In 2005, revelations of Josh Duggar fondling his younger sisters were everywhere. His actions began more than 12 years before while Josh was a child.
Once again, Josh Duggar, was arrested in April, 2021, on child pornography charges. According to Fox News, who spoke exclusively to a source close to his wife Anna, she isn’t looking to divorce her husband. It would be a “last resort” for the soon-to-be-mom-of-seven.
“He’s currently living with third party custodians at a home away from his wife Anna and their six kids per a court order. While several have speculated if Josh and Anna’s 12-year marriage can survive his latest scandal, a source close to the family tells Fox News that Anna Duggar is a “strong” wife who is holding on to her faith.” (Source)
“That is the kind of wife she is and the kind of person she is and the kind of family that they are,” the family insider said of Anna’s willingness to stay married to Josh. “She and his family are going to stick by him no matter what. They obviously won’t agree with some things he’s done in the past and don’t know what’s happening with what’s going on right now but they’re always going to love him and stand by him and want the best for him, and want him to do things right. They’re never going to be different than that.””
It continues to be a nightmare for those harmed by Josh Duggar’s past actions. The victims of his behavior must not be forgotten in all of this.
Unfortunately, this type of thing is all too common. Victims of sexual abuse often suffer greatly for many years as a result of these sins committed against them. We mustn’t downplay the gravity of the confusion and pain they produce, sometimes for a lifetime, and earnestly be in prayer for them. The actions Josh committed were horrendous and criminal. As we can see, it’s damaging his life and reputation now years later.
But (and it is a big BUT), as a sinner saved by God’s mercy and grace, I did not (and still don’t) join the chorus of people publicly crying out against Josh Duggar. Hopefully, he is broken by this and will repent, putting his sins behind him. If he does, they shouldn’t define him years from now (although they are more aggregious) any more than something you, dear reader, did 12 years ago (or last month), either. When I was in college, I lived a life of blatant sin, even doing illegal things during the anti-establishment era of the 1970s. The prayer, like that of his family, is that he can repent and turn his life around.
12 Certain Signs That Someone Is Genuinely Repentant
I know I’m just another voice in a discussion like this, but I speak up because I too have a horrible past.
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From the way liberals always react in these situations, you’d think that a Christian committing a sin somehow delegitimizes the [Christian] faith itself, but that’s not quite accurate. They would indeed be correct in their assessment if the central tenet of the Christian faith was that all believers in Christ are without sin or blemish. But far from that being a doctrine of the religion, it is actually the precise opposite of what Christians believe. None of us — not the Duggars, not anyone — claim that a faith in Jesus bestows perfect holiness on the faithful. It is because of our sinful nature that we need Him. When we sin, we do not disprove that thesis; we underscore it. ~Matt Walsh, The Duggars Aren’t Hypocrites. Progressives Are.
Shark Attack
There’s blood in the water, and the sharks are coming to have their taste. As the crew of a whaling boat began reeling in the whale they had just harpooned, they spotted a couple of sharks that were attracted to the blood.They knew if they didn’t quickly hoist the whale out of the water, they would be inundated with sharks. Within minutes, dozens of sharks were biting and frothing the water. With their eyes rolled back, the sharks began taking bites out of the whale.
The whaling crew desperately tried to save their catch. They begin beating the sharks off with paddles and hooking rods. Although they are able to injure several sharks, they still lost 1/3 of the whale.
The ironic thing was, during this bloody feeding frenzy, the sharks started attacking the other wounded sharks.
Unfortunately, this savagery is typical of many Christians. You may have heard it said, “The Christian army is the only army that shoots its wounded.”
This shooting of our fellow wounded illustrates a practice as old as time itself. Consider the story of the woman caught in adultery. The condemnation of those willing to stone her illustrates this concept poignantly.
Pointing The Finger
We take aim more readily at the wounded when the sins in the other person are a glaring reflection of our own hidden struggles.
Attacking a sinner somehow makes us feel better about ourselves and turns the focus off us. I’ve heard it said that when we point a finger at the accused, three fingers point back at us!
We see sin everywhere but in ourselves.
And Satan loves it!
The negative response to Josh Duggar’s sin by Christians is absolutely going against the entire purpose of the Gospel. God doesn’t even remember Josh Duggar’s sin if he truly has repented. And IF he hasn’t God does know it and will deal with it. God hates a hypocrite!
I would like to point out there is a difference between forgiving a person and trusting and respecting him.
