Health complaints caused by school-aged children wearing masks are accumulating. There is, to date, no registry for side effects of masks.
People say they “follow the science” but they rarely do. They follow the scientists the media tell them to follow like they were playing the childrens’ game ‘Simon Says’.
In 2020, Fauci told CBSNews’ 60 Minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the protection that people think that it is.” (see the actual 30 second video)
But then the narrative changed…
In a fast 3 minutes, you will witness just how ineffective masks are even with 5 masks!
We have just seen that wearing a mask for Covid is like putting up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes.
Other First World Countries Exempt School Children From Masks
Many of America’s peer nations around the world — including the U.K., Ireland, all of Scandinavia, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy — have exempted school children from wearing masks in classrooms.
Conspicuously, there’s no evidence of more outbreaks in schools in those countries relative to schools in the U.S., where the solid majority of school children wore masks for an entire academic year and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Even the WHO’s child-masking guidance differs substantially from the CDC’s recommendations, have explicitly recognized that the decision to mask students carries with it potential academic and social harms for children and may lack a clear benefit.
To date, even the Delta variant has not led them to change this. (source)
Here in the US, the push is very different. The CDC released updated guidance for schools, including the recommendation that masks should be worn indoors by all individuals (age 2 and older) who are not fully vaccinated. The American Academy of Pediatrics took the guidance a step further and said that everyone in school over age 2 should wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.
Meanwhile, masking affected approximately 68% of the schoolchildren adversely!
Massive real life study: Masked school children suffer from 24 distinct health issues
A concerning study from Germany has been posted online as a preprint (not yet peer-reviewed) titled, “Corona children studies “Co-Ki”: First results of a Germany-wide registry on mouth and nose covering in children,” describing the results of 17,854 parent submitted reports on health impairments experienced as a result of wearing masks by their 25,930 children. (source)
These negative effects are censored, under-reported, and ignored by government officials. (see the “> Results” portion of the study)
The health issues included:
- increased irritability (60%)
- headaches (53%)
- difficulty concentrating (50%)
- less happiness (49%)
- reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%)
- malaise/fatigue (42%)
- impaired learning (38%)
- drowsiness or sleepiness (37%)
- developed new fears (25%)
- sleep habits at home deteriorated (33%)
- and more
Children were also less cheerful and less playful.
Even more concerning:
- 29.7% had shortness of breath
- 26.4% experienced dizziness
- ringing in the ears (4.5%)
- nausea (16.6%)
- tightness in the chest (8%)
- fainting spells (2.2%)
- tachycardia (5.6%)
Hundreds suffered from feelings of weakness, vomiting, accelerated respiration, and short-term impairment of consciousness.
Mask wearing is making these children’s immune systems more susceptible to disease.
Worldwide, fathers and mothers are losing their parental rights as unscientific medical interventions are mandated on children in the school setting and in the doctor’s office.
Children are being psychologically abused as adults force them to believe that they have a moral duty to ensure that their diseased breath never infects another person. Children are being trained to fear one another, to fear the world around them, and to quake in obedience to authority and medical fraud.
Teachers and counselors, who are required by law to report child abuse, are now actively participating in the abuse of children and bullying parents to comply.
The ideal solution is to get OUT of the school system whatever it takes!
Homeschooling Is A Better Way Than Public School To Prevent Child Abuse
**For the FULL PROTOCOL (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Two posts that have been BANNED from Facebook:
Do Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To Children & to the Healthy?
Masks Facts From an RN & 6 Things that Weaken Our Immune Systems
I am only on FB now by the grace of God… if you want to stay connected, here is one way…
Also find me on Instagram.
Jacque’s Update: Facebook and social media platforms are cracking down on Conservative/holistic health content. Many of you have complained that you never see our content in your news feeds on social media. There’s only one way to fight back — and that’s by joining my FREE newsletter. Click here.
©2024 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
This breaks my heart. I agree that homeschooling (or a good private/Christian school, one without these insane mandates) is the only viable option. Unfortunately I come across too many parents that are compliant with all this. Something I’m seeing more often are kids walking around (outside!) with masks on their faces while the parent(s) go mask-less. They have been brainwashed into thinking this is absolutely normal.
Ruth M.
I have noticed that a lot more too!! Like at the beginning of the mask crazy parents wore them more than kids. Now it seems to have flipped. It is not good!!
Children are the biggest victims in all this. I was devastated, angry and helpless when our daycare informed us that our daughter had to wear a mask indoors. All the statistics, studies we had sent them to educate themselves made no difference, since this was a governor ordered mandate. My heart sinks every time I see a photo of my child with a mask on. I saw that you are heavily censored. Have you heard of Its CEO and founder, Andrew Torba is a Jesus follower who believes in our God given rights.
Dear Rose, my heart so breaks for our children and parents like you who see this for what it is!
Yes, I am heavily censored and we are on Gab, MeWe and Telegram, so please check for Deep Roots at Home there! I’m praying the Lord will come quickly and have mercy on us all!
Stand firm, dear Mama!
Sending peace,