I am disgusted about the new invisible spray-on coating for fruit and veggies called “Apeel”. I’m appalled because so many have already fallen hook, line, and sinker for this new way to contaminate our God-given food, making it less and less likely that we will be able to purchase and eat truly FRESH food in the future.
B. Gates, Katy Perry, and Oprah are 3 powerful names that have stakes in the ESG-compliant Apeel company. The new mega-corporations will just continue to tinker with products that will end up in our bodies one way or another. Whether it be medicine we swallow or inject or food we ingest. All while claiming it’s for the greater good.
U.S. companies like Kroger are joining the chorus promoting Apeel in the name of eliminating “food waste”. Apeel has a presence in 8 countries, operating 30 supply networks and distributing produce to 40 retail partners, which then goes out to tens of thousands of stores around the world. (source)
Right now selected stores that are participating carry mainly avocados and cucumbers coated in the invisible spray, but the company says they have also developed ‘solutions’ for limes, mandarins, apples and oranges. (source) Other applications to follow include “everything from asparagus to pineapples, mangoes, lemons and tomatoes”. (source)
And if you think by choosing organic you’re good to go… think again. On their website they state, “We have formulations that are OMRI Listed® for the growers and distributors of USDA Certified Organic produce.” (Apeel FAQs)
Apeel spray can’t be washed off no matter how much scrubbing — also according to the FAQs.
In an Instagram video reel, before it was taken down, you could hear Jenny Du, one of Apeel’s co-founders, say we are all made of “star stuff” and “Everything we eat is chemical!” in a clear attempt to convince you that coating your food in mystery chemicals is somehow normal and okay. Obviously she doesn’t understand Stoichiometry. Because ‘the elements around us’, the chemicals… depending on how they combine with other chemicals… can be quite… TOXIC.
Apeel’s site is vague but states the ingredients are glycerolipids, “specifically the food additive mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids”.
Buyer Beware: Mono- and diglycerides contain trans-fat, which promotes inflammation in the body and has been associated with heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and obesity. FoodBabe exposes how the FDA finally recognized the dangers of trans-fat and began requiring manufacturers to list trans-fat on food labels.
And a call to do your research: there is a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) that I’ve seen circulating on social media for ‘Apeel’ (this may NOT be the same ‘Apeel’ for produce discussed above!)
It lists the ingredients for you to research yourself to come to your own conclusions: https://www.evansvanodine.co.uk/assets/eng_apeel.pdf?
SDS Section 3 lists Composition/Information on Ingredients:
• ALCOHOL (C9-C11) ETHOXYLATE (6EO) (Class: Acute Toxicity 4 and Eye Damage 1)
• ORANGE TERPENES (Class: Skin Irritant 2; Skin Sensitivity 1; Aquatic Harm Chronic 2)
• SODIUM (C12-14) ALKYL ETHOXY SULPHATE (Class: Skin Irritant 2; Eye Damage 1; Aquatic Harm Chronic 3)
• 1,2-BENZISOTHIAZOLIN-3-ONE [BIT] (Class: Acute Toxicity 4; Skin Irritant 2; Eye Damage 1; Skin Sens. 1; Aquatic Harm Acute 1; Aquatic Harm Chronic 2)
Over time, what might this do to the gut microbiome and all the implications of that? Do we want to find out?
Bottom-line? I recommend till we know more, don’t even touch it and keep doing your research.
There is no healthful purpose to this. It appears purely to boost profits for the companies who supply produce.
Ultimately, the reality of Apeel in the marketplace can serve to remind us of the many reasons to eat local, traditional, organic, biodynamic and chemical-free foods. And, if there was ever a time to garden, now is it!
UPDATE: Now we KNOW EXACTLY what is in ‘Apeel’ for produce. Read more here: New Facts: Apeel Fruit/Veggie Protective Coating NOT Appealing
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~Philippians 4:6-7
“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” ~
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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