Apis 6c or 200
The #1 remedy to think of for bee stings, insect bites, and hives. Indicated for any swelling with edema due to an allergic reaction. It is also a useful remedy for any type of acute inflammation that is characterized by stinging and burning, redness and swelling – such as sore throats, hives, conjunctivitis, and styes.
Arnica (Arn.) 30 or 200 or 1M
When it comes to injuries, Arnica is unbelievably useful. I cannot say enough good things about this world-renowned remedy. After any type of injury, whether it be a broken arm, puncture wound, deep bruise or fall, or post-op, give one dose of Arnica first, wait 15-30 minutes, then give another first aid remedy if indicated. “It will reduce bruising, swelling, pain and promote rapid healing. Use the potency 200C or 1M. Arnica can be repeated once a day for some days, as necessary. If the injury is really severe, Arnica 1M can be repeated a number of times every 15 minutes or so. Use your judgment. I recall the case of an oil rig worker who had fallen from a height of 10 meters a decade before he came for treatment. He had been suffering from debilitating physical pain ever since the injury. After taking Arnica 10M every day for a month he experienced great relief. Injuries remain in your body for the rest of your life, better to alleviate them with Arnica, before you have to use crutches.” (source)
Arsenicum Album (Ars.) 6c, 30, or 200
The #1 remedy for food poisoning (incl. seafood) and diarrhea—use 30 or 200. Use 6c for itching of the skin of any kind. Also specific for seasonal allergies with sneezing. Also 6c is indicated for digestive complaints of acidity or reflux. A great remedy for restlessness of the mind and anxiety. A general remedy for sepsis, putrid processes and infected wounds. (source)
Belladonna (Bell.) 30 or 200
This remedy is useful at the beginning of many acute illnesses, such as fevers, headaches, influenza, earaches, teething problems, swollen glands, and sore throats/tonsillitis.
This remedy is needed if the illness has a sudden, intense onset. The affected part will be red, hot, and the pain is throbbing. The person may also be uncharacteristically agitated.
Bryonia (Bry.) 30
One of the main remedies for strains, sprains, and injuries to the ligaments or tendons. With this remedy, the pain is always worsened by motion. It is also useful for a number of acute illnesses, where the person is worse by any kind of movement. Coughs that respond to Bryonia are dry and so painful that the person may have to put their hand to their chest every time they cough. The fevers of Bryonia come on slowly and the person is very thirsty for water. The headaches of Bryonia are worse from any type of motion.
Calendula Cream (Calen.)
Apply this cream topically to speed the healing of cuts and abrasions. This cream will also soothe burns, eczema, psoriasis and other skin complaints.
Cantharis (Canth.) 200
The #1 remedy for bladder infections. For bladder infections where there is burning with an intolerable urge to urinate, but the person is only able to pass a few drops of urine at a time.
This remedy can also be used for burns, when there is violent burning pain and blisters.
Chamomilla 200
The #1 remedy for teething. Chamomilla is a very common children’s remedy, but it can also be useful for adults. This remedy can be used for many types of painful conditions including teething, fevers, diarrhea, colic, and earaches. People needing Chamomilla are usually very irritable because they are in a lot of pain. They are highly sensitive to the pain and can be angry, quarrelsome or snappish.
ColdCalm and ColdCalm Kids and ColdCalm Baby (a dynamite combination of 9 remedies in a single meltaway tablet). This Boiron prepared remedy targets specific cold symptoms at all stages of the common cold. These non-drowsy, meltaway tablets are easy to take at the first sign to relieve sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and minor sore throat pain.
Hypericum (Hyper.) 200
The #1 remedy for nerve pain. People needing this remedy often have injuries caused by a puncture wound, causing shooting pain. For puncture wounds without shooting pain, use Ledum. This remedy is also useful for nerve pain after dental work. For injuries to the tips of fingers and toes or the base of spine, also think of Hypericum.
Ignatia 200
A remedy for grief or suppressed grief. Nobody should do without this remedy in their homeopathic starter kit. For emotional upsets, homesickness, depression, pet or family loss, worry, insomnia, or rejection.
Ledum (Led.) 30, 200
The #1 first aid remedy for animal bites and puncture wounds. This remedy prevents infection. If your child is running around the beach or park barefoot and steps on glass or a rusty nail that pierces the skin, think of Ledum. To go deeper: Tetanus and Homeopathy: Learn about Ledum and Hypericum. If the wound looks serious, you can administer this remedy on your way to the hospital. Common sense is, obviously, your best defense. It is also useful to prevent infection after an animal bite. Ledum works best in the 30C potency. It can be given every 15 to 30 minutes in three doses, then can be given three times a day until the danger of infection has passed. If an infection develops that quickly gets worse or does not respond to this treatment, visit emergency. If the infection has progressed and there is shooting pain, use Hypericum 200. It is also a useful remedy for insect stings and bites when the wound is cold to the touch, unlike Apis where the wound is very hot.
Nux Vomica (Nux-v.) 30
#1 remedy for hangovers or digestive problems after overindulging in food or drink. It is also a useful remedy for nausea during pregnancy.