Trust and respect is something that has to be earned. Many people assume if you forgive a person, you must put things back to the way they were. Not only is this untrue, it is often unwise. There are always consequences for our sins.
In the six thousand years since the Garden of Eden, two of Satan’s most strategic assaults have been focused on destroying the sanctity of the marriage covenant and the unity of our homes.
Satan will use any tactic he can; he will capitalize on every advantage imaginable to disrupt the harmony in our relationships and in our homes.
Ultimately, Satan’s greatest desire is to discredit the name of Christ through the weaknesses of His wounded followers.
We Are All Wounded
Christianity is the religion of second chances and u-turns for the wounded. While we accept this for ourselves… often we seem to delight in refusing God’s grace on behalf of others. Love does not rejoice in iniquity (1 Corinthians 13:6)!
God can, and does, use adulterers, liars, prostitutes, thieves, murderers…those who doubt, gossip, covet, mock, etc… to advance the Kingdom. Hebrews 11 gives us an unusual lineup of heroes:
Moses had an anger problem that led to murderer and cover up.
David coveted Uriah’s wife and then had Uriah murdered.
Rahab was a prostitute who slept around.
Eli was given an “F” in parenting his sons.
Abraham was willing to sell out Sarah twice.
Samson had a lust problem.
Sarah laughed out loud at God in disbelief then lied about it.
Jacob was a deceiver who completely duped his brother Esau, Barak left the leadership up to Deborah, Gideon wanted power …
I am so thankful I am not interrogated today for who I was years ago. I am grateful that I am not held up to the light and cross-examined as a Christian TODAY because of my past sins. The reason I am so in love with my Savior today is because of His merciful forgiveness.
So my question about the Josh Duggar story yesterday or today is, “Why does this situation matter at all?” All of us are desperate, wounded, patched-up, wretched sinners, and our only hope is in Jesus Christ. The best Christian examples I know are broken people who openly confess that they don’t have it all together and that apart from the almighty saving work and preserving grace of God, they would slide into utter corruption.
Who of us can throw that first stone – or shoot, as in the context of this post? If you haven’t committed some sin you genuinely regret at some time or other, then maybe you can go ahead and shoot.
If you have a stone in your hand… Please drop it! We are all called to repent and walk upright before God. If you have repented of your sins, then you should be Sooo full of mercy to where you have to share it, because you remember your own stink! You may say, “But I didn’t do what the other guy did!” But are you bitter? Unforgiving? Vengeful? Gossiping? Backbiting? Immoral in your thoughts and/or entertainment? Are you Consuming things that are harmful? Flirting with someone who is not yours? Do you have secrets in your closet?
If so then forgiveness awaits you, too! However, you must repent to receive it! Then once you have been pardoned by Heaven, the accusations and penalties of Earth will lose their real sting, which it eternal damnation. ~Nicole C. Mullen
As with Josh Duggar or any one of us, the key word is repentance. I really hope he will. That is between God and him. And it will determine his eternity. God is not mocked!
I thank God we can be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb by accepting His merciful grace and confessing our sins. Please, think twice if you are a Christian and judging or posting about the current target in the news or anyone else, especially someone in the household of faith!
If Josh Duggar is not in Christ (because his fruit does not show it), pray that he will be one day very soon!
Let’s remember why Christ died on the cross and not shoot our wounded.
May God use this horrific situation, and others like it, to bring glory to Himself.
Could Something Reminiscent of the Duggars Happen In Your Home?
12 Certain Signs That Someone Has A Genuinely Repentant Heart
Trey Pearson and His ‘Coming Out’: A Christian Perspective
“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.” ~Ephesians 5:3
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Marlea Foster
We, as Christians, should take the logs out of our own eyes before we go speck hunting in other’s eyes.
Ah…THANK YOU!! I forgot to add a specific scripture at the end before I posted! You are a gem to remind this tired old lady 🙂 God bless you, Marlea!!
Marilyn martinez
here’s the facts: Josh Duggar fondled the breasts and vaginas of girls ages 5-12 at age 14. Dad found out when one of the girls came crying to him about Josh going into their room at night. Dad told Josh to stop it. Josh got caught doing it again at 15. (Once he did it to a little girl sitting on his lap for story time). Dad took him to a cop friend who talked to Josh but didn’t report it. That cop is now serving a 56-year prison term for child pornography. Three 1/2 years later when the cops were tipped off by a church member and annonymous email, the Duggars were called in and they confirmed it all. The little girls were still so young the detectives drew a pictures and asked them to point to breasts and vaginas. Btw, Josh, michelle admitted to detectives, didn’t get treatment. He worked for a family friend for three months. When the church elders recommended a real treatment program, Jim bob declined saying he heard that people pick up bad habits in those places. Hmm. You support this? Escape from criminal justice? And the girl that’s not even in their family?
