By contributing writer Nicole Chrysler.
I found out I was pregnant with my second child in 2007 and was excited to discover I was having a boy! After having my daughter in 2005, I knew a son would complete our family. I couldn’t wait for his arrival. I was a medical professional: I had been a family practice physician assistant for five years and tried to learn as much as I could about how to raise a healthy child.
Coincidently, while I was pregnant, three infants in Kootenai County, Idaho (where I lived at the time) died from SIDS.
They were all between the ages of four months and six months old. One little boy was named Vance Walker.
If only one baby had died from SIDS I may have overlooked it, but when three boys died in a short amount of time I became frightened.
Would my baby boy be next?
Why boys?
Why the same ages?
Why did they stay alive for the first four months without any problems then suddenly die?
One picture in the obituary section of the Coeur d’Alene Press newspaper hit me hard:
A gorgeous, chubby, healthy, smiling 4-month-old boy who suddenly died in his sleep with no prior health issues.
As I read about these baby boys in the Idaho newspapers, I found myself thinking, what kind of cruel mystery illness takes such a perfect baby?
My pursuit for the safety of my unborn son led me to call the mothers of these three SIDS babies.
These were the hardest phone calls I’ve ever made.
All three boys had some things in common before their deaths.
All three mothers told me their baby boys were healthy and had no prior medical issues.
All three had recently been vaccinated.
All three had changed from breast milk to formula (within a month or so) and all three had been taking Tylenol repeatedly before they died.
Could Tylenol and SIDS be related?
At the time, I began to research the liver and how it processes Tylenol and I started to understand how dangerous this drug is.
Maybe there was a cause for these “Sudden Infant Deaths.”
Maybe it wasn’t their mattresses or the position they were sleeping in or whether or not there was a fan in their room. (These are listed as “causes” of SIDS but they all struck me as unconvincing reasons for infants to die.) We teach mothers how to avoid SIDS by telling them not to co-sleep and to lie an infant on his back. But when I was growing up my parents were told to place infants on their stomachs to avoid SIDS.
And in Japan and Sweden, SIDS has largely been eradicated by withdrawal of the pertussis vaccine! (source)
Besides, one of the moms told me her baby was not on his belly, he was on his back when he died. Also, all babies start to flip over on their own eventually. This is a natural sleep habit.
So, I continued my search for an answer.
The things I learned:
I learned that it is easy for the liver to get overload with acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol. Just a double dose of the drug can cause liver overload.
I also learned that liver overload causes the body to create a poison, called NAPQI, which can cause encephalopathy (brain disease, damage, or malfunction).
A high dose or repeated dose exposure to NAPQI can even cause death.
I also learned that excessive or repeated Tylenol use can also cause high ammonia levels and methemoglobinemia, a dangerous blood condition categorized by elevated levels of methemoglobin.
One of the three babies who died of SIDS was found frothing blood from his eyes and mouth. These are symptoms of methemoglobinemia.
This is the same process that happens to a cat if you give them Tylenol. Cats cannot process Tylenol and will froth blood from their eyes and mouth the same way.
Even after my son was born, I kept reading and researching.
I now believe these SIDS babies were inadvertently poisoned by Tylenol. I spoke to a coroner in Idaho at the time and testing for methemoglobinemia was not part of an autopsy.
This is, sadly, a true story.
I have spent the last 12 years contacting universities and researchers and anybody who has any further information on the dangers of Tylenol.
I asked a student at Gonzaga University to research Tylenol in rats for me.
I made a short film discussing Tylenol and autism. You can watch it here:
I have told family and friends and all of my patients to avoid giving infants and children acetaminophen and to watch their dosing of Tylenol even as adults.
This drug, Tylenol, is by no means safe.
Tylenol should not be available over the counter.
It definitely should not be available for infants or children.
I am saddened that our FDA continues to allow acetaminophen to be sold OTC without any thorough research on its acute, chronic, repetitive use, and long-term side effects.
