What if you or a loved one with cancer could have all kinds of different treatments tested on your cancer, find exactly which treatments worked the best, and develop a personalized protocol based on this—all from a simple blood test?
Guess what? You can.

Meet the Research Genetics Cancer Center Group (RGCC).
Founded in 2004 by Dr. Ioannis Papasotiriou, its headquarters are in Switzerland and its primary laboratory in northern Greece (hence its nickname, the “Greek test”).
This video gives a brief introduction:
They describe their offerings as “the most up-to-date cancer detection and chemosensitivity tests available.”
These tests can check for the presence of cancer, monitor malignancy markers, discover what treatments—conventional and alternative—work best for your particular cancer, etc.
Some of their tests identify circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and cancer stem cells (CSCs).
- CTSs are cells which break away from the primary tumor and enter the bloodstream.
- CSCs are aggressive and able to hide from the immune system.
A portion of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) will be cancer stem cells (CSCs) which can live for decades. Because of their ability to micro-colonize, CSCs are responsible for the metastasis and recurrence of cancer.
Often these little guys (cancer stem cells) will escape the treatment for the primary tumor. They will continue to circulate in the blood long after the patient has been pronounced “cancer-free,” and multiply until cancer reoccurs—sometimes even years later. That is why identifying and targeting these aggressive cells—not merely the tumor—is vitally important.
Through their tests, many different kinds of mutations can be investigated to see which may be causing resistance to therapy so treatments can be tailored accordingly.
RGCC’s patient info leaflet explains the process for having a test done, in seven steps:
1. You arrange an appointment with your doctor or contact one from the RGCC group’s international network.
2. Your blood is drawn.
3. Your sample is sent to a laboratory.
4. Personalized tests are carried out on your sample to detect cancer cells or monitor an existing tumor.
5. A profile of treatments that could benefit you is produced.
6. These test results and profile are shared with you and your doctor.
7. You and your doctor develop a personalized approach to combating the cancer.
These tests are ex vivo (“out of the living”) tests.
The experimentation is conducted on the blood or tissue outside the organism, allowing for more controlled conditions that do not alter the natural environment. None of the genetic or epigenetic expressions are changed as they would be in vivo.
The CTC’s are expanded in the lab, generating 100s of billions to trillions of CSC’s in a period of 24-36 hours. This cell culture does not change the genetics; they’re isolated, not enriched.
Different conventional and alternative cancer therapies are then applied to see which is the most effective.
—A blood sample works for solid tumors, blood cancers, sarcomas, etc.
—Brain and central nervous system primary tumors (glioblastomas, astrocytoma, meningioma, etc.,) will require a small, live tissue sample.
Most test results are available 7-10 days from the time the sample is received.
Allow about 3 weeks for everything.
You can ask for this test through your doctor, directly through one of RGCC’s agents, or through a clinic that uses the test with its patients and then creates a personalized treatment protocol based on the results.
There are obvious advantages to the last option, and if you are able to find such a clinic in your area this would be ideal.
Here are just a few examples:
Here are some of the tests RGCC offers:
- Oncocount (Screening for presence of cancer or follow-up for CTC count. About $600.)
- Oncotrace (Can differentiate between benign and malignant cells. Is recommended if you are certain or suspicious of cancer. Measures CTC’s and CSC’s. About $850.)
- Oncotrail (Can be used as a follow-up if you have received a positive diagnosis for specific cancers such as breast, prostate, colon, etc. Includes the markers relevant to that one specific type of malignancy. About $825.)
- Onconomics (Tests around 50 or 60 different chemotherapy drugs on the cancer. About $2,000.)
- Onconomics Extracts (Tests around 50 natural agents and plant-based extracts on the cancer, like vitamin C, micellized D3, paw-paw, resveratrol, melatonin, green tea extract, amygdalin (B17), curcumin, etc. About $1,800.)
- Onconomics Plus (Includes both the Onconomics and Onconomics Extracts tests. About $3,100.)
RGCC offers several other tests as well and you would want to consult a doctor on which combination of tests would be best for you. If you already know you have cancer, you might get an Oncotrace or Oncotrail test, along with one of the Onconomics tests.
See a sample Onconomics Plus report here.
Wondering about the scientific research supporting such testing?
A number of published studies have been compiled here.
A quick note concerning the Onconomics test: some integrative doctors use a treatment called Low Dose Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPTLD). The patient is given insulin to rob cancer cells of
their fuel (sugar), then when the patient’s blood sugar drops and the cancer cells are “starving for food,” the cells are given poison: chemotherapy. But only one-tenth of a dose used in conventional treatments is given in IPTLD.
