[Author’s Note Update: Though the snake vemon theory is more supportable in light of new information on Venomtech (UK) and ToxinTech (US), I am reserving an opinion until I have all the facts. If ever there is a time for discernment, this is it.]
Update #2: Much more is coming out and now we can come to more firm conclusions based on FACTS here: 13 Undeniable Facts Re: Big Pharma and Snake Venom by Mike Adams
Here are several responses to the video that look at Dr. Ardis’s content critically:
‘Watch the Water’ Right on Remdesivir, But Snake Venom Theory Is a Stretch by Madhava Setty M.D.
What I think of the Bryan Ardis video, “Watch the Water” by Steve Kirsch
Dr. Pierre Kory, specialist in pulmonary medicine, champion of ivermectin had this to say:
“Now, lets transition to the main theory he espouses, that SARS-CoV2 largely acts as a snake venom and that remdesivir is also made from snake venom. As to the first part of this theory, there is a bit of truth there because there is indeed a short sequence of RNA coding for amino acids that make up a part of the receptor binding domain (RBD) portion of the spike protein that is identical to snake venom. Problem with calling COVID-19 snake venom: this protein sequence is just a small part of one protein of the 29 made by SARS-CoV2 when it replicates. This does NOT mean the virus came from a snake but it does have a little snake venom protein in it.”
Dr. Bryan Ardis certainly makes it clear there is an ongoing battle between good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden. I share this so you can make up your own mind.
4/12 A clarification from Dr. Ardis on the WATER. (It is not all about the water). He also address why children don’t normally get covid.
23:00: Covid from snake venom:
University of Arizona researchers find link between COVID deaths and snake venom “TUCSON, AZ — Snakes are starting to play a big role in COVID-19 research. Scientists from the University of Arizona have discovered an enzyme, similar to one found in rattlesnake venom, that could be driving COVID-19 deaths.”
Well, according to empirical data in a study published in the Journal of Medical Virology, researchers performed a more detailed bioinformatics analysis of the sequence of 2019-nCoV, it suggested that this coronavirus might have come from snakes. And if as many now suspect the virus was created in a laboratory, then, dear reader, we are really dealing with some luciferian evil.
40:25: WATER: Bottomline, Dr. Ardis cannot prove it is put into the water, but water is one way that certainly can be used to spread a bioweapon. Please only drink water from a home RO system, a Berkey gravity system, a distillation system, etc. Boiling will not work according to Mike Adams, a lab chemist with extensive experience in water testing. Listen to this video on this topic.
42:30 – 47:00: A loss of taste and smell have been signature symptoms of Covid, yet long-term loss of taste and smell are precisely the symptoms people get if they’ve reversed a snake-bite by sucking out the venom from the wound site.
Smokers and Nicotine: Since 2005, it’s been known that nicotine blocks the receptors in the brain stem that are attacked by cobra venom. These receptors control the diaphragm and thus enable a person to breathe. The venom ingested will normally reach these brain receptors, paralyzing breathing. However, it was being reported early on that smokers were the least represented population among Covid sufferers (less than 5%), which is odd for a respiratory virus that should especially target smokers. In the first 6 months, however, Fauci was telling people to stop smoking; they simply lied about smokers being the most hospitalized group. Nicotine, on the contrary, protects these receptors against poisoning by venom. French researchers in 2020 worked out that the nicotine receptors that control the diaphragm’s ability to breathe were what the spike protein was targeting. So they theorized that people actually need to be given nicotine to prevent Covid.
General Antidote to Many Poisons
Methylene Blue (aka methylthioninium chloride) can be found on the WHO’s List of Essential Medications as a treatment for poisonings and is found in hospitals and also over the counter. Be sure to get the USP grade with no formaldehyde. It happens to be FDA approved for snake venom poisoning. Endalldisease.com has an indepth article on this with dosages for snake bite, poison mushrooms, cyanide, carbon monoxide poisoning and more.
Homeopathics For COVID Vaccine Injury:
Interestingly, one homeopath, Dr. Egidio Galli, is having good success with adverse-effects of vaccination using snake remedies. “Bothrops lanceolatus stands out as the remedy which gives the best similarity, not for the patient but for the illness..” and “Homeopathic Bothrops therefore could increase the expression of the ACE2 receptor and its beneficial and anti-inflammatory effects, contrast the replication and the cytopathic effect of Sars-Cov-2, and antagonise the platelet activation and the haemocoagulative and vasculitic cascade.”