The active ingredient in Tylenol, acetaminophen, is found in more than 600 drugs, including many over-the-counter medications targeted at children (Infants’ Tylenol, Children’s Mucinex, and Little Remedies for Fevers), as well as NyQuil and Alka-Seltzer Plus.
I have seen patients die from Tylenol overdose.
Other people use Tylenol to commit suicide.
A Tylenol overdose is painful and terrible and way too easy to accidentally do.
Educating people about the dangers of this drug has become my life’s passion.
My son is 12 years old now.
When I first learned about Tylenol and SIDS, I thought that Tylenol would be pulled from the market by now. I thought people would turn to other, safer remedies.
Instead, infants, children, and adults continue to die or suffer permanent liver damage from this drug.
The researchers who know this truth need help to spread this valuable information.
Warn anyone you know who is pregnant or has a newborn to stay away from Tylenol.
DO NOT give Tylenol if you vaccinate. It prevents the body from attempting to rid itself of then terrible toxins and metals they impart!!
You may be saving a life.
About the Author: Nicole Chrysler, PA-C, has been a family medicine physician assistant for over 17 years. She created a video discussing the relationship between Tylenol and autism called “Tylenol: Autism in a Bottle.”
If You Vaccinate Don’t Give Glutathione-Depleting Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Safer Alternatives To Tylenol:
There are 3 posts that contain alternatives near the end of each post:
Knocking Down A Fever Is Like Shooting Your Attack Dog In a Burglary (discusses febrile seizures & Methods to Increase Comfort w/o Medication)
Large Study: Tylenol Once/Year Increases a Child’s Asthma Risk 70% (discusses Homeopathy for Fevers)
If You Vaccinate Don’t Give Glutathione-Depleting Acetaminophen (Tylenol)(discusses calming/soothing Lemon Balm Glycerite or Lemon Balm Extract)
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Della Williamson
I have been telling the dangers of using drugs, medical or not. For decades. The problem is. They all have bad side effects. They all can be transmitted through milk or meat. It’s not just Mom taking meds. It’s what is put into cows, etc. Despite the pretense of the FDA, Big Pharma and the food industry. My sister and I have totally different metabolisms. We were always hyper as kids. And even though I never ate as much as she did. I was always at least 5 lbs overweight. When into my mid 30’s I suffered a skull fracture and 7 vertebra were knocked out of place, my spinal cord scraped and pinched with severe swelling in two places. My metabolism was slowed down, a lot. My weight, despite efforts kept rising. Until I realized. My sister never eats beef. I love beef. She is still barely at ‘normal’ weight. Her doctor keeps telling her she needs to gain at least 5 lbs. We eat basically the same things except for the beef. She eats in one day what I eat in one week. I am so glad to have medical personnel tell me that is impossible because I am fat. I just don’t know what I am eating. Really??? I have $170 food budget for 3 people and I don’t know what I am eating??? I buy. I fix. But I don’t know what I am eating? I buy mostly fruits, vegetables, eggs. I have Celiac disease and dairy allergic. It took years to learn the reason I had chronic diarrhea was because of them. No one thought of them as a cause until I was 69. I never could stomach eating bread very often. Now I know why. Beef has growth hormones in them. People are getting fat. some. Like me. Don’t pig out. Don’t eat sweets. Don’t eat pastas (never could stand them). You put the meds; prescription & over the counter together with what they put into livestock and the artificials they allow in our food supply and what do you get? Huge medical bills and early deaths. They are ALL interrelated.
Della, I love that you are aware!
It is obvious that you are looking into these things deeply from all angles! I wish more would and we’d not have a medical system that feels they can walk all over people. Keep up the good work!
I do believe you are one that would benefit greatly from a good detox…all (in time) would bring those imbalancing factors way down (depending on how long you detoxed). For $150. you could detox very slowly for 6-8 months and rebalance all your organs, cleanse your brain of heavy metals, plus plastics residues, glyphosate, mycotoxins from molds, fluoride, pesticides and herbicides, antibiotics, etc. with a 2 ingredient, no-side-effect spray into the mouth. We are using it to reverse regression in children and young adults on the spectrum as well as rebalance thyroids, and help people get off meds. Here is a post that will give more insight:
God bless you! I feel we are sisters in this!
