best choice you can possibly make. 🙂
Thank you, Jane, for sharing your thoughts and encouragement here! God bless you, your new baby, and your family!