There are growing concerns over the data coming out on the most toxic, dangerous vaccine in the world – Gardasil – for girls and for boys.
More children and teens have been maimed, hospitalized, injured and even paralyzed by HPV vaccines than any other category of vaccine interventions. And now, the American College of Pediatricians — a strongly pro-vaccine group — is sounding the alarm over the toxicity of Gardasil.
Numerous Adverse Reactions as compiled by U.S. Government’s (CDC) VAERS Data
First, let it be noted that the study done by Harvard indicated that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events” are reported in the VAERS system.
Not Safe: In 2015, the death rate from cervical cancer in this age group was outpaced by the incidence of deaths from Gardasil and Cervarix (>108 currently) and serious adverse events (24,184 including 1300 in pregnant women) reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System since 2006. Go below to see cervical cancer’s increasing trend continue…
Updated with the latest U.S Government VAERS 2018 data (and we can likely multiply these numbers many times):
Find the page with the above complete National Vaccine Information Center statistics here.
National Vaccine Information Center HPV Vaccine Quick Facts here.
These adverse events include: deaths, convulsions, facial palsy, anaphylaxis, paralysis, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, paraesthesia, demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system (i.e., multiple sclerosis and acute disseminating encephalomyelitis), Guillain-Barre´ syndrome (GBS), transverse myelitis, facial palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disorders, pancreatitis, visual impairments and spontaneous abortions.
Can HPV Vaccine Cause Injury and Death?
Have you seen ‘Sacrifical Virgins’? If you are a parent making a decision on this shot, please watch!
Kelly Brogan MD writes, “Consider the case of two deaths of young women (after receiving the vaccine) in which the strain of HPV was found adhered to the vessels of their inflamed brain tissue.
“The meticulous analysis is discussed in this paper plus the curious fact that the coroner did not look for autoimmune pathology in the post-mortem assessment despite the fact that encephalitis is a known side effect of vaccination. Because “placebo” in many of the studies designed to demonstrate vaccine safety often contains toxic immune disabling adjuvants, like aluminum, in this case, it is not a valid assessment of risk. We know that metals like aluminum get carried across the blood brain barrier by immune cells called macrophages, and incite further immunologic cascades in the brains of some vaccine recipients. (source)
We don’t sufficiently understand the immune system to predict who is going to have an adverse reaction.
“It is appropriate to ask whether it is worth risking death or a disabling life-long neurodegenerative condition such as GBS at a pre-adolescent age for a vaccine that has only a theoretical potential to prevent cervical cancer, a disease that may develop 20 to 40 years after exposure to HPV, when the same can be prevented with regular Pap screening.”
Now back to cervical cancer.
Increased Cancer Risk (not prevented but) DUE To HPV Vaccination
Gardasil is the HPV vaccine claims to fight and win the “battle” against cervical cancer related to early promiscuous sexual activity. There is a concern that the “One less” campaign employs fear-mongering by fanning a lot of smoke.
“The incidence of cervical cancer deaths are 1.4-1.7/100,000. There are 15 (known) of 100 different strains of human papilloma virus, and the vaccines reportedly protect against 2 of these. The natural course of infection with any of these strains has been demonstrated to involve resolution of 70% of infections within one year and 90% within 2-3 years.” ~Dr. Kelly Brogan
In the chart below, notice the increase in abnormal pap smears, cervical dysplasia, and cervical cancer AFTER injection with the Gardasil vaccine.
What concerns many is that girls who have already been exposed to HPV had a 44% increased risk of developing cervical lesions or cancer following vaccination.
Yes, you read that right! The cervical cancer vaccine raises the risk of cervical cancer for anyone exposed to HPV before they were vaccinated.
Yet medical professionals have no plans (no concerns) to screen patients prior to vaccination.
Low risk to No risk cervical cancer intervention with Pap Smear and LEEP
Women and parents should be aware that we have an effective, extremely low risk to no risk intervention that is already doing the job of detecting these bad boy cells (the Pap), and if there is not spontaneous resolution, Planned Parenthood says LEEP is “a safe and effective treatment that prevents cervical cancer”.
But possibly one of the most common concerns is Premature Ovarian Failure (POF). The connection between HPV vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) and (POF) in adolescent girls shows up within weeks to years of receiving these shots. POF refers to an early loss of normal function of your ovaries and represents a devastating diagnosis for a young woman’s health and hopes of motherhood.
Concerns of Testing Oversight or Worse
But what makes my jaw drop is that the supposedly rigorous pre-release “safety trials” of Gardasil actually used a placebo that contained the toxic ingredients polysorbate 80 as well as an aluminum-based adjuvant.
This would constitute fraud in any other business!
Placebos should always be simple saline solution (salt water).