Della Williamson
Sorry. almost forgot. Part of the problem is: thanks to Big Pharma in cahoots with the FDA which is monetarily and politically motivated (despite their mission claim). Way too many drugs are allowed on the market. GRAS is such a cop out. But money speaks louder than common sense and decency. And too many people are willing to take the easy way out instead of changing diet or lifestyle to correct health issues. So they get away with the harm they do. Never mind the fact that the industry makes fun of, puts down, using natural methods of treatment. Look at how dangerous Ciprofloxacin is. But it’s allowed. Drugs are more dangerous than the problem they are used to treat. Antibiotics, GRAS, are given for UTI’s. Yet, all you need to do is increase you water intake a lot. And eat 2 raw cloves of garlic 4 times a day until the symptoms are gone. You take the antibiotic with possible serious side effects for 10 days. It takes about 4 days for the garlic to work. I have had UTI twice in my life. Once in the 80’s. And again in 2018. I minced the garlic, mixed it with almost a teaspoon of raw, unfiltered honey and washed them down with water. About 4 days each time was all that was needed. So the use of Tylenol, especially in children as a possible cause of SIDS? Is no surprise. Especially when you consider the switch to formula with all the additives in it. The reaction of the various chemicals in the formula and adding in the tylenol? Drug poisoning is very likely. When my daughter had surgery. They recommended Tylenol for the pain if needed. I told her PCP that I had a problem with drugs. I almost always had a bad reaction to most pain meds. So I asked if it was possible that Rhoda could have a problem too. That she had almost never taken any med so we didn’t know for sure. The PCP ordered some blood work less than a week into Rhoda taking the med. I got a call telling me to stop the med right away. It was affecting her liver. And she had been taking only two tablets a day. Not the full recommended dose. I also believe all the chemicals (pollution) in the air and the water play a hand in how we react to the chemicals in our food and the meds we are prescribed. Or take over the counter.
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol / Calpol here in UK) is seen as being very safe, almost as if it is a magic health tonic. TV adverts show child a bit out of sorts – Calpol! Fallen over and bumpy knee? Calpol! And so on. I’ll never forget the words of an (utterly devoted) mother of an autistic child who, when I cautiously asked if her son received Calpol, exclaimed that he would bring the bottle to her. She tried to limit how much he got, but had had no idea it was potentially harmful, let alone linked with ASD.
Not many people know that acetaminophen works by acting on the brain’s cannabinoid receptors, and that it makes people less empathetic. Is it a coincidence that ASD is characterised by difficulty relating to others?
The main thing I wanted to mention / ask though, is whether you have explored the link between acetaminophen tolerance / harm and vitamin D status. I think this is the missing piece of the puzzle, the piece that joins everything together. Low vitamin D = lower levels of glutathione (GSH) one of the body’s key antioxidants. And the mechanism whereby acetaminophen wreaks its damage is by so depleting GSH that cells are destroyed. This is illustrated by the treatment for acetaminophen overdose – the patient is given NAC, the precursor to GSH. (GSH is made inside cells, from NAC, so not much point in giving GSH itself).
So a child with a good vitamin D level may breeze through the challenges of a vaccine plus Tylenol dosing before, during and after, while a child with low vitamin D (due to the season, sunscreen use, skin colour, breastfeeding etc) may struggle. Same applies to pregnant women – it is possible that if they have low vitamin D levels, there might be greater risks to their baby.
Oh, Emma!!!! I did not know that connection, but it makes perfect sense with all I know about the need for adequate GSH levels! I will be emailing you after my family leaves Friday and would love to correspond about possibly asking you if you’d tackle a post on this topic to help many! I would be honored and I know it is so needed! Later, alligator!
Thank you for your willingness to teach me and give of your knowledge!
Blessings, Jacqueline
No problem Jacqueline, you’re most welcome.