These targeted cancer treatments are significantly less toxic and more highly effective than conventional chemotherapy treatments. If you choose to go this route (or even the regular conventional route), knowing exactly which chemotherapy drug works the best for your cancer could be a game-changer.
You can watch here as a nurse and cancer survivor explains the RGCC test: Video
In one case a group of over 750 cancer patients were tested and it was discovered that no 2 received the same protocol, even if the cancers were the same.
“The difference between protocols are 30-60% different even in siblings with the same cancer.”
That demonstrates just how personalized and targeted these tests are.
An older family friend of ours was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. After a round of radiation he took the Greek test. When he received his report he pursued the natural treatments suggested most effective by it. A year or so later he had another scan done and his doctor was shocked by the results. Our friend was told there were no new cancer cells and the old ones were dying. When our friend told me this he said the treatments also made him feel great. That’s been some years ago now. I saw him just the other day and he’s still enjoying life. The treatments suggested by the test have indeed been very effective for him.
If you or a loved one receives a cancer diagnosis, an RGCC test could be an excellent tool for assessing the situation and taking the guesswork out of treatment.
Source of material above: Why We Recommend and Use “The R.G.C.C. Cancer Test “ PDF
More information on the Greek Test from the Townsend Letter.
I thank Tabitha Alloway for her willingness to contribute to Deep Roots at Home.
Tabitha Alloway is a second-generation homeschooling mom of three children. Her love of research and writing are a blessing to us all. You may find her sipping tea, investigating a new stack of books, working on a writing project, or enjoying a nature walk with her kids. She writes at Pursuing Logos.
Tabitha has 2 other fascinating posts here on Deep Roots: Apricot Pits: The Amazing Seed with Life-Saving Poison and Secret Tea Formula Entrusted to Pres. JFK’s Personal Physician.

***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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I still have not gotten a chance to do more than a scan at the emails you sent me, but I wanted to comment on this.
I have had the RGCC oncocount test done. It was, unfortunately, MUCH more expensive than the cost listed here or I would have done the sensitivity test, too. It was a hard choice to make, but I have the SOT treatment ordered and the Dentritic Cell Therapy planned, so I knew I needed to save as much as I could for the holistic doctor treatments. (My integrative oncologist also offers high dose vitC, glutathione, reservation, and curcumin infusions plus a list of supplement suggestions personalized for you which are optional. None of those are covered by insurance, so that is fairly expensive, too!)
I am a little nervous about the SOT because I have read that, if done incorrectly, it can actually cause multiple problems. It reminds me a bit of the mrna process with the covid vaccine, but at least these oligos only last a few months rather than a lifetime and should only target portions of DNA causing cells to divide uncontrollably.
Anyway, I will try to keep you updated on it so you have another voice on the treatments! I have read an account of a woman with stage 4 ovarian cancer whose tumors were shrank during a recurrence after she refused chemo and had dendritic cell therapy, so I am hopeful! 😊
Jen, Please do feel free to share insight!
Oops. I said oncocount. I meant oncotrail!
I will also say that my integrative oncologist did a full nutritional and hormone workup, too. I can’t remember the company at the moment, but I can look if you would like. They found that I was severely deficient in melatonin. You probably already know this, but melatonin is actually also one of the most important antioxidants in the body, so that may have made a huge difference in why I developed cancer in the first place. I am on a large dose of prolonged release melatonin at night. I also gleaned a lot of great information about which vitamins and minerals I needed to focus on getting.
Vitamin D3 was low at the time and it is still not perfect, though much higher. (D takes longer to build up in the body than others.) But I wouldn’t have known that it wasn’t optimal because most labs only give you a “normal” range. As we all know, normal isn’t necessarily optimal! So, I would definitely advise those diagnosed with cancer to get a really great oncological nutritionist who is up to date on current cancer research and who tests for these things. Some of the nutritionists and doctors I interviewed even told me things such as “Everything in moderation, ” and “If you want cake, eat cake. Your body has to be strong enough to fight this cancer, so introducing a restrictive diet is a bad idea now.” 🙄 Forget the fact that poor diet is very strongly linked to both a cancer diagnosis and a less favorable prognosis.
Ok. I’ll stop now. I just wanted to share what may be helpful to others reading this in the future!
Thank you for sharing this Jen! I am praying for you for wisdom and strength!
Sending love! ~J
Jonda Crutcher
Jen, thank you so much for sharing your journey through the disease. I pray that you have made a complete recovery. And I thank the Holy Spirit for guiding you. Grace and peace be yours, from God, our Father.