Do you see what the lockdown has done for the church? No, it’s not that it’s given it that push to get on social media. And it’s not about whether to meet, the importance of staying connected (although that’s important), or even the gumption to broadcast services live.
What I’m talking about actually has nothing to do with whether a building has its doors opened or closed, or whether the government is skating too close to infringing on constitutional rights.
It has nothing to do with religious organizations and everything to do with your relationship. Because, I’ll tell you a secret. You are the church.
Allow me to explain.
Recently a coworker asked me how I had gotten to such a strong level of faith in my life. The person was pleasantly surprised when I said it wasn’t a switch that was flipped in my life, or even an overnight ordeal, but rather years of seeking and growth. I relayed the story of how my growing closer to Jesus had began.
Somewhere around 2010 I came across a wonderful opportunity at work. It was a weekend position that allowed me to work only 24 hours a week, while still getting paid for 40 hours. Pretty sweet, right? I had a baby, and another on my wish list, so working part time for full time pay was a God-send! The only problem? I would agree to work every weekend. While Saturday wasn’t a problem for me, Sunday was a lot harder. For one, I loved my church. My father-in-law was our pastor, and I worried how they would feel about the position.
It turns out, my father-in-law didn’t mind. He knew something I was about to learn. He knew something COVID-19 is trying to teach us all. He understood that a personal relationship with Jesus wasn’t found on Sunday morning alone, and he felt pretty confident in the Lord’s ability to show me just that.
My biggest concern after I took that weekender job? I worried my relationship with the Lord would suffer missing Sunday mornings, so I determined that it would not! How did I do that? I made the choice to seek the Lord more closely each and every day. I couldn’t go to church on Sunday, and my small congregation didn’t meet any other time. So I went to church Monday morning on my couch. I went to church Tuesday morning while I sipped my coffee. I went to church Wednesday morning while I fed my baby. I think you’re getting the point.
Ten years ago my life began to turn around for the better because I made a decision.
I decided that since I couldn’t go to church, I would bring church to me!
I started to set aside time daily to read my Bible, seek the Lord, pray, and listen to His voice. And we as a country are being given this same chance now! We are being told to stay home, and we have the opportunity to use that time wisely. We’re not just in a time in our lives where we can’t go to church. We’re in a time of our lives where we can bring church home. We can bring it into our hearts!
Even after I switched jobs and could attend worship with others on Sunday mornings, it was too late! My life had already changed, thank the Lord. I had begun to manifest the fruits of the Spirit. It wasn’t just my schedule that had changed. My personality had changed. I found that a life where I saturated myself with scripture, was a life where I could be more joyful and triumphant. I learned how to deal with the world’s problems according to the Bible’s answers. In those pages I discovered how much my Savior loved me, and sadly and honestly, I had spent ten years in church on Sundays as a child/teenager, never learning that truth. Salvation, discipline, and true life change aren’t always found in a building. And a deep relationship that changes you from the inside out, rarely is. Life change is found in time with Him.
This pandemic has given us all the rare opportunity to seek Him more.
It has forced upon us the need to be fed at home, and I’m not talking about sustenance you get from the grocery store. I’m talking about the kind of spiritual food that will leave you never hungry again. It’s the kind of bread that gives you life, abundant life at that, and it fills you so full that fear can’t fit there. It fills you so overflowing that the uncertain circumstances surrounding you don’t stand a chance. It’s the Manna that God sends down from Heaven, and when you taste and eat you understand that He always provides just enough.
Do you know what the church (meaning the physical building AND all of us as the bride of Christ) needs?
We need to learn how to be mature.
God doesn’t intend for us to stay babies, being fed our spiritual bottle on Sunday mornings, thinking that will keep us full all week!
He calls us to eat meat.
He wants us to be self-feeding, steak-chewing, garden-growing, fruit-bearing farmers.
Y’all, it’s like He wants us to be homesteading harvesters who water where we’re planted.
Of course He wants believers gathering together and supporting one another! Don’t get me wrong; this isn’t a church-bashing post.
No, what this is is a reminder that we are the church, and we are called to grow the church. The fact is, it’s hard to grow a crop when all you do is eat the fruit. If you’re wanting to harvest, like God calls us all to do, then you have to start planting seeds, and folks forget you begin by planting the seeds in you.
So, I would encourage you to take advantage of this time. See it for what it is. It’s an opportunity, much like the one I experienced ten years ago, to seek the Lord so you don’t lose Him. Y’all, He’s not hard to find. We’re just usually so distracted by all the noise that we miss Him, but perhaps now is a National Call to Quiet. Perhaps Christ is calling us all away from the noise and into His arms. We have been given the chance to bring church into our hearts, the place where God has wanted it built all along.
Don’t miss the positive change we can bring from such a negative time in our history.
Don’t miss out on the greatest opportunity of all.
To build His Church in you.
He also Calls the Church to MEET!
“Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” ~Hebrews 10:25
Read how Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in California, announced that it will NOT SUBMIT to Governor Gavin Newsom’s order to stop worship services, boldly stating that “Christ, Not Caesar, is head of the church.” This pastor has declared the church to be essential!
We need to push back!!! Brothers and sisters around the world risk their lives to gather together.
Is the Lord Using Pressures As Means of Purging To Reveal His True Church?
Now do you want to be strengthened? This will gird you up for the trials ahead! ~Jacqueline
Brie Gowen is a thirty-something wife and mother. When she’s not loving on her hubby, bouncing a happy toddler on her hip, chasing her preschooler, or teaching her six year old at the kitchen table, she enjoys cooking, reading, and writing down her thoughts to share with others. Brie’s also an adoptee, former outcast, missionary, veteran, nurse and child of the One True King.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Good words! Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations, Jacqueline and Brie your post has been chosen to be featured in the next Blogger’s Pit Stop. We pray that it will be used to encourage some of our bloggers.
Thank you, Kathleen! Brie writes such encouragement! I pray that it will be a real blessing to all of us who are struggling with very real spiritual and emotional losses.
I pray that we would all draw very near to Jesus and make a hidden temple of our hearts!
Hello Jacqueline, my name is Michael, I run a Christian jewelry and apparel store.
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Let me know for more information.
Michael Phillips
Administrator – Lord’s Guidance
I am sorry, Michael, but I am not able to right now. I’m maxxed out with time management issues. Thank you for thinking of me though! God bless you!
Thanks for your reply!
God bless
Jacque if you haven’t yet, you should read Letters To The Church by Francis Chan. An amazing read, and I believe with all my heart that God is using the “pandemic” to reorder His church back to a more biblical (New Testament) model. It’s exciting and encouraging!
Joy, thank you for recommending Letters to the Church! I understand Francis Chan has not gone ‘woke’ so that is encouraging.
We just left our wonderful church because radical racial justice gospel became their priority. many, many have left and great ministries fell apart.
I appreciate you! ~J
Yes, so far he is awake, but not woke 😉 Praying he stands strong in this hour of deception where so many are falling by the wayside. His book truly is timely, I’ve been so convicted and encouraged, and just excited to see what God does in His church (Bride) in this time. Also I am sorry to hear about your church, it seems to be so common these days. I hope you have found another body of believers who are walking in discernment and are tracking with what the Spirit is doing?
Yes, Joy, we have and are praying for them as well as they grow really big really fast – which has me a bit concerned… infiltration, pride, inattention to the most imprtant things, etc.
Now is not a time for cowardice or slackness!
God bless you and your family and church!