Stop waiting for a miracle drug: A Boston University doctor says a sufficient amount of vitamin D can cut the risk of catching coronavirus by 54%.
“People have been looking for the magic drug or waiting for the vaccine and not looking for something this simple,” said Dr. Michael Holick, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at Boston University School of Medicine.
Dr. Holick reported, “Many people are vitamin D-deficient because there are only small amounts in food. Most vitamin D comes from sun exposure and many are deprived, especially during winter months. But the sunshine vitamin is easy to find and relatively cheap in drug stores, and taking vitamin D pills comes at no risk. It’s perfectly safe.
Also people of color have been disproportionately affected by covid-19, so supplementing with Vitamin D is just good prevention.
It’s considered to be, by many, the nutrient of the decade.”
Some hospitals around the country are even using vitamins as a treatment for COVID-19, not just prevention.
Dr. Peter Osborne, explains, “A lot of doctors are now learning this and coming out and saying it! The East Virginia School of Medicine actually has a COVID protocol that includes Vitamin D. So if you’re a patient who gets hospitalized for COVID, they’re automatically putting you on between 20,000 and 60,000 units of Vitamin D. This is part of their standard of care protocol in that hospital system.”
Number 1: Vitamin D3, get your levels up, and you can also ask your doctor to test your levels, a very easy blood test.
Number 2: Vitamin C, we know it works well. There are studies (1, 2) where high doses of oral and IV vitamin C has shown to have very good benefits in the outcome of illness. The patients who got enough Vit C had lower sequential organ failure, including acute kidney injury, and reduced the mortality of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. (3)
Number 3: Zinc stops viral replication multiple ways, so it prevents the virus from hijacking your DNA, preventing the virus from replicating. It also prevents the virus from entering the cell, so zinc is very important right now.
Number 4: “Quercetin opens up the cells in your body so that zinc can get inside your cells, where it works. So think of quercetin as the key. Think of zinc as the repairman, that is allowed into the house, so-to-speak,” says Dr. Osborne. In combination with Vitamins C and D, Quercetin exerts a synergistic antiviral action that provide either an alternative option due to overlapping antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. (4)
Full Hospital Protocol Using 4 Vitamins
Perhaps the MOST important part for the lay reader is the first section on Prophylaxis (Prevention)!
• Vitamin C 500mg twice daily (now we know more C is preferable daily, so I use this product to get anywhere between 3,000 and 10,000 mg daily, divided doses)
• Vitamin D3 1,000-4,000 IU /day (I take 5,000 IU or more daily in the winter)
• Zinc 30-50 mg/day (I love this whole food product that offers so much more than just isolated zinc)
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Adding TRS for Immune Strength (TRS does NOT cure COVID-19)
Remedies generally cannot work unless the immune system can respond! See Avalyn’s Story for what is generally possible!
TRS has a special electrical attraction for heavy metals and other positively charged toxins. These include:
• aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead
• fluoride, gadolinium contrast in MRIs
• barium, strontium, uranium
• herbicides and pesticides
• mold and yeast toxins
• carcinogens from smoke and haze
• plastic residues
• radioactive materials in the body including cesium
And as they leave, it removes the environment that allows infectious invaders to thrive! The body’s biochemistry can adjust back to health. See this definitive PubMed study.
Read 8 beautiful, illustrative TRS stories from real families to see why as an RN, I am such a fan.
Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C
5 Natural, Science-Backed Ways to be Prepared for Coronavirus & Video
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~Isaiah 41:10
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
After reading “Optimal Dose”, I am taking between 20,000 and 30,000 IU of vitamin D3. I also take vitamin K2 and magnesium because they all work synergistically. The doctor that wrote “Optimal Dose” has hundreds of patients that have been taking 30,000 IU of vitamin D3 for years with no negative effects and it has helped all of their health.
I agree with you that more than 1000 mg of vitamin C is recommended, especially during flu or covid season.
Davido Jaager
Can someone, please, show me an electron scan of said ‘virus’. Then, I’d like to see the genetic sequence for this virus. Then, I’d absolutely love to understand how this virus is the only ‘illness’ on planet earth at the moment (300, or less, diagnosed with the ‘flu’, when, normally, one could expect over 15k, in the month of December… that’s odd).
Yes, Davido!! I agree with you! Still NO One has been able to truly isolate this virus! SUCH a mystery! And like FLU has almost totally disappeared! Hahaha
Hello Jacqueline!
