Good News: Methylene Blue (MB) has been verified to have inhibitory activity against rubbery clots, microchip assembly and microrobots in COVID19 bioweapon, Lantus insulin, and dental anesthetics.
[I share Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s VITAL INFORMATION that will be helpful for both the C19 vacc’d as well as C19 UNvaccinated patients who feel sick after their medications or going to the dentist.]
After seeing how well Methylene Blue works to prevent rubbery clot formation, I wanted to test it with the different medications in which I have previously found the hydrogel. I used 1 drop Methylene Blue and 1 drop of Lantus Insulin for this testing.
I have shown before that Lantus has extensive Quantum Dots and self-assembly hydrogels in it. You can review the Microscopy here: Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus and Humalog Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel
I looked at Lantus Insulin first without MB. Classic hydrogel background and typical filament construction was seen.
[To go deeper, please read: Quantum Dots in Long-acting Insulin are Building “Rubbery Blood Clots”]
When I left the slides overnight, the Lantus had created chip-like structures, similar to what we have seen in the dental anesthetics:
Then I mixed a drop of Lantus Insulin with Methylene Blue and after a couple hours these blue streaks had formed under the cover slip.
Some classic Methylene Blue microneedle crystals developed.
I left the slides overnight.
The hydrogel in the Lantus insulin had migrated around the Methylene Blue under the cover slip, as if it was magnetically attracting it.
“Methylene Blue is amazing. It looks like a vacuum cleaner for all hydrogels – this is what the literature tells us, but it is fascinating to see the effects under the microscope.
“Lantus Insulin builds self-assembling microchip-like structures similar to dental anesthetics. When mixed with MB, NO chips developed. People ask me all the time if I know of a safe dental anesthetic. I do not. But from what I know at this time, I would use EDTA and MB prevention and treatment. More testing needs to be done…. but it all looks like good news so far!
Methylene Blue (1%) has extensive anti-aging benefits and anti-cancer properties, so it might help prevent the exploding turbo cancers via multiple mechanisms.
Methylene Blue (1%) helps reverse brain fog, improves cellular oxygen delivery, bypasses mitochondrial dysfunction.
Note: Methylene Blue 1% has been SOLD OUT on Amazon and other sites for quite a while. I made a way to get my readers 10% off using this special link directly from Compass Laboratory: Methylene Blue (1%). Use the coupon code: Deeprootsathome
Note: you should NOT take MB if you are on antidepressants or if you have a G6PD deficiency.
Here you can read further on its many benefits and dosage:
Mercola On Methylene Blue: For Memory, Mood, Parkinson’s & More
And this is MORE GOOD NEWS:
Methylene Blue Inhibits Microchip Self-Assembly Caused By Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Bioweapon
The second excerpt from Dr. Ana Mihalcea:
In this experiment, I mixed injectable MB with the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 injection.
The reason why I wanted to check its effects, is that I had seen rubbery clot inhibition when doing experiments with live blood and different medications that contained micro-robots last year.
I had the idea to try it because I have been using Methylene Blue (1%) for its recycling antioxidant capacity and electron donor ability in mitochondrial dysfunction. I wanted to know what it does when being mixed with the COVID bioweapon.
This collage shows the progression through time as taken from the video here:
I left the slide overnight with a cover slip. The next day over 95% + of the Pfizer BioNTech Solution had built classic Methylene Blue micro-needles or solidified. No nano- or micro-robots are still moving and no microchips are seen.
The long blue, yellow and green lines are called micro-needles, and it is something that MB does. You can see that these have a magnetic effect to hydrogel.
As a comparison, here (below) is a single Pfizer BioNTech drop (with nothing added) two weeks after placing it on a slide. You can see the actual video here where hydrogel filaments had formed and all the nano- and micro-bots are still swarming with their blinking lights like on day one. Unless they are inhibited by something like EDTA, Vitamin C, or Methylene Blue (1%), they continue their activity. Magnification 200x.
Methylene Blue (1%) has verifiable activity against the COVID19 bioweapon that can be seen under the microscope. EDTA/ Vitamin C is by far the fastest method to abolish the nano and micro-robots and micro-chips. MB took a few hours but inhibited all microchip assembly and nano- and micro-robots.
Several molecules have clearly beneficial clinical effects – that now have been verified to have activity against the COVID19 bioweapon: EDTA, Vitamin C and MB all inhibit the rubbery clot formation, as I have shown in other experiments. (source)
I use a combination of EDTA/ Vitamin C and MB in my clinical practice and have many patients who use Nicotine on their own. Deactivating the nanotechnology building blocks is the best way to go about the decontamination process.
(I, Jacqueline, recommend and use Methylene Blue (1%) and TRS clinoptilolite zeolite instead of EDTA because EDTA can have serious, even life-threatening side effects. One of the most serious side effects of EDTA is kidney damage and kidney failure. Read: PBX vs. TRS: Which Zeolite Product Is Far Safer & More Effective?)
As for dosing, since I use MB for reversal of cognitive deficits and other neurological impairments, my dosages are around 50mg in clinical practice. However, many people report improvement with micro dosing 10-20mg per day.
[Many thanks to Dr. Ana Mihalcea for her observations.]
Note: Methylene Blue 1% has been SOLD OUT on Amazon and other sites for quite a while. I made a way to get my readers 10% off using this special link directly from Compass Laboratory: Methylene Blue (1%). Use the coupon code: Deeprootsathome
Note: you should NOT take MB if you are on antidepressants or if you have a G6PD deficiency.
To figure DOSAGE based on body weight, how to mix it, and use it without staining your teeth or mouth, read these:
Methylene Blue Zaps Covid-19, HIV, Ebola, Dengue, etc: A Protocol
The Value of Methylene Blue & How To Keep It From Staining Teeth
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.©2024 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved