One of our young adult children has been having migraines for several years, so I have been searching for possible effective natural migraine remedy for a while. It has also helped keeping a journal of possible food triggers. I suspected excitotoxins contained in food eaten away from home.
I found an early helpful lead in my research at Penn State Hershey. The study states, “Feverfew became popular in Great Britain in the 1980s as a treatment for migraines. A survey of 270 people with migraines in Great Britain found that more than 70% of them felt much better after taking an average of 2 – 3 fresh or dried feverfew leaves daily. Several human studies have used feverfew to prevent and treat migraines. Overall, these studies suggest that taking dried leaf capsules of feverfew every day may reduce the number of migraines in people who have chronic migraines.” Also see British Medical Journal, Vol. 291.
(Other herbs that have this pain-relieving effect are catnip (Nepeta cataria) and Sweet Violet (genus Viola). I am sure there are more.)
What? – Is this little known information really true? Why aren’t more doing this?
So I ordered two herbs that are reported to be even more effective together than just the feverfew by itself: lemon balm herb and feverfew herb. We were so anxious to try it, and the test came soon enough.
She was already under a lot of pressure as she prepared to leave for a week of classes, impromptu speeches, symposium, and CLEP testing in her accelerated college program, and so we just naturally grabbed the as yet unopened bag of feverfew herb and put a small pinch of the dried herb in her mouth. Feeling deflated, she sat down on the stairs while I stroked her back, and we prayed.
Surprise, Surprise!
In what seemed like about 15 minutes, she looked up at me and smiled. Her eyes told me the pain was almost gone! I gave her a few more leaves to add to the others (which were still in her mouth) and the pain and nausea were completely gone in 20 minutes! A small headache did return in ~5 hours, but lasted only a short time. Since then she has carried a small pouch of this dried feverfew migraine remedy (we added lemon balm leaves) in her purse for emergencies which she has used twice with similar and remarkable results. Feverfew may be worth a try if you or a loved one suffers from migraines.
3 Ways To Take Feverfew Migraine Remedy:
1. One of the easiest ways to take the herb and receive the benefits of feverfew would be to chew up three or four of the leaves whenever you feel a migraine coming on. Don’t chew up fresh leaves, though; use dried ones. The fresh leaves can irritate a person’s mouth, cause swelling or even a rash. In some cases you could lose your ability to taste for a short while. Due to this it is far better to chew them dry. Feverfew treats the underlying reason for the headaches rather than just the discomfort.
You can keep a small pouch in your purse or backpack to use as needed.
2. Take MigreLief. It is a new, natural supplement that is being recommended by many top doctors. It is a remarkable, non-prescription product for migraine sufferers. It is recommended by top headache specialists and headache clinics. MigreLief’s 3 ingredients of high dose Magnesium, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), and Puracol Feverfew.
A double-blind, placebo controlled, and published 3-month study found that a combination of feverfew, magnesium, and Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) led to a 50% decrease in migraines.
3. Drink Feverfew Tea
Herbal tea blends are also excellent ways to benefit from any specific herb, and they can be rather pleasant, too! You can drink feverfew tea mixed with some chamomile, lavender flowers, and lemon balm herb to get fast relief. We add a touch of honey, but brew it strong!
Teas can be served hot or cold and brewed many different ways.
PubMed comprehensive study on Feverfew and it safety. Feverfew is possibly not safe for use in pregnancy.
Make A Migraine Remedy Tincture
• 3 parts lemon balm herb (I used 1/2 c. [x 3] = 1 1/2 cup)
• 2 parts feverfew herb (I used 1/2 c. [x 2] = 1 cup)
• 80-100 proof vodka
• glass quart jar with tight fitting lid
Measure your dried herbs. You can also make this with feverfew only, but some feel it is more effective with lemon balm.
• Add herbs to your glass jar. Ideally, only fill it half full of herbs.
• Pour vodka (or glycerin) over herbs to fill the jar. The solvent should be at least 2 inches above the herbs.
• Place the lid on the jar and shake until the herbs are well combined.
• Label jar with contents and date.
• Set in a dark cabinet where you will see and not forget it. Steep for 4-6 weeks, shaking every few days.
• At the end of the steeping time, strain out the spent herbs with cheesecloth of coffee filter, allowing the liquid to drain into a clean glass jar.
• Use a funnel to fill amber glass dropper bottles for storage in a cool dark place. label and date each bottle. The tincture should keep for up to 7 years.
• Compost the depleted herbs.

Dosage for Our Migraine Remedy:
At the sudden onset of migraine symptoms, begin taking 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon of the tincture every 30 minutes to an hour until the symptoms subside. Studies show that longer term use yields the best results for most people.
Side Effects
There are side-effects that can occur as a result of taking a feverfew migraine remedy in excess including muscle stiffness, nervousness, mouth ulcers and canker sores, temporary loss of taste, superfluous stimulation of menstruation, and for pregnant women, contraction of the uterus which can lead to miscarriage. Again, please consult your doctor if you have any concerns about using the feverfew plant before you start taking it regularly! (source)
Do you want to calm your colicky baby? Lemon balm is a wonderful, safe, old-time remedy.
UPDATE: With only 2 drops a day of the tincture in water EVERY DAY in the morning, our daughter has had only 1 true migraine in 8 months and counting! This migraine remedy works for us.
UPDATE #2: It can happen that the body becomes used to these 2 herbs. If the tincture starts to become ineffective, stop using it for 2-3 weeks and then start again. Remember, it is totally safe so you can experiment.
What are some of the things you have tried that have worked? Be sure to read in the comments for things that have helped others.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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