Megadoses of Vitamin C used to be used by medical doctors many years ago to make childbirth labor shorter and less painful. And according to this 1979 report, there were even more benefits.
[I bring you this illuminating article From Let’s LIVE Magazine, October, 1979, because we have been steered away from old knowledge to the detriment of both mother and baby. You may remember the medical establishment vilified Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling for letting the cat out of the bag that high-dose Vitamin C was curative for many health conditions. See pertinent linked Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) studies below for those interested in doing their own research.]
For the purposes of this post, this sodium ascorbate is the best absorbed form of Vit C.
Only a handful of knowledgeable doctors are still familiar with the virtues of this important vitamin in pregnancy.
Working separately, these 2 doctors each achieved the same successful results:
Dr. William Saccoman, a general practitioner in San Diego and instructor at the University of California, San Diego, reports: “The ordeal of labor in the case of vitamin C pregnancies is definitely shorter and less painful with women having first babies the average time in labor is approximately 5 to 6 hours compared to non-vitamin C deliveries around 15 to 16 hours.
“The megadoses cut the time to less than half. The birth canal of the vitamin C mother is more elastic. We find, therefore, a marked reduction in incidence of laceration and tearing during the delivery. The incidence of striae — stretch marks —is markedly reduced. too. We also find the mother returns to normal much more rapidly.”
Dr. Saccoman observations are based on approximately 500 pregnancies and deliveries he conducted during the last 10 years.”
“A similar story comes from Dr. Robert S. Scott MD, head of the Southern California Women’s Medical Group in Los Angeles and a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Southern California.
“Says Dr. Scott: “I estimate that more than 500 patients of mine have been put on the big doses of vitamin C. What I see as a result is shorter labor.
“Rarely do I see stretch marks. I’ve seen no adverse reactions to the vitamin C and never a deformed baby when the mother was on this program. The babies are healthy, pink and squalling.”
“In Australia, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, medical officer for the government funded aboriginal medical service, says he has observed marvelous results with very high doses of vitamin C for pregnancies.
“There isn’t much doubt about it”, he says. The incidence of long labor, stress during labor, retained placenta, and other normal complications are reduced quite considerably.”
“Over a five-year period beginning in 1971, he followed closely some 300 pregnancy cases in which he put the mothers to be on high doses of vitamin C – as high as 30 grams a day.” [Yes, this is what they did!]
“The vitamin C babies were marvelous, and what was often so amazing is that many of the mothers I worked with were poverty level individuals. A large number of them were alcoholics, ate very poorly, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t correct this problem.”
“Nevertheless what I found was that by supplementing them with vitamin C, they actually produce babies that were healthier than a lot of the newborns in the general community. And as the babies were growing, they showed fewer problems in infancy than other babies. To me, this has always been quite incredible.
“Even if we couldn’t correct the diet, just a simple supplementation was doing so much good.”
“The findings of these medical men provide solid validation to the “Lone-Ranger” work done more than 15 years ago by Fred R. Klenner, MD., the pioneering practitioner of vitamin C therapy in United States.
“Dr. Klenner closely studied 322 consecutive pregnancies over a number of years. Klenner’s patients took daily oral doses of vitamin C according to the following schedule,” (seen on pg. 27 of article below):
- 4 grams during the first trimester
- 6 grams during the second
- and from 10 – 15 grams during the last trimester
“Says Dr. Klenner: “The process of pregnancy drains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) from the mother. Stress depletes the body of vitamin C – and pregnancy is a normal stress factor.
“So requirements of vitamin C are multiplied many times.
“We humans don’t produce our own ascorbic acid like most animals do. That is why we have to provide it, and that is why in stress situations like disease and pregnancy it is so necessary to go into the higher doses.
“If you don’t, you open the door to all kinds of problems and infections.”
Originally, the daily dietary allowance of vitamins and minerals was based on levels found to prevent deficiency diseases. In the case of vitamin C, deficiencies related to scurvy.
“The recommendation for adults was set at 45 mg/day. For pregnant women, the recommendation was set at 60 mg/day.
“If you remember your conversion tables, you know that 1000 (mg) milligrams makes 1 gram.