The snake remedies such as Lachesis, Naja, Crotalus horridus, Bothrops lanceolatus, Cenchris and Vipera have been used with success for various heart complaints, such as clotting disorders, following COVID vaccination. (source) See more on crotalus h., the remedy of choice, in this post on hemorrhagic fever.
Consult with a seasoned homeopath to put together a plan to use any of these remedies.

Kali mur 6X homeopathic cell salt can be used for thrombosis, emboli and clots after the COVID vaccine, and this remedy also has the ability to bring down D-dimer levels.
Anthocyanins, the deep purple colors in God’s amazing treasure trove of whole foods are also key help!
In Isaiah 14:12, we read about Lucifer. He became so prideful that he began to covet the worship the other angels gave to God. He desired to usurp the throne of God and take His place. The Bible says of Lucifer:
“You have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High'” ~Isaiah 14:13,14
Jesus is the best remedy! In Numbers 21:8, the people had been bitten by serpents because of judgement. The remedy Moses gave them was to look at the serpent on the pole, representing Christ on the cross, and they were healed. That is the same serpent emblem used by the medical establishment now. They use that emblem because they want to replace Christ on the cross —they want us to look at them amd be healed! It is all so blatant. However, our remedy is to look at Jesus on the cross. In Revelation 12:11, it reads, “And they have conquered him [the antichrist] by the blood of the Lamb [Jesus] and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.”
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Deborah Berko
Just watched the interview on Stew Peters. Thank YOU JESUS for exposing the truth!
I am kind of confused now, all these years we have been away from RO water since it draws minerals from the body. Water has affinity to be attached to minerals, with RO water there are none, so it draws them when they are available. I know some people add trace mineral drops. Would you please elaborate on this topic please?
Don’t mind me, I just watched the video fully and realize the point you are making about RO water.
Thank you, have been a long time reader of your work.
Hi, Veda, I do not believe that RO water systems remove minerals from the body. It is a myth. You may want to read this: https://www.kent.co.in/blog/myth-busted-ro-does-not-deprive-water-of-its-nutrients/
Sue Beer
When we bought our house 36 years ago the owner had her own well, septic system, etc, To sell her house she had to hook up to the city. Hubby told her not to tap the well. We water our garden with it and make our beer and wine with it. What about this water? We had it tested a while back and was better than city.
Sue, that old well should be find to drink as long as you’ve had it tested for purity from ground contamination. So glad that well was saved!
Hi Jacque! I watched this this morning after you (and both of my parents) urged me to watch. My question is pertaining to children and their lower risk of poisoning, if that is what this is. Kids just generally aren’t getting as sick with whatever this is. Is it because their bodies are healthier? I would think the venom would be more toxic to small kids.
Laura Jeanne
Kaycee, I think you made a very good point. It does seem like kids would be more affected by this than adults, and that hasn’t been the case at all. I think this documentary is really interesting and I hope to see more discussion about it in the weeks to come. But I’m not 100% sold on this theory, as it raises many questions for me. Why don’t kids get sick generally, and why can so many people (including myself) pinpoint exactly whom they got ill from? Ingested venom can’t be contagious, can it? But there is so much we don’t know still. Like I said, I hope to see more discussion that answers questions like these.
Laura Jeanne, you might want to read all of what I wrote to Kaycee, esp about Johns Hopkins own admission that they are spreading the vaccine in ways people do not realize… occupationally.. ! Many ways to acquire the poison… https://deeprootsathome.com/the-spike-protein-protocol-what-we-all-can-do-to-stay-healthy/
Hi, Kaycee,
I can’t speak as to why children are experiencing ‘covid’ less, but now that they are being pushed to get the ‘vaccine’, we certainly will be seeing many more very sick children!
If anything, masking has been making children sick: https://deeprootsathome.com/study-masked-school-children-suffer-24-distinct-health-issues/
Children do have naturally higher levels of melatonin and so have been (as a group) less affected by what we have always been told was covid, so with the snake venom, melatonin must also have a preventative effect!