Kathryn McGarry
I don’t follow the lives of the Duggars…simply because I don’t agree with them partaking in a reality show. Also, I don’t watch t.v. However, I do feel that when we (Christians) invite the world into home…then the world will come in take a seat and wait for the shoe to drop. These people put their lives out there for the whole world to see. And that’s sad. Because like you say we all have fallen short of the glory of God. Josh Duggar was a child who made a mistake…but is now paying for…not what he did…but the actions of his parents. And that is to put his young life on display.
Trish, you are spot on. I wanted to address this point in the post, but it would have been a digression. We also don’t have a TV and being so in the spotlight opens one up to jealousy and deeper scrutiny, for sure… Thanks for your insight, friend.
I’m not worried about whether or not Josh has repented because he said he has, so I have to take his word for it. I think the biggest problem that many others (including myself) have is the OBVIOUS coverup.
I also have two others concerns that I’ve prayed about:
1. Victims received (or are still receiving) proper treatment
2. Josh’s children aren’t being abused by him (or anyone else for that matter)
I am not so sure it was covered up, and I can’t address that. To me not so obvious as you say. For a 14 year old, crimes are always handled differently. This young man (Josh) was 14 years old. His records should have remained sealed, because he was a juvenile and juvenile records are usually kept sealed. If you knew what people down the street from you or working in your place of business might have down when they were young teens, you might never want to leave home.
And a big thing to me if I was the parent of the girls (the victims), I wouldn’t want it public to *protect them*…given his age, I would likely have prayed, sought quiet help and been earnestly diligent to stay on it personally, feeling that I would have a better plan and strategy than the police or any social worker…I am for parental rights as far as the law allows and his age allowed their response…
Katherine Lauer
Thank you for voicing this. Many of us would have our lives equally destroyed if we were judged now on our behavior from one or two decades ago.
My heart goes out to everyone involved…I can’t separate how they are all going to live with the stigma and pain of this for the rest of their lives..May the mercy of the Lord flow down to us all! Thanks for that, Katherine.
Charlene Rigney
Thank you for sharing…..well written….
Thank you, Charlene…so hard to get my thoughts together. An emotional topic, but one I needed to grapple with myself.
All your points are valid. I have seen comments from Christians at conservative news sites that are full of hatred for Josh Duggar. The issue they have that makes his case different from the examples you gave is that his involved incest and pedophilia. Rather than get him help, his parents sent him to work with a friend then allowed him to once again live with his victims. He was a minor at the time, but fourteen is hardly a child unable to understand that molesting your four year old sister is wrong. It’s a sexual deviancy that needs treatment. It’s those who were molested as children who seem to be crying against him the most. They know what it’s like to feel unprotected and vulnerable. Their anger is directed at the parents more than Josh.
God forgives and I am so grateful, but there will be consequences that follow sin. When we place ourselves in public to be the face of Christianity there are higher standards. Knowing Josh’s past his parents should have discouraged him from working for the FRC. His past has tarnished that ministry.
Jacqueline, thank you so very much for this post. My heart is aching for all involved in this situation. I can’t imagine having a sin out of my past thrown out to the world for its “consumption”. Maybe all commenting here can join our hearts in prayer for this situation and the folks involved, whether as sinner or sinned against. God bless you, Jacqueline, for this!
repetant wife
Amen! Thank you for writing this. I know I most certainly now don’t want to be judged by the actions of my teenage years. Honestly, I don’t want to be judged by my sins of yesterday. Praise God for His redemption!!
I can’t quite exactly see the parallel between you and Josh Duggar, because you have proclaimed your own story of victory in fighting abortion- your imperfectness and humility about the past while pointing people to Christ propels others towards the gospel. Josh Duggar’s family hid his sins while condemning others doing the same, accusing homosexuals of being pedophiles, all while pointing to their own sexual righteousness. This is especially egregious because sexual abuse recovery isn’t a point in time, it’s a long, slow recovery that takes many years. So in that regard, I do have to disagree.