“It’s pretty clear than that the advocates of multi–gram levels of vitamin C are operating on a completely different level from that of the medical orthodoxy that set the recommendations at the bare minimum. One is concerned with optimal health and the other with the basics to prevent a deficiency disease.”
“In our study”, said Dr. Klenner, “we found that the simple stress of pregnancy increases ascorbic acid demand up to 10 grams a day. The average pregnant woman receives a prenatal that contains 100-300 mg of Vitamin C.”
Compare this to the 60 mg RDA recommendation, and the disparity is shocking!
And it’s true! Popular One-A-Day Prenatal contains ONLY 60mg of vitamin C. Smarty Pants contains 48mg. Many contain NONE at all!
This is derelict and irresponsible!
“You can prevent scurvy at that level”, says Dr. Saccoman, “but it isn’t sufficient to be of any benefit at the cellular level. And we do live at the cellular level. All of the cells in our body are dependent upon ascorbic acid.”
“Work done over the years has shown that that there is essentially no toxicity connected with the large doses.”
(Fact-check: NIH states, “Vitamin C has low toxicity and is not believed to cause serious adverse effects at high intakes [8].
“So I urge my parents patients to use more vitamin C.
“We start them slowly with 1 gram two-three times/day and increase the dose as tolerated until we get them up to 5 grams or more.”
“There is a high level of problems associated with infants born in this country, and we don’t know why. We are beginning to think nutrition and lifestyle may have a great deal to do with it. Although we are a rich country country we have developed some poor dietary habits.
“That’s why I feel it is important but my patience on a well-balanced diet, along with supplementation, and the large doses of vitamin C.
“I want to have as many factors working for the mother and the baby inside as possible.”
“After childbirth, I urge my patients to continue on high levels. When they begin to notice the good effects, they become real believers if they haven’t been totally convinced already.
“It’s more effective than any drug in the Pharmocopeia”, he says of vitamin C.
During his career, Dr. Klenner handled about 2,500 pregnancies, of which about 1,000 included varying higher degrees of vitamin C supplementation.
“This gives me a basis for comparison”, he said. “In the very beginning I was not into vitamin C, but as I began using more and more of it, I found it definitely was a significant factor in pregnancy.
“Vitamin C has anti-fatigue power. It assists in the metabolism of proteins in both mother and baby.
“During pregnancy and childbirth, the vitamin C maintains the elasticities of the connective tissues of the perineum. The perineum gives much more easily and more safely when the patient has had higher doses of vitamin C.
“As a result, most of the time, I have been with women in labor only three or four hours – that’s cutting the usual time of labor in half.
“When you reduce the time and increase the elasticity of the perineum, you effectively decrease the pain.”
‘Dr. Klenner noted that among his vitamin C mothers, the perineum returned to a “virginal-like condition“ after delivery.
“And what mother wouldn’t be pleased about that.”
[From Let’s LIVE Magazine, October, 1979]
Vital Work of Vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid) in Pregnancy:
- Antioxidant properties of vitamin C fights infections, protective from toxins and other damage (1).
- Prevents endothelial dysfunction leading to varicose veins (2).
- Builds collagen, an important structural component of the walls of veins and bones (22,24,28,31). It’s crucial in the maintenance of collagen which represents about one-third of the total body protein.(32)
- Important in synthesis and metabolism of tyrosine, folic acid (aka folate) and tryptophan, hydroxylation of glycine, proline, lysine carnitine and catecholamine.(3)
- In addition to enhancing nonheme iron absorption in the gut, ascorbate can regulate cellular iron uptake and metabolism.(4)(4a)
- High-dose vitamin C therapy pioneered by Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, has been shown to prevent postpartum hemorrhages, cardiac fetal distress, shorten labor and reduce labor pain.(5) and (6)
- Prevents placental oxidative stress.(7) (Ascobic acid significantly improves and protects embryonic development in mice.(7a)
- Pharmaceutical doses of ascorbic acid (AA, vitamin C, or its salts) have been reported to exert anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo.(7c)
- Along with Vit E, strengthens the blood vessels of the placenta, thereby providing more oxygen to the fetus, and lowers the risk of placental abruption (8-read “Pre-eclampsia and oxidative stress’).
