I didn’t know Laryngo-pharyngeal Reflux (Silent Acid Reflux) is mostly caused by an enzyme called pepsin. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach.
Silent acid reflux is when pepsin backs up into your throat (pharynx), voice box (larynx), and even ears.
The thing with pepsin is that is once it enters the throat, nose it tries to digest the throat cells as it would any protein and this is what leads to symptoms in the first place.
For many people that suffer with this, LPR may be silent because it happens at night during sleep without waking them.
Signs of LPR may include:
• Voice changes (a hoarse or raspy voice)
• Problems swallowing or choking
• Chronic cough, throat clearing
• A feeling of “something in my throat”
• Extra throat mucus or postnasal drip
• Bad or bitter taste in your mouth
• Heartburn or indigestion
Silent acid reflux (LPR) is similar to Gastro-esophageal Reflux (GERD), but it is not the same condition. With GERD, heartburn is very common. With LPR, you may or may not have heartburn. (source)
*For the FULL PROTOCOL (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
You May Not Really Have Asthma – It May Be Silent Acid Reflux!
Shortness of breath and the inability to take a deep breath (common asthma symptoms) are often caused by acid reflux.
In her New York practice, most of Dr. Jamie Koufman’s patients with a diagnosis of “asthma” didn’t really have it, and their asthma treatments did nothing for them. These patients had “pseudo-asthma”. Koufman estimates we spend $65 BILLION a year in the US treating reflux-caused pseudo-asthma.
Proton Pump Inhibitors Should Have Black-box Warnings
When you have acid reflux symptoms, the first thing your doctor will likely prescribe you is PPIs (proton pump inhibitors).
There have been numerous petitions for a black box warning for Nexium, Prilosec, etc. due to increased risk of bone fractures, kidney disease, and magnesium deficiency leading to heart problems. And if you try to “get off” the PPIs, your will most likely get severe ‘acid rebound’ that can force users to become dependent on them, so you are WORSE off than when you started. (source)(source)
But there is a far safer and more effective way to address the issue.
Alkaline Water To the Rescue
If you have acid reflux of any kind, alkaline water (with high enough pH) is a great help because it neutralizes ‘bad guy’ pepsin.
You may also use alkaline water to rule out whether you really have asthma or silent reflux instead.
Dr. Jamie Koufman discusses the basics of alkaline water and acid reflux.
Alkaline is the opposite of acid. Alkaline is sometimes also called “basic.” The way we measure acid is by the pH scale. pH 7 is neutral, neither acidic nor alkaline.
Acids are below pH 7 (the lower the number, the more acidic), and bases are above pH 7 (the higher the number, the more alkaline).
A pH of 2 is ten times more acidic than pH 3 and a pH of 2 is 100 times more acidic than pH 4. So these numbers are pretty significant.
The commonly available alkaline waters that have the most benefit for refluxers have pH values of 8.0-10.5.
A reader’s functional medicine doc gave the following recipe to her for her acid reflux – which it quickly cured! (This is an excellent example of how a functional med doc will usually help you without drugs!)
Recipe to Make Alkaline Water:
(if this is too small, see the print below)
Homemade Alkaline Water
1. Pour a half-gallon of the distilled or filtered water into the gallon jug with a lid.
2. Add 1 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp. sea salt (optional: 1 tsp. coral calcium powder) to the container.
3. Add the juice of 1 lemon. (Since all lemons aren’t the same, to stay on the side of caution, I assume that one lemon contains 2 tablespoons juice.)
4. Secure the container lid and shake vigorously.
5. Add another half-gallon of distilled water or filtered water to the container.
6. Close the container tightly and give it a good few shakes to mix all the water.
7. Refrigerate.
8. Sip 16-32 ounces or more of water from morning till bedtime.
NOTE: Using the pH strips, test the mixture. Ideally, you will have a pH level of 8 or 9. If that is not the case, add another ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to the mix and test again. Keep adding the baking soda in small quantities until the proper pH is reached. Be sure to note how much you used for the next batch of alkaline water you make.
Occasionally, you will hear someone say that “eating lemons will make you acidic”, but once IN the body lemons alkalinize you as I discuss in this post.
Silent Acid Reflux Diet Overview:
Michael Ruscio, functional medicine doctor, has a good site to determine and optimize your ideal LPR diet. Here’s a quick overview.
Eliminate common LPR triggers:
• Acidic foods
• Spicy foods
• Alcohol
• Oily foods
Find your ideal LPR diet:
• Start with a low-acid Paleo diet
If symptoms do not improve, consider:
Modify dietary habits:
• Avoid lying down after eating
• Stop eating 2-3 hours before bedtime
• Eat slowly and in moderation
Add supplements as needed:
• Probiotics with bifidobacterium to support a healthy gut and digestive system
• TRS zeolites detox heavy metals, chemicals and toxins. TRS is known to lessen, then eliminate, acid reflux. The whole body functions much better when it’s no longer inflamed by toxins.
• Fulvic acid (also known as “mineral pitch” or “shilajit”) boosts immunity in situations that suppress Th1 cytokines, such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and cancer: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23750745/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3215318/
• Melatonin, l-tryptophan, prokinetic herbs (such as ginger) to reduce stomach acid
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.Top Posts Some DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE:
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Thank you!! I was wondering how to make water alkaline. I appreciate your work!!
Lisa, I am thankful to be able to do this! Crazy thing is – the more I know, the more I realize I DON’T know! hehe
Blessings to you,
Thank you so much!! Big money saver to do this ourselves! My daughter and I are going to try this. Drinking alkaline water has become quite a fad; and obviously it would help if you have LPR and probably other specific conditions too. But Dr. Mercola has advised against drinking it in general. I don’t remember why; maybe interfering with digestion, etc? Do you agree with that?
Julie, yes, this is only until one gets the LPR under control. We need adequate HCl acid levels so, obviously, this is not for general intake if there is no active LPR.
Good clarification.
Thank you. I don’t know if you realize what a blessing it is to all of us not only to have the great information from your articles but also to be able to communicate with you directly. That’s very, very special!
Julie, thank you for that encouragement! God is so good! Let’s keep our eyes on the Son!
I don’t think it’s any coincidence that I have found this post. My mother has been suffering with most of the symptoms of this LPR for many years. I would like to start her on this alkaline water and help her heal from this. However, she is not able to eat any citrus fruit, so lemon is not an option for her. What can we do to make this water for her without lemon?
God bless you Jacqueline and may He watch over you and protect you.
Teri, I just duck-duck-go’d ‘subs for lemon juice’ and this is what I found. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/lemon-juice-substitute
I actually thought of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as a substitute, and the fact that Vit C ascorbic acid is considered in this recipe, tells me I am on the right track.
Could she try ascorbic acid (which is from non-GMO corn) and start with 1 TBSP in the gallon? if that works, she could move up to the 2 TBSP indicated.
Note: she may feel she can’t use citrus because she has reflux, but it is actually part of the prescription to fix the reflux. It is a very small amount at 2 TBSP per gallon. Unless she has an allergy to it, she may experiment and start with even just a teaspoon and work up.
I am praying for you as you try to get her relief!
Sending peace,
Should all the water that you drink be alkaline? It says 16-32oz.
Hi, Jon,
I would not advise using alkaline water all the time unless you buy natural spring water. This recipe for alkaline water is specifically for silent reflux, so when the reflux is addressed I would go back to the cleanest, freshest water you can get. Watch this short video by Dr. Berg to explain why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovCJ0RE2sok
I hope this helps! ~Jacque