Plainly put, the shark attack is happening now because the parents did not deal with it appropriately when it happened, by stopping the TV show and giving their children the time, space and counseling they needed to heal, again remembering that recovering from sexual abuse is a long process. These girls were undoubtedly back on camera before they could heal. For the first few months, you’er just working through the immediate crisis and aftermath, it isn’t until after that the healing can begin. The parents wound up putting ALL of their children through a shark attack because of it, not just Josh.
The doubly harmed the cause of Christ by not dealing with it when it happened, and again by hiding their own past, presenting their own perfect righteousness to the cameras, while having this in their closet. This is why people are repulsed, they are calling out the hypocrisy of the false facade that has been on TV for so long. Lost people tend to have a very sensitive hypocrite radar, and when it goes off, it pushes them that much farther from salvation.
I agree with so much you have said here. It makes me cry tears of anger and pain for these girls. If I was in the parent’s shoes, I don’t know what I would have done exactly, but I wouldn’t be on a TV show and spending so much time with image and lines and appearances. It is very probable they have given the children the impression that they are more concerned about earning a living then helping them heal their devastated young lives. Compassion, tenderness, time, and tying heart-strings are much more important in the lives of young people and insures they know you value truth over an illusion of perfection. I’m afraid they may have ignored or not fully dealt with the real danger or simply didn’t give it the priority it needed. Satan can deceive us if we aren’t asking for wisdom and purposefully seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If I don’t have time to be in the Word of God, I am open to being deceived. Satan is so happy!
I believe the time frame is getting mixed up; from my calculations, this all happened BEFORE the TV show. I appreciate the fact that you are extending forgiveness and support to Josh and reminding us all to not cast stones. I agree whole-heartedly. However, I would also encourage us not to cast stones at the parents, and especially now! I’m sure they’re devastated all over again, and that Satan is already working to cause them to feel inadequate, and to open up all the old insecurities, questions, and such that they would have undoubtedly felt when it happened. If we don’t agree with all their decisions, at least we do know we’re on the same team! And which of us have a world full of people agreeing with all our parenting decisions??? Not any of us. We do our best. We don’t get it all right. To cast stones at them and to insinuate that they don’t care for the girls’ pain and haven’t made every effort to help them heal….it’s not right. If any of us ever thought the Duggars were perfect, that was our own misconception. So now that there’s a glaring opportunity to pick fault…why not pray for them, realizing how the devil wants to use this? Why not look beyond the personalities, and see the bigger spiritual battle here, and hold our brothers and sisters up in prayer? Let’s not get side-tracked into criticisms of details. It’s done. It can’t be changed.
That is such a good word, Netajane! Thank you for your comment. My heart goes out to them, and I know I would be crushed and wanting to make the very best decisions for everyone if it happened to our family.
Oh, Lord, please strengthen the parents (and all parents) in their identity in You, flaws and all. Help them to make amends where needed and please go before them to trust that You (and only You) can use ALL things for good… Please give their girls hearts of wisdom and radically heal them of all their pain and distrust, because their only hope (as for any of us) is really only in You. Thank You for being a Redeemer of all that is wrong in this world and for making us a Way to Your side once our time here on earth is past. We love You.
Lori Alexander
The difference between Jacqueline and Josh is that Josh was a 14 year old boy. He did repent and ask forgiveness from those he hurt. He made Jesus the Lord of his life and has not had anything said against him for the past 12 years. He is happily married and his wife is pregnant with their fourth child. The parents acted swifty with his sin and dealt with it.
I have been watching this show for many years and not one of those girls looked harmed in any way. They are joyful and smiling often. The ones who are married are very happy and affectionate with their husbands. How can you say they didn’t deal with their daughters hurt? I’m sure they did! They probably taught their daughters that what their brother did was wrong but it was forgiven at the cross. They are daughters of the King, new creatures in Christ, called to forgive and love their enemies, and can walk in newness of life. The word “victim” is not even used in the Bible since Christ makes ALL things new; even those who have been hurt in their past.
About “presenting their own righteousness in front of the cameras,” just a few weeks ago they had an hour long special interviewing all the camera men and those who have worked with this family over the past 10 years and they ALL say that what you see on TV is what they are in real life. They have never claimed to be perfect; their only desire is to walk faithfully with their Lord and serve Him. Many Christians loved watching this show with their children and using this wonderful family as a tool to teach modesty, purity, loving and serving others, etc. They aren’t hypocrites. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but none of us would publically humiliate our children in front of the public as this report is doing. This record was supposed to be destroyed and the sole purpose for it being revealed was to destroy all of the Duggar family, including all of the girls who were hurt. Nothing good has come from this; only evil intent.