Pulsatilla (Puls.) 30
A very common remedy for acute complaints, especially for women and children. It is good for a variety of complaints including earaches, eye complaints, colds, flus, fevers, and digestive complaints. People needing Pulsatilla tend to be weepy and emotional, and may crave sympathy and attention. They are better in the open air, worse in a hot environment, and have little thirst.
Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus-t.) 30
#1 remedy for strains and sprains of muscles and tendons. And whiplash. Rhus tox injuries are worse when first beginning to move, then the pain is much improved from continued motion and worse when keeping still. This remedy is also useful for respiratory complaints that are worse from cold and damp. People needing this remedy are restless and find it hard to keep still.
It is also a useful remedy for poison ivy or poison oak, hives and itching skin eruptions in the form of blisters that are red, inflamed, and ooze pus or fluid.
Ruta (Ruta) 200
#1 remedy for injuries to the cartilages, tendons, outer covering of bones and ligaments. This first aid remedy has a special affinity for strains or sprains to the knees, elbows, and wrists. Ruta is also useful for eye strain due to over-use on computer or blue spectrum lights.
Silicea (Sil.)(cell salt #12) 6x
In cases where a foreign body or pus is lodged inside, Silicea helps to expel it and then promotes healing. Splinters, boils, carbuncles, pimples, acne vulgaris, psoriasis, herpetic eruptions, ingrown toenails or splitting nails are some of the conditions that come under the beautiful scope of Silicea. Silicea is extremely valuable in all cases where there are severe side-effects to vaccination. (source)
Dosage for Acute Care
Dissolve 2-3 pellets of the remedy in the mouth. Take pellets (without handling – pop them from cap into mouth), half an hour away from food or drink. Give every half hour for three doses. If the problem does not improve at all, you have probably selected the wrong remedy. If the problem improves but still persists, continue giving the remedy 3 times per day for a few more days until recovery is complete.
The following guidelines apply to home-prescribing for simple, self-limiting complaints. (source)
- Low Potencies: 6C and below
- Medium Potencies: 30C and 200C
- High Potencies: 1M and above
Lower potencies such as 6C cover a wide range of symptoms, so are ideal if you are not certain that you have chosen the best remedy for your symptoms.
Higher potencies need to match symptoms more precisely if a curative response is to be triggered. As a general rule, the higher the potency, the longer the effect. A 6C potency may need to be repeated every 1 – 2 hours for a brief period before symptoms improve while a 1M potency may only have to be given once. (source)
There are more homeopathic first-aid remedies, but these are the basic ones that everyone should have in their first-aid kit. Carry these remedies with you to the great outdoors, and you can play and enjoy your outings worry-free. For more chronic conditions, you may want to consult a homeopath.
All of these remedies are created gifts from the hand of God.
“God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” ~Genesis 1:31
“O Lord, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; The earth is full of Your possessions.” ~Psalm 104:24
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Wonderful list. I will start adding them to my first aid arsenal, thanks so much!
Please, fast and pray as the source of power behind homeopathy.
The magicians of Egypt had power that worked. Witchcraft works. That doesn’t prove the power is of the Creator.
I am NOT saying allopathy medicine is all from the Creator.
I am not saying herbs and natural remedies are wrong. I AM saying I believe homeopathic meds ARE witchcraft, power from the enemy source.
If this angers you or makes you defensive, consider the source of those bad feelings.
Seek the Father with much diligence. You are influencing many many homes with your advice.
This is a weighty responsibility.
If you are teaching them to sin against the power of the Almighty, you will be held accountable.
Look in his word for what he says to do for healing…..
I say all this in love, for your soul and for the purity of His kingdom!!
He deserves our pure obedience and worship!
These are serious things. I praise the Lord for delivering our family from those dark forces that many have come under by using witchcraft.
Bless you!
I think you desire truth and righteous and that’s why I send this.
It’s so sad that anyone would believe that what God has put in nature for us to use would be evil. Big pharma hurts more people than it helps. Look in the scripture to see that pharmacy will be used in the last days to deceive people. It’s already happening. I pray your eyes will be opened to truth, Rhen.
Hi, Rhen,
I look at homeopathy from a medical standpoint. I associate nothing in it with witchcraft or sorcery like I DO with the chemical, synthetic drugs (pharmakiea) of today which are killing people right and left or making their quality of life far worse. In this post is a video on the studies that show their efficacy and how they work. There is nothing about them that is really mystical. I would challenge you to continue to seek the Lord and pray about it after you watch it. https://deeprootsathome.com/homeopathy-for-my-family-colic-bladder-infection-grief-more/
I believe if it was of the world, the world would embrace it. Instead the modern medical world hates it and does everything it can to make it look quack, despite the fact that it works wonderfully for children who can’t possibly have a placebo reaction.
Anyway, I respect that we can have different opinions and that we can agree to disagree. This doesn’t make me feel defensive in the least, or angry.
God has given us his gift of plants, minerals, and animals for out our use, and I praise Him for them and what they can do to help his children! His ways are higher than our and we cannot understand all he has done in the invisible world – which is quite a lot!
Thanks for hearing my heart.
Sending peace and grace,