SALEM, Mass. July, 2016—It’s a hot summer night, and leaders of the Satanic Temple have gathered in the crimson-walled living room of a Victorian manse in this city renowned for its witch trials in the 17th century. They’re watching a creepy sepia-toned video, in which children dance around a maypole, a spider crawls across a clown’s face and eerie, ambient chanting gives way to a backward, demonic voice-over. The group chuckles with approval. (Washington Post source)
They plot to bring their wisdom to the nation’s public elementary school children. They point out that Christian evangelical groups have already infiltrated the lives of America’s children through after-school ‘religious’ (Good News Clubs) in public schools, and they appear determined to give young students a choice: Jesus or Satan.
“It’s critical that children understand that there are multiple perspectives on all issues, and that they have a choice in how they think,” said Doug Mesner, the Satanic Temple’s co-founder. (source)
Now 7 Years Later, After School Satan Clubs Are a Reality
Maybe you’ve heard the news reports of “After School Satan Clubs” (ASSC) opening up and interacting with young children across the nation— with parent and faculty support.
Opponents of The Satanic Temple (TST) and ASSC must keep in mind that the opening of these “clubs” is largely out of the hands of school boards. Because Christian churches can host after-school clubs such as these on school property, equal access laws will likely require schools to allot their public spaces to ASSC. (source)
Satan Clubs Claim Benevolent Purpose
TST claims its members do not worship Satan, nor do they believe in Satan’s existence, or in God, or in the spiritual realm in any real capacity. Rather, it asserts that Satan’s name is used as a symbol for “free thinking” and protesting mainstream culture.
They, acknowledge “blasphemy is a legitimate expression of personal independence from counter-productive traditional norms.”
Yet while TST claims to harbor no sinister messages, its nation-wide chain of “After School Satan Clubs,” are targeting children as young as 7 years old.
The following video titled “Educatin’ with Satan” is from ASSC’s website. It’s colorful and musical, sung in a catchy children’s jingle. The full lyrics are below.
2:30 minutes.
“Satan’s not an evil guy.
He wants you to learn and question why.
He wants you to have fun and be yourself.
And by the way, there is no hell.
Science is important, so we understand the world.
Satan looks for truth, let’s help him boys and girls.
Satan’s not an evil guy.
He wants you to learn and question why.
He wants you to have fun and be yourself.
And by the way, there is no hell.
Everyone is different, and that’s okay with Satan.
He’ll always treat you equal, whether you’re black, white or gay.
Satan’s not a scary guy,
He wants you to share and to be kind.
He wants you to have fun and be yourself,
And by the way, there is no hell.
Hell isn’t real.
When all is said and done, Satan doesn’t actually exist.
He’s an imaginary friend who can teach us how to live.
Satan’s not a scary guy,
He wants you to share and to be kind.
He wants you to have fun and be yourself,
And by the way, there is no hell.”
This is the message being pushed upon small children.
Satanism Gaining Steam and Popularity
“Satanism” appears to have taken off as a worldwide countercultural trend. The Global Order of Satan operates in the U.K., France, Germany, Austria, Poland and Sweden, while The Satanic Temple has congregations throughout the U.S., including multiple branches in Texas.
The Satanic Temple selected Scottsdale for the group’s first religious “SatanCon” convention in February of 2022.
It’s extremely dangerous and careless to simplify TST and ASSC’s engagements with children and community as just “attention-seeking” and “edgy” behavior. Satanism is not merely the cult of contrarians, and their romanticism of Satan is not metaphorical.
Wake up.
We are in the midst of the Biblically prophesied Spiritual War. They are infiltrating schools and targeting children. This virus is spreading exponentially and nationwide. They win over agnostic, atheist and nonreligious parents and convince these parents to bring their children directly to them, under the guise of “Satan’s nonexistence in the first place.”
Within these clubs, children are subliminally indoctrinated and desensitized to the very real Spiritual World. They’re taught to reject God and revere Satan as a symbol, a martyr and their “imaginary friend.”
Satan is referred to, throughout the Bible, as “the liar,” “the deceiver,” and “the father of all lies.”
And it’s a brilliant war strategy. The Deceiver and his followers are recruiting and converting young, naïve, and malleable minds by simply pretending he doesn’t exist in the first place.
Perhaps, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
Thanks to Katy Christian Magazine for excerpts.
Fed-Up Parents & The Quiet Exodus From Public Schooling
Scriptures on the Future of those who Oppose God vs. them that Trust God
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground,” ~Ephesians 6: 12-13
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Bea Ann Bridges
Great concise update on this issue and their approach – thank you, Jacque!
It’s so hard to believe this is happening in our country.
I want to share a Jamie Walden video interview with you and your readers that I listened to today and found so revealing. It gave me much more understanding on what’s happening and why. It’s a long interview, but so interesting! I couldn’t stop listening and it was mind boggling to me how deceived we’ve all been! Maybe you and others already know all this, but I don’t think most people do.
He was a sergeant in the Marines, and then went on to law enforcement and then paramedic/firefighter, international disaster relief, short term missionary in Dominican Republic while working with counter human sex trafficking . So he’s had lots of experience all over the world, and he must be very well read. He goes into the why’s behind all that’s going on in the world and the U.S. in particular – not merely the covid deception, globalists, etc. but much deeper and the spiritual nature of it all. Hope it’s as helpful to you and your readers as it was for me:
Thanks for all the wonderful info you give us Jacque – I always look forward to your articles! This is one of my favorite websites b/c I always learn so much and I share so many of the same values with you!
Bea Ann Bridges
Thank you, Bea Ann. I just feel it is important to share things that the Lord puts on my heart if there is any possibility it could help a family,
a parent, a grandparent, or a young woman thinking about what’s important in her life..
Thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot, bc sometimes doing this is lonely.