A cold sore hurts, looks disgusting, and untreated, takes forever to heal – at least, mine do! Yuck!
But now I’ve successfully treated and healed several of my own herpes cold sores – a relatively simple 2-step process if you jump on it immediately in the earliest stages.
I’ll tell you how!
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus and once contracted can lie dormant in nerve cells for years.
Cold sore triggers include being run down, increased stress, menstrual cycle, overexposure to sun and even certain foods. There is no cure for a cold sore. If you’ve had one, chances are you’ll get one again.
I was out of Abreva but that was fine because it’s expensive and doesn’t work like advertised.
I remembered we’ve had great success containing a viral cold or flu using 6-10 drops of Oregano oil orally in capsules (2-3 x/day for several days), so my mind kept coming back to oil of Oregano as the basis of treating a cold sore.
Oregano essential oil is a powerful anti-viral, so I used Oreganol P73 (which I keep in my no-side-effect medicine chest).
Also Use This for Cold Sores…
Oregano oil is NOT ALL I use! Without amino acid L-lysine, it is NOT successful! I swamp my body with it! Lysine halts viral replication. (Another source)
In its early stage, the virus is still gaining strength and more easily halted; once further along, not so much.
This resulted in the cold sore drying up within the first 18 hours! In other words, the cold sore stopped puffing up became less red and hot. Additionally, I wanted to kill the virus that hides along the nerve tracts, not just on the surface.
What I Did To Stop My Cold Sore
- I start immediately!
- I pop 3 Super Lysine tablets by Quantum Health every 3-4 hours for 2 days! (On the every 3 hours schedule, that is 18 Lysine tablets during waking hours from 8a through 11P).
- Then 2 lysine/day for 4 more days to make sure the virus is halted. I keep them on hand.
- I daub 2 drops of Oreganol P73 on the bump and surrounding area every 4 hours with a q-tip for the first day and into the second day.
- In addition to topical use (and to decrease future re-occurrence): I take 4 or 5 drops of the oil internally (in an empty capsule), 4 times a day with lots of water, for a 7 days. I can’t over-emphasize that attacking the virus both internally and externally is important.
- If I am really run down, I load up on Vitamin C (1,000 mg/ every hour or two when awake).
- I get extra sleep.
- Update update!: I found a homeopathic herpetic nosode that you can use for prevention (1 dose/once a month) which I now have on hand – and it stops canker sores IN the mouth, as well. Just look at the ingredients: Herpes simplex type 1 and 2 30X, 60X, 100X – Herpes type 6 30X, 60X, 100X – Herpes type 7 30X, 60X, 100X – Herpes type 8 30X, 60X, 100X – Herpes zoster 30X, 60X, 100X. This company is amazing… I now have the shingles nosode for shingles.
Super Accelerated Healing
On the second day the cold sore was less puffy, the blisters didn’t appear. I had already taken 4 capsules of Oreganol P73 and the Super Lysine (as above) at this point. There was a small scab, and the usual pain or swelling deep in the tissue was absent. Usually it is double or triple in size the second day – that is because the virus is breaking down the deeper tissue and forming multiple blisters which will eventually rise to the surface, burst open, and seep.
I will stay with this approach because I am more interested in removing the underlying cause of herpes simplex, if possible, and strengthening my overall immune system.
Note: Do not use oil of oregano internally while pregnant or nursing.
About Oil Of Oregano
Oil of oregano is highly antiseptic; it has the ability to destroy: bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus and more. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used oil of oregano to treat his patients. As an antifungal it is extremely effective, just like raw crushed garlic.
Antibiotic drug resistance does not develop against naturally-occurring antibiotics such as garlic and oil of oregano. But oil of oregano is not to be confused with common oregano in the kitchen spice cupboard, which is usually species Oregano marjoram, rather than true oregano.
Besides a cold sore, what else can oil of oregano treat?
- Respiratory infections – just one method is to put a few drops of oregano oil in a pot of steaming water and then deeply inhale the steam.
- Sinus infections – as above
- Fungal infections and candida
- Bee stings, insect bites and venomous bites – topical use brings immediate relief
- Pain killer — nearly as powerful as morphine
- Gum disease – Dilute the oil (mix a drop with a 1/2 tsp. of a carrier oil such as coconut oil), and place it under your tongue. Hold it there for a few minutes, and then rinse it out. Repeat this at least four times a day.
- Sore throat and canker sores -add a few drops to water and gargle and hold at first sign
- Thrush (white coating in the mouth, which is candida) -gargle and hold, then spit it out
- Acne – topical in a carrier oil but avoid going near the eyes!
- Psoriasis
- Warts
Clean Your Home, Too
I also encourage using the antiseptic powers of this herbal oil to clean your home. Here’s one way: combine four drops of oregano essential oil with 10 drops of lemon essential oil and a quarter-cup of white vinegar, and then add to a spray bottle of water or small bucket. Use this mixture to wipe and clean surfaces.
Wild oregano (O. vulgare and O. syriacum) grows wild in the mountains of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel and is thought to be the biblical Hyssop, referred to by the writer King David of old, who stated:
“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” ~Psalm 51:7
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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