Geert Vanden Bossche video below.
This is an absolute must-watch interview with world-renowned vaccine specialist and proponent, Geert Vanden Bossche.
An environmental virologist and microbiologist for 30 years and involved in human vaccine development for 23 years with various major pharmaceutical firms, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche speaks out against further administration of #Covid19 vaccines in the middle of a ‘pandemic’.
This man has impeccable credentials in the world of vaccine research and development. (He coordinated the Ebola vaccine program for the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). The doctor is not exactly what one might call a crazy, anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist.
Yet in raising the alert, he is risking his career and reputation.
In what may be one of the most important stories ever, the vaccine developer shares his well-founded extreme concerns about these vaccines and why we may be on track to creating a global immunity catastrophe.
“Basically, we’ll very soon be confronted with a super-infectious virus that completely resists our most precious defense mechanism: The human immune system.” ~Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD virology, previous SPO at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and SPM at GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)
You will come away with a much greater understanding of the virus, the vaccine, and why we must protect our innate immune system at all costs!
If you want to cut to the chase, start at 20:00. Perhaps, the most important content is 30:00 to the end.
Here is also a link to the full interview (watch before it is removed from YouTube):
In his Open Letter to the WHO: “Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations”, Dr. Bossche explains that:
- Ongoing mass vaccination deployments are “highly-likely to further enhance ‘adaptive’ immune escape as none of the current vaccines will prevent replication/transmission of viral variants”.
- And so, “The more we use these vaccines for immunizing people in the midst of a pandemic, the more infectious the virus will become”.
- And “With increasing infectiousness comes an increased likelihood of viral resistance to the vaccines”.
His real worry (he puts it, “beyond worried”), is that the humankind may severely damage it’s own, natural ‘innate’ immunity, because Specific Antibodies in the vaccine will suppress our own natural killer (NK) cells. On a wide scale, our ‘innate’ immunity would be lost (a rich, variant-nonspecific, form of natural immunity).
In June 2020, with similar concerns, Ken Frazier, CEO of Merck, raised the alert to understand the coronavirus more before rushing for a quick solution via vaccines. (In the industry, Merck is considered the gold standard for vaccine development and had produced four out of seven “successful” vaccines).
Merck was honest enough to give up its COVID-19 vaccine development program to focus on a treatment or cure.
The Director of the CDC raised an early alert in a CNN report on March 2 that gains made in the US including the mRNA vaccination could be “wiped out” by new variants. This, too, supports Dr. Bossche’s warning.
“From all of the above, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.” ~Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD virology, previous SPO at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and SPM at GAVI
“But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.” ~2 Timothy 3:1

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Barb Tocci
I just saw this yesterday, it was on High Wire with Del Bigtree. This was a very compelling look at the full scope of consequences of mass vaccinations. Been researching vaccines for 38 years,started with my first pregnancy, this is something that never fully came into view as a potential outcome. What a frightening concept!!God have mercy. This is truly a very dark out in human history, feeling like I’m watching the end unfold. But for God….we’ll see what He does.
Kay Ficken
So as one who has had Co-vid, how do we boost our immune system for the next round?
Hi, Kay! I do have a whole post on a simple protocol and those who are doing this are building stronger immune systems (as they get exposed or are already exposed) to the virus(es)!
Our NK cells are doing their job!
This post contains what you are looking for:
AND this post has a hospital protocol for prevention and an acute case:
I hope that helps and God bless you!
The Lord is our only hope and we WIN either way when we are IN Him!
Grace and peace,
Thank you for your quick reply. I’ve noted what we need to get and what doses.
And you are correct about winning either way when we are IN Him. I was telling DH about the video and he said, “If we get it again and die, we’re still OK. We’ll be in Heaven.” Amen!!
Praying God’s riches blessing for you.
Thank you for posting this and so much other good information that cannot be found anywhere else. I was disappointed that Dr. Geert did not offer a solution to the current situation, except of course to stop the “vaccination” process worldwide….. would have liked to hear more…
Dear Jackie,
I appreciate your efforts at Deep Roots and share your concerns. Unfortunately, the recent Open Letter by Geert Vanden Bossche likely also contains disinformation from this industry insider. Namely, I have seen debunking of the his fear-mongering claim that the vaccines will drive mutation into more virulent forms of the virus both from vaccine opponents and proponents. The likely goal of this driving of the industry fear-mongering narrative is revealed at the end of his open letter where his proposed solution is a different kind of mass vaccination! This was not discussed on the Highwire coverage. It is notable that yearly flu vaccination does not drive mutation of flu virus in this way, so despite Bossche’s persuasive alarmism, it is being reported there is no evidence from the real statistics being gathered to support his theoretical scenario.