Like a lot of people, I’ve been putting a lot of effort into ‘prepping’ my family in all ways for the coming days. I appreciate your posts on preparedness. One thing I haven’t seen covered much anywhere is preparing the family’s clothing and other personal items. Have you considered writing on this? I have children of almost all stages at this point and I’m thinking through what besides food and medicine it would be wise to have at hand. Thanks for reading.
Hi, Jennifer! I haven’t thought about writing on and it because my schedule is already so backed up.
I have included in our personal list, plenty of underwear, socks as needed for your climate (buy when you see sales in quantity as needed), personal care basics like shampoo, dental care, toothpaste, toothbrushes by the dozen, and blankets, coats when on spring sales for kids to grow into a few years ahead, work gloves, mittens, boots (we are in a cold region) and plenty of hats. scarves which can be found and washed from Goodwill! I am choosy but occas. find really good buys that are worth the stop as I’m led to stop in. I also find bundles of wash cloths occasionally and will put them into my cart. We keep old towels as rags, and also boxes of old newspapers (with soy ink print) in case we need to start fires, etc… sorry to be so random, but that is what comes to mind right now!
God bless you! Ask the Lord for wisdom and He will lead you perfectly! He will never let you down!! ~J
Hey! Love your blog. Do you have any recommendations or can you connect me to someone that can give advice about men’s health? Especially men’s vitamins? Thank you
Jon, look into Dr. Eric Berg: https://www.drberg.com/search?query=men
There seems to be some controversy as to whether it’s is safe to take high amounts of vitamin D while nursing. Some say it’s necessary, some day it’s a risk to the baby. Do you have any input on this?
Thank you!
Hi, Kay!
Yes, I do have some input: this post will help a lot! https://www.llli.org/breastfeeding-info/vitamin-d/
Thank you; that is so helpful!
(Please excuse the typoes in my first comment 😬)
Jacqueline can you give me some insight on the vitamins I should be taking in helping naturally of building my body up to fight against COVID-19? I see here they are listing these 4 vitamins, but I also watched another doctor who said to take 10,000 mg of vitamin C (bulk ascorbic acid), 200 micrograms Selenium daily, and 500 mg Magnesium daily. Can you tell me your take on this? I currently take a women’s multi vitamin, triple fish oil, and a probiotic daily. Thanks for any information you have to help me make an informed decision on my health benefits.
Hi, Angie!
Yes, there are. Would you like me to email you the full protocol that many of us are using. There are specific things one can use for a broad spectrum protection.
Is there an ” on line” MD./Pharmacy where I can get Hydroxychloroquin and Ivermection for personal use should I come down with C-19 or some variant.
Hi, Jim,
Yes, I have a post listing multiple telemed docs: https://deeprootsathome.com/analyze-risk-benefit-for-yourself-where-to-get-meds/
Blessings! ~J
Let me know if you would like me to send you my master email with the protocol many of us HCWs are using.
I would love the protocol please!
Meg, here is the link to the Master email and Full Protocol: https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/ Go through this link and you will receive them!
Christina M Zimmer
Is there a preventative protocol for children? I have 5 children ages 14, 11, 10, 7 and 5. I would like to know I’m giving them dosages that are high enough to be helpful but not harmful. Thanks!
Christina, the best I can do with the limited time I have right now is refer you to my Master email. In the protocol you will see a link to a post of mine that has dosages for adults, children and babies.
Go through this link and you will receive the Master email and Full Protocol! https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
Georgina Hughes
I have been reading about the damage of synthetic supplements. Shouldn’t we be looking for the foods or herbal remedies for our bodies? I am honestly confused about what to do in regard to protecting myself and my family.
Also, my husband, without my knowledge, went and got the vivid jab. What can I do to protect my grandchildren from the spike proteins he is shedding?
Hi, Georgina,
Actually, in this case, we need these 4 supplements. Find them with as little other additives as possible.
And add in the full range of the many natural foods and gifts from God as possible for broad-spectrum support as possible like in these articles:
See my full protocol with both here: https://deeprootsathome.com/the-spike-protein-protocol-what-we-all-can-do-to-stay-healthy/
Since you asked a detailed question, I will email you what many of us are doing.
I can’t thank you enough. Thank you for all you do and all your research. Our family made it through Covid. My wife and I got it but we were prepared. Iver is a miracle and so was the NAC. I hope you read this and our encouragement because we praise God for your wisdom and heart. Serving His kingdom with you.
What a praise, Jon! THANK YOU for letting me know!
It is a joy to serve this way and very encouraging to hear so many testimonies of God’s grace during this very sad and rough time!
May the Lord continue to sustain and strengthen you!