The strongest condemnation I have seen is from women who were themselves victims of abuse. They know how victims can feel powerless, especially when they live with the abuser. According to statements given by the family to law enforcement officials (after the SoL had expired) is that the molestation was repeated even after the parents initially dealt with it. So, the accusation that Jim Bob and Michelle didn’t adequately protect their daughters is not without some merit.
Being aroused by touching and fondling the vagina of your four year old sister is a deviant sexual behavior. Pedophilia is an abnormal pathology. Living with and doing manual labor for a friend of the family isn’t something that can address the pathways to pleasure formed in his mind. Incidentally, that friend is now serving a 54 year sentence for possession of child pornography. How can a sexual deviant adult counsel a young man (my son is fourteen, it’s beyond the age where he is considered a child) who is committing sexually deviant acts? They must not have known about their friend’s addiction, but again, that shows inadequate their approach was.
His public statement of repentance ended with a comment that he changed because his parents showed him how it would ruin his life. True repentance places others first. He also had to know there was the possibility of this becoming public. If he cared at all about the FRC he would not have been a lobbyist for them. He showed very poor judgement and placed his desires ahead of the work of FRC.
We are told to be careful how we judge others, but not to use no discernment ever. Even a child is known by his actions and we should be very careful about who we condemn and who we protect.
Lori Alexander
“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” I Cor. 6:9-11 You underestimate the power of the Lord to change any life that comes to Him, Erin. Where are we called to judge repentant sinners? Paul commands that the church in Corinth welcome back into their church to comfort and support a repentent man who had sex with his mother-in-law. You are condemning a 14 year old boy, along with many others, which I think is unbiblical. There is not one verse in the Bible that supports your position.
As I was addressing the way the parents handled the situation and you keep repeating that Josh was merely a child, Matthew 18:6 supports my position.
The man who repented of having sex with his mother in law is not analogous to the current situation. Consensual sex between two adults who are related by marriage is far from young children having their older, stronger brother force unwanted handling of them. But still, there is forgiveness in Christ and as you said, Josh should be welcome to worship in church. I agree. Quietly attending church as a repentant sinner is a far cry from seeking to be the public face of a Christian organization.
My point was, and is, that they didn’t handle this horrible issue well and that is causing women who were molested in the past cry out against them. Secondly, it was staggeringly selfish of Josh to accept his position with FRC knowing that his past could be revealed.
Regarding records of juveniles remaining sealed I’m not sure how that applies in this situation. Law enforcement, and the record that comes with their involvement,were never notified until he was an adult and the SoL had run out. Makes it unique.
Goodness, yes. This is so very often the case when any prominent Christian fails somehow. It doesn’t matter if it was gone and forgiven between those offending and offended, as soon as the pagans (the unbelievers) pick up on it, they will jump on the opportunity to slander and destroy one of God’s people.
And how tragic is it when so many Christians jump on the bandwagon of beating our brother who is already down?
I pray for myself that I will have even more mercy for those who are in sin and remember that I am no better, and but for God’s preserving me, I would be in the same place (and that I just might be committing the same sins without yet realizing it). Like you said, I think we often are quick to jump on the faults of others when we see them reflecting our own faults.
It’s a sick world. Let’s change it.
Ah, Madison,
The essence of your words, “I pray for myself that I will have even more mercy for those who are in sin and remember that I am no better, and but for God’s preserving me” weigh heavily on me these days. I am examining my heart and my words which reveal my heart. ‘How can I be more gracious’ is a question I ask often. Thank you, dear friend, and God bless you!
From what I read the duggaers didn’t hide it.. they just delt with it within their own family and church, then a year later the church reported it to authorities. It’s a sad and crazy thing. When I read it I knew I had to forgive him… They are still a beautiful family precious to God and we have to remember God has this all, it’s not for any of us to carry only to forgive and speak life. Gods love heals all.
I believe that God is going to work all of this out for the good…according to His purposes…the world has a hard time understanding the ways of God.
I wonder how because it is so terrible for everyone, but I know He can and will. I think of Romans 8:28!!