Read this: https://deeprootsathome.com/adequate-melatonin-reduces-infectiousness-of-covid-19-a-simple-guide/
I have heard that many big city’s water source tests positive for covid (like Philadelphia) That would make sense since it is now thought that covid is a poisoning, not a virus. You need to understand that krait and/or Indian cobra vemon is also IN the ‘vaccines’ and IN remdesivir given in the hospitals and that vaccines are know to have transmission of spike proteins. So there are many ways we can get exposure to “it’! Read this post in the first few paragraphs (Johns Hopkins’ own words): https://deeprootsathome.com/the-spike-protein-protocol-what-we-all-can-do-to-stay-healthy/
I heard in another interview that children naturally have higher levels of melatonin (made me think of how kids can fall asleep any time and in any of a number of uncomfortable positions, just like our puppy), and melatonin is protective against covid. Haven’t seen any research to that effect, but interesting to think about. In general I am not spending a great deal of time trying to figure all of this out as only God really knows what’s happening, and it’s His desire than we keep our eyes and ears on His Truth in Jesus and worship in spirit and truth, and not get worked up trying to find “truth” in a haystack of theories.
Was not aware of Ipecac for hemorrhage. I wish I had known that when I had my last baby…had a pph and ended up with high bp 3 days later. I follow Joette and the Banerjis and they have a different protocol.
Thank you for investigating this hot topic. I watched Dr Ardis’ video with Stew Peter’s. Most make sense and connect the dots. But maybe, he didn’t get it All right.
Please read what Steve Kirsch has to say and give us your thoughts. You have researched more and we respect your analysis.
Steve Kirsch…
What I think of the Bryan Ardis video, “Watch the Water”
The video is out. I’ve seen it. A few parts I agree with. For most other parts I’m skeptical. I’ve invited Bryan to meet with my colleagues so we can ask e parts I agree with. Other parts I remain unconvinced.
We agree there is evidence that the virus is similar to snake venom.
But as for the other assertions (such as it’s a poison spread through the water), color me “skeptical” for now.
I’m open to having a discussion between Bryan and my experts to drill in on his other claims and see if we can form a consensus. ……
My reaction
It’s an interesting narrative. I watched the Stew Peters episode and haven’t watched the Brighteon episode, so these are my preliminary thoughts:
• I offered Bryan an opportunity to have his story “fact checked” by the experts I work with before he released it. At first he accepted, then later declined. This isn’t incriminating, but it would have been MUCH better if he had vetted it in front of a tough, but friendly audience before he went viral with this. That would have been the most responsible approach in my mind.
• My colleagues who have seen this (just a few so far) believe some parts (similarity with snake venom), but not others (poison spread through the water).
• We didn’t like the narrative presentation. It would have been much better to enumerate up front what the novel claims were and then methodically justify each claim with evidence.
• My readers are split on whether he is credible as you’ll see from the comments below.
• Everyone agrees he’s making some observations that are worthy of discussion.
• I was amazed at the fortune cookie story at the end of the Stew Peters interview. That just seems too hard to believe. But I don’t think Bryan would lie about it either. That part was really hard to believe, but apparently true.
• He mispronounced Genentech and was unfamiliar with them. Wow.
If I had heard this video a year ago, I would have totally dismissed it. But the most important lesson of the pandemic is that I’ve learned to take things from credible people much more seriously than I have in the past, especially if there is evidence for it.
Do I think Dr. Ardis has “solved” it and all the pieces fit together? No, but I’m willing to meet with Bryan and I’m open to being convinced.
Other people like Dr. Sabine Hazan have totally different theories as to what is going on and how the virus spreads. I’ll let her disclose her theory when she is ready. It’s quite a bit different than what Bryan says.
My take on his key points
Here are some of the key points and my thoughts on them:
• Do I think it is a poison rather than a virus? No. You can’t get a poison from another person through close contact like at a party. More importantly, if it is a poison, this would have been discovered by now. Also, poisons don’t replicate. I’m not buying it.
• Do I think it is spread through the water? No. If it was there would be pockets of severe disease where everyone has a high infection rate. You don’t get a virus from eating or drinking something. Can the virus replicate in the gut? Yes. But then it needs another pathway to enter your body.
• Do I think the virus is related to snake venom? Yes, we’ve been talking about that for over a month internally. I don’t think this part is controversial. Dr. Tau Braun was discussing the similarities to snake venom in late 2020.
• Is Ardis on a hit list? What I know is that there is a credible evidence that Ardis is being targeted and I heard that directly from a top government official. However, there is no explicit “hit list” that anyone has seen.