- It improves the skin’s elasticity, therefore may lessen stretch marks (9)(10).
Dr. Suzanne Humphries always recommends this sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C for her whooping cough patients.
Robert F. Cathcart, M.D., shows from his clinical findings on 9,000 patients that the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin C is directly proportional to the severity of stress and/or disease:
![Can High Dose Vit. C Shorten Labor, Lessen Pain, & Stretch Marks? chart for high dose vitamin C](
“If a doctor isn’t ‘up’ on something, he’s ‘down’ on it.” ~
Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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Hey, Jacqueline.
I hope you’re having a great Tuesday!
I help manage partnerships for a brand that is very interested in collaborating with you. Can you please let me know the best way to connect with you regarding affiliate opportunities?
Thank you!
Hi, Taylor, I am over my head right now and not doing any more affiliates. Thank you!
Hi, I found you a couple of years ago when our family had the whooping cough. After several hours of research, I landed on your site and Dr. Humphries protocol for whooping cough. What a difference it made!! My question is this: ascorbic acid is mentioned in the article, we keep sodium ascorbate on hand, would we use them interchangeably?
Blessings and thank you for all your wonderful research that you share with us!
Hi, Hope! I am so thankful! Yes, we see very good outcomes using sodium ascorbate (and 2 other Vit C products) for whooping cough.
See them in this post:
And, yes, sodium ascorbate is the best for use when trying to acheive these higher levels. I need to make that more clear! Thanks for the heads up!
Nutribiotic brand is what I have on hand. There are several sizes to choose from:
Sending peace,
The only caution I would say about high doses of vitamin C is not to do this during early pregnancy. I asked my midwife if I could do iv vitamin c when I was first pregnant because we also had Covid but she said that could cause a miscarriage. But now I’m a month out from my due date so I may start upping my vitamin c intake!
Korie, I agree with your midwife in your circumstance: The amount of Vit C in an IV would be too much in the early stages (IVs of Vit C regularly run in the range of 10,000 and up), but the recommended amounts in the post for the first trimester orally (4,000 mg.) are not too high. The doctors that write of their experiences using Vit C for hundreds of pregnancy cases have set the right amount at 4 grams in the first trimester. This is not my advice, but what the doctors that cared for many, many mommas and babies gave as their figures.
I hope that helps!
And blessings on your baby! God bless you and keep you and baby strong and healthy in every way!
Sending peace,
Thank you so much Jacque! I’m still waiting on baby to come…due next week!
Korie, that is so exciting! I am praying for you all now!! ~Jacque
Vitamin D is also very important and the true pandemic due to increased working and living indoors. Pregnant women can be particularly vulnerable if they are subjected to or subject themselves to confinement indoors away from the sun which, if you do the right things, will eventually produce vitamin D in your liver.
Covid 19 is a helpful reminder because as I like to say the cure is the name, C Or VItamin D, stress on the capitals.
Maintaining D levels also important for breast feeding as babies will get vitamin D best that way.
Jacque – You mention the importance of Vitamin D.
Liver keeps coming up in my research the last couple weeks. The Healthy Home Economist highly recommends it for long-term coooovvviiiddd because it really builds endurance. She also has an interesting post about liver being the favorite food of the oldest man in the world (from a USA Today article, I believe).
Liver is high in vitamins A and D, B vitamins, good cholesterol, and much more. For those who are looking to get their nutrients from food more than supplements, liver is a great option.
We get desiccated liver powder that is tested for purity to take daily. We also make pate from the organs of our chickens – gizzards, hearts and liver all together. It’s delicious and not as strong as beef liver. If you hate the taste, try capsules.
I started taking desiccated liver a couple weeks ago because of lingering brain fog and fatigue after being sick for a few weeks. I’ve had a definite increase in endurance and energy level so far.
Dear Katie
I think you may have confused me with Jacque! But anyway, well said. As you indicate, one needs to ensure the liver is toxin free as animals can suffer toxic livers as much as we can.