Thanks for your encouraging comment, Frances! 🙂
Absolutely right “and Satan loves it!”. Finger pointing, back biting, disharmony….and Christians do shoot their own….so unfortunately true. Distance ourselves from those…our ratings might drop, they might drag us down, our ministry ratings might falter….etc, etc, etc. Thanks for your authentic take on this latest in the real life venue we call a fallen world changed by CHRIST’s Grace. visiting you from Motivation Monday. feel free to visit back
Thanks, Shandra! I will visit you…
I spent a lot of time and energy trying to copy the Duggars. I would buy their books and listen to their conferences. I also listened to Doug Phillips and even bought some Gothard books. I think it is telling that all these people had a very public fall. I have a 40 pound box full of Vision Forum materials in my basement as we speak.
The only conclusion I can come up with is that God does not share his glory with man.
I think these people unintentionally put themselves in a position of getting between Christians and Jesus. I think they are all still saved and are Christians. Even Doug, and we all know what he did. Christians can sin and sin badly, just like David. However, we all need to be mindful to always point people to the Lord and not to ourselves. Fame and fortune is rarely a good thing.
Oh, Arby, dear one, I couldn’t agree with you more! As a family who also bought Vision Forum material and went to many VF conferences, we watched things subtly change way before anything was released publicly. We hung around to watch and study this phenomenon but finally had to leave that movement, though maintaining many of of our friendships. It was not a surprise to many of us when it happened. There were lots of things that were noticeable unless you were enamored with the leaders. We loved the fellowship and practice of strong family worship, etc., but there was a hypocrisy and legalism that was unmistakable. This all is very sad and should be a wake-up call to us that the Lord will not stand still when we take His glory unto ourselves as you said!
Donald Etheridge
I so agree, and I believe God will be Be Glorified in the Good he is able to bring out of it…even though others meant it for evil… as we are about remembering Jesus command to love our enemies, and to wash the feet of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and speaking the truth in Love when it’s time to speak up, I’m so glad we can pray about every situation, talking everything over with Our God and Our Lord, and glean in the fields of His giving , for the Obeds of His redeeming Love and Mercy, Like in the story of Ruth and Naomi, and Boaz
Charlotte Moore
WOW!!! I have not heard anything at all about this. We don’t have TV either. You can’t believe very much of anything you read on the magazine headlines as you stand in line at the grocery store. The media will sure have a hay day with this since they are showing modesty and all they portray. GRACE, GRACE, GOD’S GRACE, GRACE to cover ALL my sins. I really hate this for the family.
We don’t have TV, but have heard about this situation via Internet news, etc.
The Duggars should have never done the TV show and put themselves in the public eye, knowing that the media could get their hands on this story. It is shameful for Josh, and his family. But the worst thing is that this family has publicly named the Name of Christ. And it’s HIS Name that’s being dragged through the mud. So very sad.
I agree with Lisa, it does damage to all Christians and they did the show for money! Josh was 17 when you actually read the police reports and even at 15 he was old enough to know better. He and the victims needed counseling and did not get it. Yes we all have sins and need forgiveness but this goes beyond when he could of had professional help and his parents refused to get it. His own children could be in danger and most people know a victim of child abuse and it affects their whole life even if they do forgive.
Thank you for commenting and sharing your thoughts with us, Edie.
Mary Gilbert
We all know how dishonest the media is so I am not sold on believing all that is being said about Josh Duggar, not that I have heard or paid attention to much of it anyway. And, he is not my family, he has not & will never be around any of my children/grandchildren so none of this is any of my business.
Jacqueline, I appreciate your honest posting of this very emotional subject. As Christians, we are not to judge. Along with so many others, I have enjoyed watching their show. I wouldn’t want TV cameras invading my home and family, but learned a lot about witnessing by viewing their program. The news media is having a field day with this news, most of which I don’t believe is true. I have seen firsthand what someone being accused of a sex crime does to a family. In this case, there has been an admission of guilt. What he did was wrong, about that there is no doubt in my mind. However, how does the media know the ages of the sisters involved? It is only by the grace of God that he can be forgiven for this and any other since. I’m glad not to be in the public and having my past sins being broadcast around the world. I feel a responsibility to pray for all those involved and that God will be glorified in the end.