You can read a rebuttal to Bossche on the Children’s Health Defense web site:
Rebuttal: The ‘Not-So-Hidden Agenda’ Behind Bossche’s Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination • Children’s Health Defense
You may want to update your recent post with this additional context and information. I wish Del Bigtree had been a bit more circumspect in his coverage of this industry insider.
Thank you!
Yes, Karen, I have already added that I am looking into his comments. I will read the CHD article as I respect Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.!
I had already added this: “Update: I’m still researching to make sure Vanden Bossche is the real deal! In the video he admits he’s now focusing on vaccines that “educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines.” And he isn’t among the thousands of MDs, PhDs, and other people with graduate degrees or equivalent qualifications who have thoroughly debunked the official Covid narrative over the last 12 months. Stay tuned – if I find anything, I will let you know!”
Thank you so much for letting me know!
Appreciate it!
PS I just added: “Update #2: In an effort to be up to date with accurate information, read Rebuttal: The ‘Not-So-Hidden Agenda’ Behind Bossche’s Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination. It offers why we should be wary of attempts to erase the fact “our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and don’t need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry.” Is a “drug-company astroturf campaign” underway?”
Monica G
Thank you Jacqueline for all your thorough research. Very good post! When I see all the crazy things going on I’m thankful God is mighty in battle, in Him is no fear. Although, we still need to be informed. When all is said and done, it will be a greater miracle in Christ Jesus. Lord bless you sis.
I couldn’t watch all of the HighWire “performance” of fear and hysteria but did watch the interview. I have not gotten vaccinated because of the mRNA issue creating and targeting all spike proteins and worries about future auto-immune diseases. The interview is yet another reason I will proceed with caution. For some helpful info without fear, I offer this testimony to the US congress by Dr. Pierre Kory, very compelling worldwide control studies indicating that i-ver-mec-tin (hope that escapes the bots) has very strong evidence of efficacy.
It’s just maddening that his testimony was given over 3 months ago and this is the first I’ve heard of it!
Yes, Janet, Dr. Kory gives amazing testimony that Ivermectin is safe at any time and WORKS quickly esp when given early.
I published a hospital prophylactic and acute use protocol using Ivermectin here:
Thank you! ~Jacque
Bea Ann Bridges
Hi Jackie, I sincerely appreciate your website and posts! Wanted to add my concern regarding this new voice/interview. The link below may be the same or similar article referred to in Karen’s comment above from the CHD website, but I read it on the Vaccine Impact website. It definitely makes me suspicious of this “insider’s” agenda! I truly would not trust anyone who believes in and is promoting any mass vaccination plan! The enemy is so insidious!
Yes, Bea Ann, I have already added that I am looking into his comments. I will read the CHD article as I respect Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.!
I had already added this: “Update: I’m still researching to make sure Vanden Bossche is the real deal! In the video he admits he’s now focusing on vaccines that “educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines.” And he isn’t among the thousands of MDs, PhDs, and other people with graduate degrees or equivalent qualifications who have thoroughly debunked the official Covid narrative over the last 12 months. Stay tuned – if I find anything, I will let you know!”
Thank you so much for letting me know!
Appreciate it!
PS I just added: “Update #2: In an effort to be up to date with accurate information, read Rebuttal: The ‘Not-So-Hidden Agenda’ Behind Bossche’s Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination. It offers why we should be wary of attempts to erase the fact “our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and don’t need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry.” Is a “drug-company astroturf campaign” underway?”
Barb Tocci
I’ve researched Geert Vanden Bossche, and his theory. Have given it to a trusted ‘think out of the box’ medical professional….jury is still out, but is in line with the proven truth,that overuse of antibiotics DO create SUPER killer strains. All I can say is that when ANYONE refutes or disagrees with the “narrative” ie: Frontline Doctors, they are immediately attacked and discredited. EVERYONE who dares raise any questions, is silenced. Time will tell, the Antibody dependent enhancement, will be challenging enough, and many will die. Dr Sherry Tenpenny has identified 10 causes of injury in the Covid implant. Bossche’s theory fit’s the depopulation agenda….Watch and pray.
