If Covid boosters are behind the increase in cancer among younger adults as Dr. Angus Dalgleish, practicing oncologist and professor at St. George’s University of London believes, there is an even higher need for cancer prevention now than ever before. As Benjamin Franklin famously advised, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.
Quercetin is an antioxidant flavonoid potent enough to offer significant therapeutic benefits on a broad range of diseases. It’s found in vegetables and fruits —everything from red onions and green tea to elderberries and apples.
Faced with the overwhelming challenge of achieving a cure, oncologists are increasingly turning to “chemoprevention” with nutrients as the most effective way to battle malignancies. Dr. Nick Zyrowski clearly explains quercetin’s multi-targeted disease-fighting capabilities.
Absorption and optimal dosages are discussed at 7:20.
Quercetin Shuts Down Cancer Cells Early in Multiple Cancers
Quercetin is a strong chemoprotective natural compound for a wide range of cancers because of the multi-targeted way it relates to cancer cells in general. For example:
• for lung cancer, Quercetin users saw a 51% reduction in risk (and a 65% reduction amongst smokers) (source)
• for colon cancer, there was a 32% reduction in risk (source), and for stomach cancer, a 43% reduction (source).
• and compelling laboratory evidence for quercetin’s role in reducing risk of breast, prostate, and liver cancers as well. (source)
Quercetin has the ability to stop the process that can turn healthy cells into malignant ones by protecting cellular DNA from mutations that can lead to cancer. It literally “arrests” or “freezes” cancer cells, even if they are producing rapidly, and returning them back to an early stage of their development.(source) This reversal process induces apoptosis or cancer cell death. As a preventative, Quercetin acts as a watchdog for abnormally-signaling cell pathways that could potentially turn cancerous.(sources)
All of these separate actions can dramatically reduce the chances that any given cancer cell will successfully form a real tumor. And that is precisely how chemoprevention is meant to work.
Here are details about quercetin’s impact on some of the most common and dangerous human cancer types, from laboratory studies:
• Quercetin decreases the number and size of precancerous lesions in the colon. These lesions are called “aberrant crypt foci,” which are one of the danger signs your gastroenterologist looks for during a colonoscopy. (source)
• Quercetin interferes with early lung cancer lesions. Laboratory studies demonstrate that quercetin traps developing cancer cells in the early phases of their replication cycle, effectively preventing further malignant development and promoting cancer cell death. (source)
In one dramatic study, lab rats were treated with quercetin before exposure to the powerful environmental carcinogen, benzo(a)pyrene. This compound is found in cigarette smoke, charbroiled foods, and automobile (particularly diesel) exhaust, making it among the most common pollutants in our environment. Untreated rats developed lung cancers but rats supplemented first with quercetin showed no such findings.(source)
• Quercetin prevents development of liver cancer cells. Your liver is your body’s “toxic waste dump,” receiving and detoxifying the bulk of the poisons it is exposed to every day. As a result, liver cells are at the epicenter of toxin-induced cancer development. Quercetin ramps up human liver cells’ production of protective proteins and enzyme systems, blocks the cancer replication cycle, and reduces toxin-induced DNA mutations.(source and source)
Many of the gravest cancer-related threats to liver tissue come from increased oxidant damage. Quercetin mitigates that damage by sharply increasing liver cells’ production of natural protective antioxidant enzyme systems.(source) The result, again, is a marked reduction in formation and replication of cancerous liver cells.
• Quercetin interferes with sex hormone receptors on reproductive system cancers. It blocks the androgen receptors used to sustain growth by prostate cancer cells, potentially preventing such cells from forming tumors.(source)
• In breast cancer cells, quercetin stimulates estrogen receptors, but only the so-called “beta,” or cancer-suppressing receptors, not the “alpha,” or cancer-promoting ones.(source)
These cumulative effects put quercetin firmly on the list of cancer chemo-preventive supplements.
Quercetin Offers Relief of Allergies, Asthma Attacks, and Protects Lungs
In this video, chiropractor Dr. Jin Sung highlights quercetin’s role in seasonal allergies, including modulating the release of histamine from basophils and mast cells.
5 minutes.
In one study, quercetin inhibited histamine release from mast cells by 95% to 97%. It’s more effective than the standard drug cromolyn (the active ingredient in NasalCrom) at inhibiting inflammatory cytokine release and allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes. The half-life of quercetin is 3.5 to 7.5 hours, so for best results take it in divided doses.
Dr. Sung recommends a dose of 500 mg to 1,000 mg two to four times a day during allergy season to help manage the symptoms, starting with the lowest dose — 500 mg, twice a day — and gradually increasing if necessary.
Synergistic supplements for allergy relief include stinging nettle (which works like Claritin), butterbur extract, mangosteen extract, ginger, vitamin C and vitamin D.
Food allergies may be particularly responsive to quercetin. Studies show that quercetin blocks intestinal inflammation.
In one important animal study, quercetin completely blocked the deadly “anaphylactic” response to peanuts. There was none of the airway tightening, blood pressure lowering, or blood vessel leakiness seen in controls exposed to peanuts. This has powerful implications, since peanut allergy is the leading cause of fatal or life-threatening food allergies. (source)
Bioavailability & Comparing Brands:
If you are fighting cancer, consider Dr. Mercola’s Quercetin w/ Pterostilbene, 500 mg. twice daily, both AM and PM as directed. Here’s why Mercola adds Pterostilbene:
Over 100 published studies into the effects of pterostilbene mention the word cancer and are very promising. There is growing evidence that pterostilbene reduces the antioxidant defense of the body’s unhealthy cells or cancerous cells. Studies have shown that it is effective against breast cancer (10), colon cancer (11), lung cancer (12) and prostate cancer. (13)
Though not mentioned in the videos above, I believe black pepper (piperine) would help absorption like it does with turmeric. This study mentions it.. This product combines many things in one capsule for high absorption and delivery: https://amzn.to/3Q8w4SF
I also really like the bioavailability of Bluebonnet brand: Vitamin C w/500 mg, Quercetin 500 mg, Bromelain 140 mg, Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex, Hesperidin, Acerola, Rose Hips and Rutin.
Thanks to Life Extension Magazine for excerpts.
“The LORD will guard you from all evil; He will preserve your soul. The LORD will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore.” ~Psalm 121: 7-8
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Ardella Crawford
Hi there! Very interested in this article on quercetin, as I have been diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer for which I am having a lumpectomy tomorrow.
What I really need from you now, though, is the TRS Master Email. I clicked the link in my email to request it, and the page at which I arrived says “Please fill out the form below to get it,” but there is no form. I have the TRS, but I don’t know how much to take so have just been doing 5 sprays a day. I really need more information! Thanks.
Ardella, I am sorry you are not able to access the Master email. If it isn’t too much trouble for you, try another browser, as for some reason some browsers (Chrome for one) are unable to access that.
I just emailed you the whole thing a minute ago.
In the meantime, we start with 1 spray a day the first week, then 2 a day (split) 1am and 1pm, then 3 a day the third week, and so on. The goal is 5 a day (split).
And look for 3 emails from Deep Roots at Home that would have come right after you ordered. That information is what I send everyone. Look in your spam mail, too!
I am praying for you now.
Sending peace,