Oh, yes, Sarah, let’s do pray together… no matter where the Lord has us or how far apart we are! We are the church universal and commanded to pray for the brethren no matter what! Love to you, sweet friend 🙂
I agree with what you have written Jacqueline. It is just a bit disappointing that they allowed themselves to be the “poster” family. This is probably where many people are hurt as they patterned their lives after them. We only saw the first series on DVD and didn’t go any further but I know a lot of people who constantly quoted that family and who are very distraught right now.
I am a bit brokenhearted of late at seeing so many leading Christians falling into sin as ADULTS right now. I pray that everyone with influence takes it seriously and keeps a close conneciton to prayer to stay strong. Warning is given… “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. ” ~ James 3:1-3
Thank you for sharing this message of forgiveness. We ALL need it!
And may we all put our hope in Christ, the ONLY one who will never let us down.
Oh, I hadn’t thought of that scripture in regards to the Duggars. We have not even watched one episode for we don’t own a TV, so I hesitated to post. I think what you mentioned about them allowing themselves to be the poster family is actually what causes me the most red flags! Thank you JES, for the scripture and for being such a dear friend. May we earnestly continue to ask the Lord to help us and to KEEP us!
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ~Numbers 6: 24-26
Love to you, sweet sister!
Yes, yes!! Also, I didn’t necessarily refer the Scripture to the Duggars at first, more like the adult offenders of late that Arby mentions above, however, after I typed it, I thought about all those books that the Duggar parents wrote. That is teaching… And again, I suppose that as we share in blogs, we are subject to the same scrutiny.
I think that this is a good thought to ponder right now…
“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Have a lovely weekend!!! 🙂
Yes, JES, we are very much teachers, not only of our own children and others that we counsel, but to those who read anything we write. Oh, may the Lord preserve us and help us to guard our ways! I love you, sweet friend…rest in the Lord this weekend and be renewed in His amazing love . Hugs!
Sarah Jane
I guess where people go wrong is when they “pattern their lives” after something or someone other than Jesus Christ…it will only lead to disappointment. That is why so many lose the faith when those in ministry fall. People look to a ministry, pastor, church, or an organization instead of to the Lord.
When I am tempted to judge someone else, I just remind myself that Christ still would have had to die the same agonizing death for the thief, murderer, molester, & rapist, as he would have for the lie I told last week. Because in the face of his awesome perfection, one sin is no greater than another, and we humans can’t even fathom that, but it’s true, the ground is level at the foot of the cross!
Thank you for speaking the truth and helping us to remember to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, Sarah Jane.
Blessings, friend!
What a touching article. Thanks for linking up and sharing with us at Funtastic Friday. Please join us again this week.
Perhaps Eli deserves a “F” in parenting. I don’t believe that Samuel was a parent or ever married.
Thank you so much for pointing out my error, Sonja! I corrected it just now 🙂
Dear Jacqueline,
I wonder if you can recommend any books that help parents talk to their children about sexuality, abstinence, and such. I am struggling to broach this topic, and yet I know I want my children to hear about these matters from our home and not elsewhere. Any suggestions? I’d greatly appreciate hearing.
Thank you,
Let me do some thinking on this, Sandra. I am drawing a blank right this minute.
Pray for me as I search!
I love you for writing this! (Some of) We Christian believers have forgotten that we all were wretched, unrighteous, guilty, unprofitable people BEFORE God granted and bestowed His GRACE, mercy, and love upon us. And that includes the ugliest of sins and the chiefest of sinners. HALLELUJAH!
I can’t say that I agree scripturally with everything that the Duggars believe and teach, but I do know that God our Father will continue to teach all of us the truth of His scriptures and sanctify us.
“As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.” Romans 3:10-12
“Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:19-20
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus…” Romans 3:23-24
the Duggars are sick, they are in a cult and the parents should also be locked up they knew they are guilty, throw them all in jail and never let them out, once a pedo always a pedo death sentence for destroying those childrens lifes, his wife a total idiot too
Julia, I never watched the show and somehow thankfully missed that with other interests and homeschooling our own children and living on a farm. Yeah, it is really a shame because it reflects badly on others who are nothing like them. The parents in my personal opinion got off on the wrong track by getting involved with a TV show contract and all the potentially sordid notariety of ‘celebrity’ life… wanting to have the perceived ‘perfect family’ was a trap. It can’t end well exploiting/selling/benefitting off your family for profit. I can’t imagine the pressures and allure of that kind of life. Shirley Temple is the only one I can think of who wasn’t tainted by such a situation in young life.
They missed the verse Mark 8:36, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”