Is it spread through the air almost exclusively? That’s an interesting question. That’s the current thinking. I also know that there were several people who got sick at the DTM event who all worked in the same room together. I doubt it was in the water or in the food. So I’m still a believer in the traditional explanations of viral spread, but I’m open to seeing evidence that I’m wrong.
If I missed a key point you’d like an opinion on, let me know in the comments.
I’ve invited Bryan to our team call on Thursday and let you know more then.
Hi, MtGrammy,
I am with Steve Kirsch and would love to be a mouse on that wall if a friendly fact-checking party were to take place with many heads together! Let’s wait and see what is the distillation of all of this!
Thanks for sharing that! I sure appreciate it shared here!
Viruses are chemical poisons rather than biological as such. They may be complex molecules but in essence there are no bio-weapons, only chemical weapons.
Covid 19is an internal toxicois of the body, essentially via metabolism, but also external pollutants of which there are a great many. I will post another comment to Jacque with full details and links which I hope she might allow.
Debbie Stevens
First of all, what is RO water? Does it mean reverse osmosis?
Secondly, I just want someone to clarify what Dr. Ardis was saying about the city water in his interview with Stew Peters. Was he saying that someone was putting snake venom in the city water? I would think that the amount would be very small, if this was being done. I can’t imagine that it would be enough to harm very many people, if any. It would be so diluted. Still not a good idea to do that. We already have so much crap in our water.
Hi, Debbie, I would go back to that part of the video on water for nuance. I do know that many city’s water source tests positive for covid (and it is now thought that covid is a poisoning not a virus). You need to understand that krait and/or Indian cobra vemon is also IN the vaccines and IN remdesivir and that vaccines are know to have transmission of spike proteins. So there are many ways to get it! Read this post in the first few paragraphs (Johns Hopkins’ own words): https://deeprootsathome.com/the-spike-protein-protocol-what-we-all-can-do-to-stay-healthy/
Yes, RO is reverse osmosis…
Hi Jacqueline,
Do you have any good articles on how to wean off Prozac? I am on a low 10mg dose of Prozac. For 24yrs I had been on 20mg, then just this year I’m on 10mg. I want off it because it depletes iodine in the body which leads to Osteoporosis.
Thank you,
Hi, Lori, not any article specifically about HOW to wean off. This post really touches on why and gives a link to Ann Blake-Tracy’s phone consultation line..(down at the bottom)
Also, I work with many who need help to clear their body of the toxins such a fluorine to make it a smoother road, during and afterwards. If you want to email me at [email protected], I can fill you in on that.
Sending peace,
Check out the book The Antidepressant Solution. It goes over how to get off different drugs. It took me 1 year to wean off of 10mg of Prozac.
Thank you for that book recommendation! It is SO important to get off the terrible drugs that time and effort are well worth it!
God bless you, Sahmpaw! ~Jacque
I enjoy frequently reading your articles.
How do we know that some of the alt news sources aren’t psyops?
Also, do you know where we can find the list of countries that have perhaps (hopefully not) signed a pandemic treaty?
Hi, M.
I feel like I’ve struck out because I don’t know how to answer either of these questions. I just searched “countries not aligned with great reset” and got this on Brazil: https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/brazil-says-no-great-reset-totalitarian-social-control-not-remedy-crisis/ I think unless you can find a real list, you will just need to dig!
I feel the Lord will reveal the psyops out there in my spirit.. I pray that I would not be decieved and I test, as the Word says, “test the spirits.”
I was thankful to read this after watching the video.
Laura Jeanne
Marilyn, that’s a helpful article, thank you for sharing that.
It is interesting to me to see a split seemingly right down the middle in the doctors I know, about half who give credence to what Dr. Ardis proposed about snake venom and half who do not. But what do we do with Venomtech, a company that is selling all kinds of vemons for use in drugs in the pipeline to manufacture?
Marilyn, I am in communication with a lot of medical people and see a split seemingly right down the middle, about half who give some credence to what Dr. Ardis proposed about snake venom and half who do not. It gets censored about everywhere except the Brighteons, Rumbles, and other censor-free platforms, so that makes me think it could be real. And what do we do with Venomtech, a ‘real’ company that is selling all kinds of vemons for use in drugs in the pipeline to manufacture?