To be clear, this would most assuredly throw off detection of ovarian dysfunction in the Gardasil trials. Such ingredients could cause ovarian dysfunction and an increase in amenorrhea in the placebo group. Furthermore, a large number of girls in the original trials were taking hormonal contraceptives which can mask ovarian dysfunction including amenorrhea and ovarian failure. (source)
Surely no true, honest research scientist would tamper with the placebo. In clinical studies, it is the benchmark against which the proposed vaccine is tested for safety. This is not science for the good of mankind! It is science for the good of the bottom line.
Show these concerns and other data to your daughters. Consider saying ‘No!’ to HPV vaccination with Gardasil or Cervarix.
Parents of boys – similar concerns as this vaccine is being pushed on boys as well!
What I’d Tell You Over Coffee If You Asked Why We Didn’t Vaccinate
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Charlotte Moore
I know of a young girl that has been in and out of a mental hospital that took this vaccine. How sad!!
Oh, Charlotte! That is terrible! Sad to know our government and medical establishment are underways to introduce even more vaccines for youth
🙁 (((Hugs!))) to you, dear friend!
Thank you so much for posting this! I was at the doctors recently with my 15 year old daughter and was being pressured to allow my daughter to receive the HPV vaccine. I quietly stood my ground. This is confirmation that this is something not needed nor is it safe for my daughters.
You are welcome, dear Julie. I seem to be pressed to put out more warnings than happy things lately. I hate to come across as a prophet or a naysayer. I am so thankful it has had a wide audience if it can but help one or two families avoid harm.
Cheryl foley
My daughter received her first HPV vaccine one month today she has left nipple watery green discharge could this be related to that we will not go for the remaining 2HPV vaccine is it too late for my daughter since she has already received the first HPV vaccine
Cheryl, I would consider taking her to a good, well-known ND or homeopathic doctor and getting her detoxed with homeopathics (totally safe, BTW). It will be out of pocket, but getting the toxins out is what I would do. Her body can restore then once the toxic load is removed, but to what extent I can’t say. I am praying right now for you to have wisdom. One thought: this is a wonderful teaching time. I’m pretty sure she will have a more open mind to what you have to say about the pitfalls of sexual activity outside of marriage and consequences of choices. God bless you!
jeanne rossi
Just have to say that a friend of mine contracted HPV from her cheating husband. In her 60s now, has been dealing with the consequences of his choices in holy matrimony for years. It is not always young unmarried people. She would have opted for the would I. At least these young people have a choice. They will still be young enough to chose at eighteen. Always great to be informed though. Thank you.
The pediatrician was furious that my homeschooled, disabled son was not allowed (by me) to get the shot. He’s nowhere near sexual activity, so it’s not justified to even consider it. Like sheep to the slaughter…
Aw… Sarah, that is just the height of insensitivity. My heart goes out to you, dear Mom! Yes, we are being herded…
What about our daughters that received both the vaccines!!! I’m vurious right now for I was the one giving them permission to do so! If we just had these info one year ago! Sad, sad, sad!!!!!!
Melissa, my heart goes out to you, dear one.
My advice is to keep looking to the Lord if you know Him as your Savior. Cry out to Him (as I’m sure you have) to keep your daughters from evil and to heal their bodies if there was any damage. If you don’t know Jesus personally, now is the time to go to Him with your life with a humble heart and ask for mercy and wisdom.
In general it is good to detox our bodies regularly and to build ourselves up with healthy living.
Are your daughters upset? Pray with them and ask the Lord to draw them close and to bless their lives. This is a trial for sure, but also a very teachable moment. In this world, we all need the power of Christ to keep us from evil, and this verse comes to mind: “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world (trials, worries, fears, danger); and this is the victory that has overcome the world– our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” 1 John 5:4-5
I am praying for you to grow and rely on Him in faith! Please pray for me to continue to do the same 🙂
There is often a risk with taking a vaccine, however one must also weigh up the risk of not taking it. Sexually active young people are at risk of the papilloma virus which leads to cervical cancer. In life we must decide for our children whether the risks (infinitesimally small, in the case of vaccinations) outweigh the benefit of avoiding the disease being vaccinated for. We take risks with our children’s lives all the time, for the benefit of enjoying a first world lifestyle. For example, we must decide when we ask our children to get into our vehicle, whether the risk of being in an accident (far more likely than vaccine damage) outweighs the benefit they will derive from the activity we drive them to. Children benefit from being taken to school and activities, just as they benefit from our first world health care. One cannot be scared from taking action in life by tiny risks, however it is important to be aware of the risks so we can make an informed decision.
Amelia nelson
My daughter has had her two at Arkansas children’s hospital that’s her pcp they want her to have her third one And I was not wanting to to begin with they were pushing it so we decided me and the hubby to get it and we got the first two she hasn’t acted any different