You may have avoided the shot at the pharmacy, but are you purchasing mRNA-treated meat products at the grocery store?
In a January 2023 article, Dr. Robert Malone, one of the co-inventors of the mRNA vaccine process, shows that some of the same companies marketing mRNA vaccines for humans have been developing (and in some cases have already deployed) mRNA vaccines for livestock.
The fact that the food supply can be altered to act as a “vaccine” is indisputable. Here’s a great Scientific American article from the year 2000 with a clear picture (look at page 3) of exactly how this would be done in vegetables. Here is a 2013 article published by the NIH (you know – by our government) talking about foods “under application” to be genetically-modified to become edible vaccines.
“What has slipped completely under the radar, is that pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds since 2018.” ~Dr. Mercola
Let’s Begin at the Beginning
The very first RNA-based swine vaccine, a swine influenza (H3N2) shot, was licensed over a decade ago in 2012, and was developed by Harrisvaccines. The piglets receive their vaccines at 3 weeks and 6 weeks old before being sent off to different places to be fattened for slaughter. Harrisvaccines was acquired by Merck Animal Health later that year.
In 2016, Bayer partnered with BioNTech to develop mRNA “vaccines” for beef, pork and pets.
Lobbyists for the Cattlemen’s Association recently confirmed they intend to use mRNA “vaccines” in cattle THIS MONTH which will affect both dairy and beef.
And the USDA’s Center for Veterinary Biologics has approved Medgene Labs new platform for customized vaccine production for hogs. They’ve spent 10 years perfecting the technology.
Merck and Moderna partnered in 2019 to vaccinate America’s farms using mRNA technology, and out of that, came the swine vaccine platform Sequivity. Seeing how these platforms have been around for nearly five years already, it seems reasonable to assume nearly all large-scale pork producers have made this transition.
This Merck and Moderna marketing video explains Sequivity and what they inject into the pork we eat!
7 minutes.
As explained by Merck in the video above, Sequivity is not a single vaccine. It’s a platform that can be endlessly customized — all without additional safety analyses over and beyond the initial inadequate testing. Using this platform, a customized “vaccine” can be created in as little as EIGHT weeks. Now, what could go wrong by not testing every new shot for safety?
It appears our food supply is under attack and is being poisoned. Despite what the critics say, nanotechnology, graphene oxide, and synthetic biology are real. These technologies are being used to change human physiology.
Watch this to the end… 13 minutes.
The Biggest Question: Will Cooking Destroy mRNA?
I found this UC, Riverside, article from Sept, 2021 which states: “One of the challenges with this new technology is that it must be kept cold to maintain stability during transport and storage. If THIS NEW PROJECT is successful, plant-based mRNA vaccines — which can be eaten — could overcome this challenge with the ability to be stored at room temperature.” And if they can do it in plants, certainly it would be even easier to do it in meat! With the ‘warp speed’ at which they are doing things today, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is ready now or will be very soon.
When asked if the government would mark packages as “vaccinated meat,” Dr. Robert Malone said this, “I wouldn’t count on it. In fact, I bet – no.”
What would make the cells in mRNA-treated Pork or Beef “very efficient in terms of evading cellular destruction”?
The question now is, how do mRNA shots affect the meat? For now, we do not know whether veterinary mRNA shots are substituting uridine with PSEUDOuridine, as was done in the COVID shots. But if they do, then one of the obvious concerns would be that the mRNA would end up in the final meat product that you eat because this substitution makes it extremely difficult to destroy. As explained by Dr. Peter McCullough:
“Natural RNA is made of two purines adenine and guanine and two pyrimidines cytosine and uracil.
The replacement of uracil with its ribose ring (uridine) with N-1-methyl-pseudouridine, a synthetic product makes the genetic code for the spike protein better-stabilized on lipid nanoparticles, long-lasting, and very efficient in terms of evading cellular destruction and able to undergo repeat reading by ribosomes for continued protein synthesis.
Morais et al indicate that both Pfizer and Moderna chose development strategies replacing all uridine units with pseudouridine, making the entire strand completely ‘unnatural’ to the human body. Thus vaccine consultants, companies, and patients unfortunately gambled on how long mRNA would be active within the human body.
Recently, Castruita et al demonstrated mRNA in blood out to 28 days. Röltgen et al have found mRNA in lymph nodes 60 days after injection. None of the studies demonstrated complete clearance of mRNA from patients.
This is worrisome since injections are recommended just a few months apart implying there will be stacking of long-lasting mRNA in the body without adequate opportunity for clearance and elimination. Repeated administrations of mRNA studded with apparently indestructible pseudouridine will change the course of lives forever.”
If mRNA shots can cause significant disease in humans, how has it affected our pork supply (which we’ve been consuming) for the last five years? And how will it affect beef and chicken in the future? Can consuming genetically-manipulated meat affect your health? These are questions that we currently do not have answers to.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.

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Jonda Crutcher
Does cooking meat render the ingredients harmless?
We do not know if cooking will help. It is a synthetic gene therapy. Please read the last section “What Do the Cells in mRNA-Treated Pork or Beef Contain?” about substituting uridine with pseudouridine as explained by Dr. Peter McCullough. This synthetic product makes the genetic code for the spike protein better-stabilized on lipid nanoparticles, long-lasting, and very efficient in terms of evading cellular destruction. It may even evade heat of cooking.
It may make more sense if you do. (Also, there is a lot we don’t know yet).
I found this dated Sept, 2021: https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2021/09/16/grow-and-eat-your-own-vaccines
“One of the challenges with this new technology is that it must be kept cold to maintain stability during transport and storage. If this new project is successful, plant-based mRNA vaccines — which can be eaten — could overcome this challenge with the ability to be stored at room temperature.”
They are working non-stop on this, I am sure, if the depopulation effort is a real one – which I believe it is.
Lynn Daniel
Those evil bastards are coming at us from every possible direction. I wish they would just leave us the HELL ALONE.
Oh, Lynn! I so agree, but it has been prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:1-6 about the end time:
“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
6They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
WE must prepare our hearts and minds and cling to the Lover of our soul, Jesus, for there is no other way through than IN Him! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
I send you peace,
Ps: Read and memorize Mathew 11:28-30! It really strengthens me and will you, too, I pray!