Dear Jacque, Thanks for the update on being “psyoped” regarding this article. It is tough to navigate this news landscape of lies, counterlies and false flag events these days. And I remember Moses at the court of the Pharao when the snakes were sent to him to bite him and he used his staff to render them harmless. He used his “staff” his principles of truth to render the poisonous lies by the magicians useless. We are all in a time where one of the most important lessons is differentiation – to be able to recognize truth at all times and walk in HIS grace. And as such your open discussions and input are so important.
To be honest I don’t think Dr. Ardis wanted to mislead and I still believe he discussed some important points – aside from the water issue.
He did reveal that people most likely died from the “treatment” which used Remdesivir / Madazolam / Morphine (see Clare Wills-Harrison / In April 2020 there was a push to use Opioids and Midazolam extensively in the UK / Were these drugs used inappropriately and if so, why was this?).
Now, if Remdesivir has snake poison or snake poison like properties this would explain a lot. Another part which is disconcerting… just like we have worldwide an issue with “the pill” where through urination everybody “gets a hormone” treatment – so much so that alligators and fish had “hormonal” changes! Why ruling out that through the water and waste which might not be able to filter out all “hormones/poisons” that we ingest this again? Each of us has to take their own responsibility and don’t feel silly we all need to think about and review the situation and you navigated this time with a deep soul approach which is for me priceless.
This information you publish is beyond belief – the details and solutions you provide are so important and the Bible quotes are so inspiring.
Thanks for all you do.
Fear is the key to how people have been fooled into taking poisons against what I would call normal common sense, sadly much lacking nowadays. Remdesivir like most big pharma drugs is neuro-toxic and therefore essentially pointless if not harmful or deadly.
There is evidence that big pharma have used snake venom, but in any event neuro-toxicity is the key from the chemistry which is readily identified by the nitrogen atom in the molecules make up. I write about Remdesivir.
I’m really glad to see your follow-up post as I like Dr. Ardis’ earlier work on natural treatments, but the idea that “it” was spread in our water is a huge stretch for me. As far as we know the world was infected with Covid, yet there are some really pretty different watering holes worldwide. Yes, as he says, the CDC is testing the water systems to try to predict increased infections (just like most every other virus we can have it before we know it, and so I suppose we can also pee it out of our system before we show symptoms), but he doesn’t explain fully that they are testing our *waste* water and there is no proof that we can get Covid by drinking it. I think we’re forgetting the earliest research that stated Covid 19 was 75% similar to SARS CV-1, and aa corona viruses (like the common cold) are viral.
My biggest concern is that Christians are getting wrapped up into theories and conspiracies and blogs and vlogs and independent news programs and “documentaries” and not spending nearly as much time in worship and Bible study to truly know the mind of Christ in the days to come. I’m smart and seem to do better research than the average American, but even I don’t want to spend my life trying to find “truth” in a haystack of theories and neglect the One who is called Truth.
*all* corona viruses (like the common cold)…
Waters are generally poisoned with all sorts of heavy metals and chlorine and fluoride. These on their own are deleterious to the human body.
Covid 19 or the ‘flu as it was once known until re-branding by big pharma, is an internal toxicosis of the body caused by metabolism of food etc. exacerbated by the great many toxins in the air and food as well.
I explain further in a comment made to Jacque which I hope she will allow to go up.
Interesting that snake venom has been used in “medicine” for quite some time. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/11/animal-venom-biochemical-science-kill-cure/?fbclid=IwAR1I-0YjgqopDOqyrXngo7ei5BqaReu_IMQGOxiNOxeh0vhB34cJ5-wStz0
In the small Canadian town I live in, we’ve spotted a white vehicle with UN blue lettering: Covid Compliance Enforcement. Someone looked it up trying to find out more, but the only information was that there some connection to the water system. So I’m reserving judgement.
Maria, that does make me wonder what they were up to, esp. in a very small town like that. I wouldn’t put anything past the CDC. As and old RN who’se been around, I have seen so much unquestioned, unethical behavior that is supported by the CDC that I flat out want my family to stay out of the hospital and nursing homes. Other organizations that would fall into the same category of skepticism are the UN, WHO, and the NIH.
Thanks for sharing! ~J
Dear Jacque
Hello from the UK. Many thanks indeed for your post and other I have read. May I present my research summary on Covid 19 which I hope will be of assistance. It is standard text adapted if required.
“I have had my fair share of vaccines, including polio I believe. I used to think vaccines were of some use until, at 60 years of age in 2020, I researched properly. I changed my mind.