Butter is good for vitamins A, B, D, E and K-2 and should be cheaper although again needs to be as toxin free as possible. My wife and I swapped from margarine to butter in 2020. I did a post more recently when I realised how much the margarine industry has conned so many people into eating something nutritionally deficient.
Really we should not need supplements if our food is good and if we get enough sun (free!) which will produce D if we do the right things. Big pharma etc. don’t like free of course which is why the sun is vilified.
The money lovers of His day did the same to Jesus who many consider the Son of God. He gave freely too.
Kind regards.
Whoops! Yes, I thought I was replying to Jacque. Sorry about that. Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, I cannot have butter or cow milk products. I’d love to get my vitamins from butter if I could! I also live far north enough that I cannot get sun on my skin most of the year. So, I’m thankful for liver and we try very hard to purchase and grow healthy animal products.
I think it is not difficult to miss-read the poster of a comment, I did it once myself. I understand about butter. I believe olive oil should have some vitamin D.
Then of course there are the oily fish which no doubt keeps those such as the Norwegians in good heart (which explains the low deaths in pandemic – I haven’t checked since 2020 though).
Katie, which dessicated liver do you use?
We use Perfect Supplements. The Healthy Home Economist recommends Radiant Life – they have a few choices.
Thank you, Katie! I will check that company out!
This is amazing. Thank you!
Is there any research on using whole food vitamin C (like amla or camu camu, etc.) and getting the same results?
Hi, Katie,
Dr. Suzanne Humphries has said that it is almost impossible to get the higher doses required from food sources. She laments this, but when you want the higher levels (bc stress is burning it up at a rapid rate in the body), you would have to consume amounts of food that aren’t practical.
She recommends this Nutribiotic non-GMO sodium ascorbate for whooping cough and other needs:
Thanks, Jacque. That makes sense.
I wonder if juicing fruits/veggies that are high in C would work well – it’s not easy to EAT enough to get the C required, but drinking might be doable.
By the way – We read in a book, The Calcium Kit by Dr. Beddoe, that you can make a pH-neutral vitamin C by making a strong onion tea – just simmer chopped onions until translucent an drink thru the day. Green onions are preferred, but any are fine. We include the onion skins.
Katie, looks like Youtube took down a video by Dr. Beddoe. Thanks, Jacque
I just searched and found these results:
There is a different Dr. Beddoe I haven’t heard of who also came up – not sure if he’s related to Dr. Sande Beddoe. My husband has been studying RBTI (Ream’s Biological Theory of Ionization) for a few years as it applies to soil and human health. People and soil have so much in common! We are made of the earth, after all.
In reference to this comment and the information regarding health conditions that follows, does that mean that a person should continue to up their dose of vitamin C until bowel tolerance? I am up to 40 grams a day and it still hasn’t effected my bowels. However, I am having some “die off” symptoms and have started feeling pretty crappy… So I am hesitatant to go higher.
“Robert F. Cathcart, M.D., shows from his clinical findings on 9,000 patients that the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin C is directly proportional to the severity of stress and/or disease:”
Hi, Georgina,
Yes, that correlation is something I have seen personally and clinically, but there are other factors, of course. Having MTHFR can influence it, if you have done a good course (minimum. 6-9 months) of a metals detox to fully uproot something like persistant parasites that could be holding you back in that way, or are able to be active and walk to move lymph, etc.
May I ask what “Vitamin C” you are taking? Sodium ascorbate in a non-GMO powder is preferrable. You might also consider adding milk thistle, zinc, Vit D and A (such as from high quality cod liver oil), see a chiropractor to address subluxations, etc., and take epsom salts and baking soda baths. You may need to assist your body to start dumping what is causing die off.
This would be a good time to go up with TRS sprays since you are feeling like you are having die-off from the C:
Counter-intuitively, we’ve learned that many do better at a significantly higher number of sprays for just a day or 2 (followed by a day or 2 of no sprays) instead of lowering the number of sprays.
Finally, resume back at the lower number of sprays you were at.
Higher sprays mop up the byproducts (the histamines and endotoxins) that die off rapidly. Consequently, many people don’t experience much of the classic die-off.
TRS is like Pac-man! I will email you about this, because it works like a charm for many, many who can get past fear of doing it.
I am oraying for you now,