Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician, father of 9, author of Amazon’s top-seller “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan” is in the fight for medical freedom and informed consent. With 1.5 million YouTube subscribers and a practice of 15,000 patients, he is one of the most beloved pediatricians I know of.
I wish we could clone him and his team in this day and age of many (not all) pediatricians who are paid off and don’t always have their young patients’ best interests at heart.
The CDC challenged Dr. Paul to prove his book’s vaccine schedule was as safe as the CDC schedule, and so he set out to do that with actual data (vacc’d vs. unvacc’d) from his own large practice.
After Dr. Paul published his significant ‘real-world’, peer-reviewed study showing that children receiving fewer vaccines were healthier than those following the CDC vaccine schedule, the Oregon Medical Board (OMB), without filing any charges against his practice, took his license. This suspension resulted in Dr. Paul losing not only his license but all health plan contracts, hospital privileges, board certifications, and his ability to practice medicine.
Dr. Paul Thomas’s practice lost $1.3M a year for NOT giving the kids 5 and 6 injections at every well-baby visit.
[To maximize profits, manufacturers and health insurers bundle as many vaccines as possible into one syringe. And doctors, once told to give no more than three simultaneous vaccines, are now expected to give up to as many as nine. This means that twelve-month-old babies can get a total of twenty-five antigens in one day, an astounding immune assault for a twenty pounder.]
This is an important listen for any new parent, to help them consider different alternatives than the 74 jabs during childhood of 16 diseases that may contribute to why 54% of our children are now chronically ill.
Dr. Paul has been traveling around the country speaking to audiences of hundreds and thousands about his research (and the research already known) that shows children receiving fewer vaccines are incredibly healthy when compared to the fully-vaccinated children.
6 minutes.
Supporting presentation of vac’d vs. unvac’d in large pediatric practice
For their study—which Dr. Thomas summarizes (at breakneck speed) in the video above—the authors compared a control group consisting of 561 unvaccinated children with a vaccinated group consisting of 2,763 children. Note, however, that those in the vaccine arm of the study were “variably vaccinated,” meaning each individual received somewhere between one and 40 vaccinations during the study period. (source)

“We performed a retrospective analysis spanning ten years of pediatric practice focused on patients with variable vaccination born into a practice, presenting a unique opportunity to study the effects of variable vaccination on outcomes,” the authors write in their abstract. The average total incidence of billed office visits per outcome—that is, the Relative Incidence of Office Visit (or RIOV)—were compared between the two cohorts.

The authors note that “after matching for days-of-care… e.g. anemia (6.334), asthma (3.496), allergic rhinitis (6.479), and sinusitis (3.529)” for those in the vaccinated group, the children who received vaccinations were more likely to develop these ailments—and seek treatment—than those who did not. To the tune of 3.5 times more likely in the case of asthma, 6.3 times in the case of anemia, 6.4 times in the case of allergic rhinitis, etc.

“The data indicate… indeed the overall results may indicate that the unvaccinated pediatric patients in this practice are healthier overall than the vaccinated,” Thomas and Lyons-Weiler write in their study. Dr. Thomas puts a finer point on the findings in the video when he says that “vaccines shift the immune system to allergy and autoimmunity [so] you have more and more infections of other kinds” and “too many vaccinations too soon causes immune problems.”
In the video above Thomas also references a study conducted by Joy Garner, Founder of The Control Group (thecontrolgroup.org). Garner’s study, which is linked here, used published CDC data—including a relatively minuscule unvaccinated population of 832,521 Americans during the survey period of 2019-2020—to conclude, in part, that “The 99.74% vaccine-exposed “herd” [of people in America] is now very sick, heavily drugged, and degrading at an exponential rate, both intellectually and physically.”

Garner adds in her study that “Most of the conditions commonly found in the 99.74% vaccinated population [of America] are considered ‘co-morbidities.’ Meaning that once you’re afflicted, it is understood you’re at higher risk of a health-related death than those who are free of these conditions.”
“When the risks are expressed numerically, rather than with outrageously false slogans, it alters one’s perception of [Big Pharma’s] “worth it” slogan,” Garner writes. “When facing a 60% chance of chronic health problems, including a 48% risk of heart disease and a host of other disabling and deadly conditions after the age of 18, as one’s personal ‘sacrifice’ for the purported ‘common-good’ of vaccination, one would likely prefer the modern risks of measles and many other common temporary infections,” the author adds. “[But fraudulent] slogans are the only effective method of obtaining voluntary compliance with the dictates of Pharma.” (source)
If you decided to vaccinate and now regret it, it is never too late to detox those vaccines.
***For the FULL PROTOCOL (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” ~William Wilberforce
- Strabismus, Facial & Spinal Asymmetry Occurring Post-Vacc: Look For It
- The Mawson Homeschool Study that Dr. Paul mentions in the video
- What I’d Tell You Over Coffee If You Asked If We Vaccinated
- Dr. Paul Thomas Targeted – Video Interview (and what he was accused of)
- Oregon Medical Board Suspends Dr. Paul Thomas for Practicing Informed Consent
Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! We just recorded 3 new podcasts on homeopathy.We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine, and I just gave my testimony of abortion and assisting in abortions. Head over today and like, share and download a few episodes! https://buff.ly/3KmTZZd
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Ana S
So did they return Dr Paul’s license?
Ana S., there is a link to an interview that he did after it all settled down. Look for the “Dr. Paul Thomas Targeted – Video Interview (and what he was accused of)” under ‘More Resources’ near the end.
I hope that helps!