Since it was first isolated as a chloride salt compound in the late 1800s, methylene blue (MB) has demonstrated a very wide range of therapeutic benefits, including calming antidepressant effects and neuroprotectant properties resulting in enhanced memory and relief for Parkinson’s. It also was used to treat malaria for nearly 100 years, but it fell out of favor when chloroquine, a quinolone-based drug, emerged on the scene.
It is also well-known to zap viruses including Hepatitis A and C, HIV, Ebola, Zika, West Nile, Dengue and Covid-19, and it boosts ATP levels (the energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things). You can read the details in my 2 blogs here.
In recent years, researchers have begun to look at Methylene Blue (1%) as an antimicrobial agent against Lyme disease and as a treatment for persistent Bartonella. Because it isn’t an antibiotic, it does not destroy the gut flora like synthetic antibiotics do.
Note: Methylene Blue 1% has been SOLD OUT on Amazon and other sites for quite a while. I made a way to get my readers 10% off using this special link directly from Compass Laboratory: Methylene Blue (1%). Use the coupon code: Deeprootsathome
I’ve had many ask me how to use MB without staining mouth and teeth. Here is what we do in our family.
How to Reduce Methylene Blue So It Can’t Stain Your Teeth or Skin
Though it is safe to take more than this (see chart here), my husband and I personally consume 10-12 drops of Methylene Blue (1%) , usually 2x/day, AM and PM. To take away MB’s ability to stain, we follow a little routine:
1. Add only an inch or 2 of purified water to your glass.
2. Then add your Methylene Blue (1%) to that glass. (You can see the low dose chart per body weight here)
3. Next, add 1 g. (1,000 mg.) of buffered sodium ascorbate powder (Vitamin C) to the water. Understand, that the more drops of MB you use, the more vitamin C you will need to reduce the color. There is no danger in taking these amounts of vitamin C. Since I want to be more alkaline, I also add a good splash of organic lemon juice to this mix.
We now know that Vitamin C taken together with Methylene Blue enhances the absorption and function of MB.
4. It will take a minute or so for it to reduce to a pale turquoise color. If you are patient, you will find you can use less vitamin C.
5. Lastly, chug it down. We find MB to be essentially tasteless and not objectionable. We’ve never had stained teeth or mouth, but if you’re not careful, you could stain your hands or counter. A little lemon juice or dissolved Vitamin C and time will resolve the matter.
Ten (10) drops of MB equals 5 mg/day. Very low doses like this are discussed at 1:02:30 in the video below. Yes, your urine will be blue-green-tinged, but observing that tells you when your levels are low again. The half-life is 12-13 hours.
In this video, Dr. Mercola and Dr. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima cover why Big Pharma doesn’t want us to know about Methylene Blue (1%) or how to use it – even though every hospital in the world has it and it is an essential medicine according to the WHO.. If you want to care for your family outside of the present medical paradigm, this would be something to pay attention to and have in your medicine toolkit and know how to use it.
[Gonzalez-Lima is the top world expert on Methylene Blue (1%) , which helps mitochondrial respiration and improves brain energy metabolism that can truly prevent neurodegeneration and improve cognitive performance. “Our group was the first to map the effects of methylene blue in the brain of humans and show its effects on improving brain metabolism, blood flow and memory function.”]
The first 10 minutes cover a lot, and at 1:13:00, he mentions using Vit C to reduce the deep color and prevent staining.
Low doses of MB work well as a nootropic (a supplement that enhances cognitive performance), but high doses DO NOT.
Very low dose Methylene Blue (1%) supplementation (0.5 mg to 1 mg/kg of bodyweight/day) provides many life-enhancing effects, while very high doses are harmful. With MB, less is more.
Note: Methylene Blue 1% has been SOLD OUT on Amazon and other sites for quite a while. I made a way to get my readers 10% off using this special link directly from Compass Laboratory: Methylene Blue (1%). Use the coupon code: Deeprootsathome
For more information, contraindications, or TO SEE THE LOW DOSE CHART PER BODY WEIGHT, go here. Follow directions closely or find and consult a functional doctor before use.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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