Covid 19 is the ‘flu, dressed up as a monster to scare people, re-branded if you will. This helps big pharma etc, control the populace and make more money.
The ‘flu is the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.
Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.
In essence urea is a neuro-toxin due to the nitrogen which the body may use up to a point but must ultimately excrete as it is from ammonia which is highly toxic.
Injecting poisons such as via vaccines merely adds to the toxicosis problem. Vaccines have never been of any use, it is merely that constant and persistent ‘advertising’ persuaded people that they were of use. The various deaths and harm have been well-documented over the decades. It is being documented now.
Vitamin D deficiency is the true pandemic due to indoor working and living away from the sunshine which, if we do the right thing things, will give us vitamin D (free!). Big pharma etc. are not keen on free as they don’t make much money out of it.
Vitamin D levels drop in the winter months, depending on latitude, due to reduced sunshine levels and as any gains in the summer months are depleted.
Lack of vitamin D causes rickets among other things. Polio was merely rickets re branded again for big pharma to make money. The polio vaccine was pointless. A good dose of vitamin D such as was once given via cod liver oil in a spoon (a disgusting taste I understand). You can now get this in capsule form of course.
Vaccines are neuro-toxins, if there is anything in them at all, as are most big pharma drugs. The toxic drugs contain nitrogen and can be readily identified as a consequence if you know the chemistry. Therefore they are at best pointless, suppressing symptoms and not dealing with the real issue. Indeed, they usually merely add to the issues, hence the ever increasing cycle of drugs to treat side effects of drugs etc.
This ever increasing cycle is good for big pharma business, but not for the human body.
If your immune system is in good order then by and large you will tolerate a poisonous vaccine. If weakened you will suffer various side effects. If your immune system is very poor you may die.
Boosting your immune system with vitamin D can go a long way to protecting you against the toxicosis, but vitamin C is very good as an anti-oxidant to help flush the toxins out of your system. By and large you should be able to gain your vitamins etc from good, untainted food. Highly processed foods will not help.
I have seen the statistics on Australia since February 2020. These show a close correlation between Covid cases and vaccination. It is abundantly clear the vaccines are causing the case numbers rise, as would be expected. Look at other statistics and you will no doubt see the same correlation.
Vaccine makers will say that correlation is not causation, although try telling that to those who fall ill immediately after the shot (or die!).
However, they use the same argument for justifying that vaccines do any good, that because people don’t fall ill or not so badly, it is the vaccines which have helped. Pure nonsense, and unsubstantiated at that. Lots of factors change over time and each person is an individual, not a herd.
I have done much on Covid 19 etc., here is my link to my summary. That gives access to the various other issues. I cover the statistics in the UK and USA and more recently those in Australia.
The following explains the variants. These are merely fear techniques to fool the gullible.
The following explains the media fear campaign.
A useful website on the deceit.
Fear is a major problem in health. It should be noted that fear tends to ‘freeze’ the body’s immune system from functioning correctly and can stop people doing sensible things. Like avoiding having foreign bodies injected into their systems.
And I wonder how many people would choose to have a vaccine if they had to pay for them directly rather than via their taxes (vaccination is not free)?
As regards vaccinated/unvaccinated I gather the goal posts keep changing so unvaccinated currently means not fully vaccinated in at least some countries. This means people who have had vaccines are lumped in with those who have not had recent vaccines. Therefore the people of the world are being duped into having something nasty put into their bodies.
Unless they like playing Russian roulette with their bodies of course. But then that is both sad and mad.
As regards reasons of variance of symptoms, if any, between those who are vaccinated the problem lies in not knowing what exactly in each vial; sadly people will sell nothing for something and the vial might contain only saline, it is impossible to tell without testing each vial.
Vaccines are causing the issues by and large nowadays and case numbers and deaths will rise as a consequence. I recommend avoiding vaccines like the plague.
I note that vaccination is an anagram of ‘Icon Vatican’ or even ‘I con Vatican’. Referring to the icon, brand or mark of the Vatican, a Beast of Revelation. ‘I con’ refers to the fraud and deception that Covid 19 is anything more than the ‘flu.
Please note I do use humour as necessary on posts and pages to lighten the mood and help make the points. I will use strong salty language if required. I am not PC.”
If this is of any use you may use it as you see fit.
Kind regards
Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
Please excuse the nom-de-plume, this is as much for fun as a riddle for people to solve if they wish.