Yes, Barb, we do need to ‘watch and pray’!! We need to walk with our eyes wide open and seek the Lord in everything.
Either way, the vaccine is off the table for many of us in medicine and also many laypeople.
Too much is not known about it but the most important thing is that our innate immune system still is the best thing we have
going for us when we can use natural, God-given supplements wisely like these:
I appreciate the interest in this and hope that many will start to be awake to the diversions and plans that are well underway to deceive many!
“For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” ~Matthew 24:24
Barb Tocci
“For false christ’s and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” ~Matthew 24:24
Very true!!It is time of great deception, we must be in communion with the Holy Spirit. Psalm 94 I think lays it out very well, the hour we are in.
I’m very disappointed to here Mr Trump pushing the shot…. makes him very suspect.
Pamela Moore
Dear Jaqueline
I know someone who has had lymes disease (which I know you basically always have it) – he wants to get the shots – his wife had the corona and he did not use any precautions about being around her. His family is trying to convince him from taking the shot because of the lymes but his doctor has told him it will be fine. He is a contractor working outside 90% of the time. Thanking you in advance for any further information you may be able to add to our argument against the shot.
Pamela, the most important thing he needs to know is that the experimental gene therapy (it is not a vaccine) does not prevent one from covid!
Why are they telling people they still have to wear a mask after the vaccine?
This is very helpful to explain that:
Also, I would point him to this post with videos of what he might face with a reaction. There are many and then he will be able to give full informed consent:
I hope that helps!
PS We had advanced Lyme and would share with you what we did if interested. It only took 4-7 months (we all responded slightly differently) for all of us to test clear of the coinfections. It is inexpensive, and it is not a complicated protocol!
Have you heard of TRS or read Avalyn’s Story?
This will explain how TRS can help with things like Lyme, fibromyalgia, thyroid, regressive autism, mold, seizure disorder, bedwetting and stuttering in children and other autoimmune diseases from underlying toxins and metals:
I do coaching with every order through my link ❤
So, in essence what he’s saying is that ALL vaccines can cause these same issues that he’s concerned about. Except he won’t actually go as far as to admit that. Every time I have ever gotten a Flu shot I became very ill for weeks and weeks, yet was told it wasn’t the shot. It was impossible that it was the shot. Every year that I did NOT get a Flu shot, I never once got the Flu. For far too long I’d believed in the “Science” and the Doctors, but they lie and manufacture Fake Science to sell their poisons. Not long before the plandemic, I was advised to get numerous Vaccines prior to starting Enbrel for Psoriatic Arthritis. They gave me 6 shots, Flu, Pneumonia, Tdap, Shingrix, I was sick that night, which developed into a high fever and bad cough. I became more & more ill, the cough worsened, turned into Pneumonia and lasted 3 months. Every doctor dismissed an association with those Toxins I allowed those idiots to inject into me. After I was better, I foolishly began the Enbrel treatments, it caused neurological damage, it caused demylelination of the spinal nerves, causing Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. Although I’ve been off the Enbrel for over 18 months, none of the symptoms have gone away. I won’t get the MRI they say I need because it requires Gadolinium Contrast Dye which also contains Aluminum and both those things are heavy metals and highly toxic. In fact, research is now showing that the brains of those that died with MS, Autism & Alzheimers have high concentrations of Aluminum in their brains. ALL vaccines contain high levels of Aluminum. Want to know more about it, read what Dr. Christopher Exley has to say, he’s an expert on Aluminum and its Toxicity. I’m a Christian and I pray these evil people will be stopped and that those who have allowed themselves to be fooled, will have their eyes opened, but I admit I have a HUGE amount of contempt for at least 98% of those in the medical field. They’re some of the most educated, arrogant, idiots walking the planet, causing great harm and getting away with it.
Lisa, I couldn’t agree more! I am ashamed of my profession and what I once loved.
I would love to help you! I am a nurse consultant and am currently working with many hundreds of families online and have many things that we can do to restore some of (On much of) your function and quality of life.
Email me at [email protected] and I will lay out the plan I work with.
I am praying for you now.
Sending peace,