[Due to the sheer importance of this information, I’m revisiting an earlier viral article “Are You Ready To Meet the Babies In Your Next Vaccines?”].
The fact that the Chickenpox (varicella), Hepatitis-A, and MMR vaccines were developed using aborted fetal cell lines MRC-5 and WI-38, has never been hidden from the public. The problem is that when parents go to their family doctors for vaccinations, who asks to see the product insert? What would happen if they did? They would read that the vaccine contains “residual DNA and proteins” and “components” of “MRC-5”, “WI-38” (or both) “human diploid cell lines”. (source)
Click here for the Manufacturer’s package insert portion describing the fetal cell lines.
Who are these babies who never received a name?
Revealed in a 2:30 minute expert testimony during a hearing in Washington State:
To verify the truth of all these claims, read the scientific evidence which is recorded in the vaccine manufacturer package inserts, science publications and patents > Aborted Fetal Material Used in Vaccines and Medicines <Quotes revealed on this page are shocking and disgusting!
“Human embryos of two and one-half to five months gestation were obtained from the gynaecological department of the Toronto General Hospital…No macerated specimens were used and in many of the embryos the heart was still beating at the time of receipt in the virus laboratory.” ~Drs. Thicke, Duncan, Rhodes
Dr. Stanley Plotkins describes the gruesome process.
Identifying the Babies:
WI-38 (Girl)
WI-38 was developed from the lung tissue of a Swedish baby girl, three months gestation. The parents felt they had too many children. The tiny organs were packed on ice and flown to the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia where it was dissected. Used to culture RA273 for rubella and MMR vaccines! (source)
MRC-5 (Boy)
MRC-5 was developed from the lung tissue of a 14 week gestation male baby in the UK. (source)
The story of the Rubella vaccine is even more grim. It involved not one, but 27 abortions. Twenty-seven to isolate the virus, and then it was cultured in WI-38 (see above).
Taken from the lung of a 3 month gestation aborted baby.
Stanley Plotkin, vaccine developer, would later reveal that 40 more babies were aborted after RA273. Thus 67 separate abortions were involved in the research and final production of the present-day rubella vaccine. (source)
Is the RA273 rubella immunization a cause of chronic fatigue?
WALVAX 2 (Girl) is taken from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation baby girl who was ultimately selected from 9 aborted babies.
The scientists induced labor using a “water bag” abortion to shorten the delivery time and PREVENT the death of the fetus (BABY) to ensure LIVE intact organs. This is going to be the New MMR. (source) Used to replace the current MERC-5 and WI-38 (above) which are depleting.
You may look up Walvax here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4526020/ This is not hidden science or make believe by weirdos. This actually happened in China in 2009.
Vaccine manufacturers obtain human cell lines from FDA-certified cell banks.

How Many Babies Were Aborted For the Rubella Vaccine?
*NOTE: 67 abortions of babies to produce rubella virus plus 32 abortions to produce the cell line for cultivation means there was a total of at least 99 elective abortions to create the rubella vaccine alone. (source)

HEK-293 Developed in 1973 from aborted baby kidney cells genetically engineered combined with adenovirus. 293 is the number of the experiment. “293 doesn’t mean there were 293 abortions, but for 293 experiments, you would certainly need far more than one abortion. We’re talking probably hundreds of abortions.” (source)
IMR-90 and IMR-91 (Girl) are lung and skin from 2 female babies.
Called a “human designer cell”, PER.C6 is from an isolated retina of a baby about 18 weeks gestation. It provides a manufacturing system for the production of influenza vaccines, as well as ebola, HPV, malaria, HIV, and others. This cell line was made to be ‘immortal’ but failed.
WI-26 VA4 (Boy)
All I could find on this one is that it’s derived from the lung tissue of an aborted Caucasian baby boy. (source)
For supporting information, go to Children of God For Life.
Are using these human fetal cell lines necessary? No.
Animal cell lines produce vaccines and biologics as economically and effectively as the human fetal cell lines. Rejuvenating anti-aging creams and cosmetic products are available produced using animal and non-fetal materials.
Injecting Male DNA into Females and visa versa
[There’s nothing more alarming than altering DNA. Think about it injecting Male DNA into females and vs versa. And we are NOT told this… They were listed in the ingredient lists until January of this year. Now that we’ve started a movement, and we are speaking up, they’re removing them from the list, but they are still IN the vaccines.]
See the original ingredient lists here.
The China Connection
And please heavily consider the part that explains that these new vaccine cell lines are being made in China…they currently ship us fish farmed in feces, toys with high lead content, and plasticized rice…Do you really think they are concerned about your family’s safety?
Scientists in China Create New Vaccines Using Body Parts From Nine Aborted Babies
This is for all the people who call themselves pro-life but then call parents “idiots” for being vaccine hesitant!
“So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” ~Matthew 18:14

***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Thank you, Jacqueline. I have quite a few friends who had an abortion when they were younger. Most of them are sidewalk counselors now. And a few are still struggling, although knowing of God’s forgiveness and walking through post-abortion Bible studies.
You probably know that Regeneron also uses human fetal tissue… as well as monoclonal antibodies 😢
I appreciate your story. Only God could restore you. You are such a blessing to your community. I am amazed about all that you know regarding health & wellness, childrearing, and your wisdom on so many subjects. I have been praying our daughter, age 34 (with her sweet husband and little 2 & 4-year old boys) would pursue alternative wellness education and start a practice.
Jill, I am constantly researching and have had the Lord place the NEED to research in front of me for many years (we were very sick with different things over the years and being a RN, B.S., I love learning outside the allopathic rhetoric). I am not a brilliant person, but a person who will not quit when there is a need to know. When my family is involved, I’m a mother bear, and then translate that to loving others (that the Lord has placed on my heart), I’m led to keep sharing what I’m learning!
Yes, we serve a mighty, faithful God!