Back in the original article ‘Dr. Ardis: What Causes Loss of Taste/Smell? Is It In the Water?‘, I linked to 3 researchers that responded with criticism to Dr. Ardis’s premise on snake venom and his thoughts about ‘the water’.
But now more is being divulged and looks like Dr. Ardis may have been on the right path after all. It’s mind-boggling to see where actual facts lead us (see the facts list below the video).
Mike Adams, owner of NaturalNews, has over time, been one of the most accurate natural health journalists. He has also been one of the most censored, so in my mind, that validates his message. What follows are excerpts of his:
“As the concept of “venom theory” has reverberated around the world this week, many are shocked to realize how many pharmaceutical medications are derived almost entirely from rattlesnake venom, pit viper venom, scorpion venom and other such sources.
As explains on their website, touting the pharmaceutical potential for the venom peptides in their library:
The biological function of animal venoms is to immobilize and kill prey or predator in seconds to minutes… venom toxins target… neuromuscular, cardiovascular, hemostatic and other life functions. Toxins bind to targets with high affinity and are chemically stable.
Interestingly, the ToxinTech home page feature image asks a rather blunt question that could be easily misconstrued: Designed Toxins… Have a Target?
For the record, we do not ascribe nefarious intent on the part of ToxinTech. However, we recognize that ToxinTech’s venom library may be exploited and misused by bad actors to create weapons of mass destruction, all based on venom peptides which are engineered to kill.
One of the drugs listed on ToxinTech is Prialt. This pain treatment drug is actually synthesized by copying the poison of the Magical Cone Snail (conus magus). This poison produces hallucinations, confusion, altered states of consciousness and more. Oddly, patients who are made unconscious by the drug may appear to be perfectly conscious. The insert sheet for Prialt carries bizarre warnings.
I’ve written a short post on Prialt because ~ 22 MILLION people are taking this horrible drug!
Most doctors aren’t even aware that toxins, poisons and venoms are used as the templates to synthesize extremely toxic peptides that are frequently used in prescription medications, including drugs for heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.
Mike Adams and Dr. Bryan Ardis to cover this in part 3 of a recent interview. This third part is by far the most informative, and it’s all backed by credible scientific research.
This should clear up a number of criticisms.
Besides being an excellent journalist, Mike Adams runs Forensic Food Lab, which was awarded the highest standard of international laboratory accreditation: ISO 17025.
Here’s a list of the 16 pharmaceuticals which are derived from venom, as sourced originally from The Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edition, vol. 1.
9 Irrefutable Facts about Snake Venom, Big Pharma and Bioweapons:
I think it’s one of the biggest stories in the history of modern pharmaceutical medicine. Here’s what we know so far:
Fact #1 – Big Pharma now routinely uses venom and venom peptides for drug discovery. Around 150,000 animal species are known to produce toxins, and scientists estimate that 20 million toxins exist (only a small fraction have been studied).
Fact #2 – Massive venom libraries already exist (20,000+ venom peptides) and are marketed to the pharma industry for drug discovery. Two such companies are Venomtech (UK) and ToxinTech (USA).
Fact #3 – One venom library company celebrates how its venoms for Big Pharma are able to “immobilize and kill prey .. in seconds or minutes.” They explain that venoms are “Perfected by millions of years of evolution” in order to target “neuromuscular, cardiovascular, hemostatic and other life functions.” ( home page, sourced April 14, 2022) This means that venom library licensing companies recognize the toxicity of the compounds they are offering to drug companies. In fact, they state so in their own marketing materials.
Fact #4 – Reptile venoms can be weaponized and made into biological weapons. Protein sequences are provided by the venom library companies, allowing gain-of-function research to engineer venom peptides into viral payloads or mRNA therapeutics. Because venoms are poisons, the knowledge of how to engineer and synthesize those poisons at the amino acid level is also knowledge of how to build biological or chemical weapons.
Fact #5 – Dozens of pharmaceuticals derived entirely from animal venom already exist. Many are FDA approved. See graphic above.
Fact #6 – Pharma appears to be HIDING the venom origins of their products, making few or no disclosures on marketing websites about the actual origin of their drugs. You would have to read the insert sheets and understand Latin names to see it.
Fact #7 – Nearly zero doctors or patients know about the venom origins of venom-derived medications. Thus, patients are swallowing actual reptile venom molecules but being told by their doctors that it is “medication.” The FDA’s approving of a venom as a medication does not magically transform it into something that is non-toxic. The toxicity is simply reframed as “therapeutic” by the FDA, which then hands the pharmaceutical company a market monopoly to sell a molecule that was actually pirated from nature.
Fact #8 – Venom molecules and venom peptides are mass synthesized in pharmaceutical factories. This is a common practice. This is referred to by numerous scientific and bioscience resources, including the World Economic Forum.
Fact #9 – Because venom peptides are stable in solution, they can be weaponized and mass produced, then distributed via air, water, food or contact surfaces. This means that it is entirely plausible that mass poisoning via venom peptides could be accomplished through the water supply, or the food supply, or dropped on cities via drones, etc. These are not outlandish ideas in the least. The US Dept of Homeland Security just recently conducted chemical weapons simulation tests in New York City, releasing “non-toxic gas” in city parks and subway stations in order to study this very thing. If it’s a “crazy conspiracy theory,” then somebody needs to tell DHS, because they’ve been drilling for this exact scenario.
“…the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.” ~Rev. 18:3 ESV
Pharmakeia (Strong’s Greek 5331) is defined by Strong’s as “the use of medicine, drugs or spells, or the practice of administering drugs, drug-related sorcery, or the practice of magical arts.”
Pharmakeia appears in Revelation 18 where it is revealed that Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and abominations on earth has deceived all of the nations with her sorceries (pharmakeia). All of the kings of the earth were immoral with her – again connecting heads of state with this particular sin. (source)
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Margaret Eleanore Earl
Eventhough fentanyl is an opiate and not derived from venom to my knowledge, it is extremely dangerous.
“Fentanyl may be ingested orally, inhaled through the nose or mouth, or absorbed through the skin or eyes. Exposure to a very small amount may lead to significant health-related complications, respiratory depression, or death.”
Fentanyl is a prescription drug and a synthetic opioid with the same effects of morphine but at a much higher potency. Because it is so potent and readily available, the illegal drug trade is using fentanyl and fentanyl analogs as an additive (“cut into”) heroin and other controlled substances.
The potency of these drugs has led to an alarming increase in overdose incidents and overdose-related deaths. Fentanyl poses a significant threat to law enforcement personnel and other first responders who may come in contact through routine law enforcement, emergency or life-saving activities. Fentanyl may be ingested orally, inhaled through the nose or mouth, or absorbed through the skin or eyes. Exposure to a very small amount may lead to significant health-related complications, respiratory depression, or death.1
The American Medical Association All Heinous Criminals Death Cult
Ashley Owens
The symbol of “healthcare” is two snakes and a magic wand. This evil practice has probably been going on for a long time.
Yes, Ashley, I believe it has been going on for a long while. As early as the Rockefellers.. (in reality, as early as the fall in the garden with the snake deceiving the woman). Have you read this?
They are just now more openly exposing themselves. How can we not see the death and lack of compassion that was the signature of early pioneer nurses and doctors.
Jacque – I don’t know if it’s okay to post a link here, so take it down if it’s not. I’ve just read this article (published yesterday) about Bill Gates predicting a worse version of coovvviiid, also including comments on his new book which warns against human contact with wild animals which might make them sick. That’s a weird statement except it matches the theme of this blog post and the link to vennnnomm.
It seems these people like to “predict” what they have already planned to happen.
Yes, and to make people more scared and do yet more foolish things. Like have more vaccines for example.