Any system can only sustain so many pressure attacks.
I have to mention the train derailment in New Palestine, Ohio, leading to contamination of farmland and the water supply for 30 million people. Also, the targeting of beef farmers and destruction of at least 32 mega chicken operations. Then there’s Hurricane Helene (followed by Milton) that some believe was controlled and steered up the middle of the US to North Carolina. Biggest of all was the manufactured Covid-19 pandemic, the purposeful debunking of life-saving therapies, the forced medical procedures and “vaccine” mandates, causing a resulting breakdown in trust of the medical establishment. Then there’s the loss (death) of nurses and doctors who were mandated the shots resulting in the disintegration of hospital services, and I could go on with the havoc in the economy, loss of American jobs, and the illegal migrant influx and recent warning of Chinese sleeper cells in every state.
[I began to write in 2011, mainly to help my family and others become more independent. In the last 4 years, I’ve felt the need to communicate alternative medical knowledge leading to greater independence from the system. And at the end of this post, I’ve linked to my top preparedness posts – all in one place – and you will find more if you dig.]
While we need the present corrupt system to crumble, it is an incredibly painful thing when it actually does happen. And I think we are 3, maybe 4 pressure points away from where the whole system fails – and that will catch a lot of people off guard.
Threats to America
Viewpoint’s Kerby Anderson lists a number of threats. The Congressional EMP Commission has stated an EMP attack, in which a nuclear weapon is detonated at high altitude over this country, could bring down our entire power grid. A similar threat is the concern that sleeper agents from foreign countries in this country get activated and take down this country’s power grid or conduct terrorist actions. A third concern is the possibility that massive supply chain disruptions surface leading to empty store shelves and widespread looting.

These threats are a reminder that we need to have serious and capable people in office.
It is also a reminder that each of us need to also prepare for scenarios like these that we hope and pray never occur.
What can people do to prepare for their families and communities?
1. First of all, take personal responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of you and your own family. Local action has national impact.
2. We need to be hyper local right now. Make sure you have everything you need in your own home right now for at least 6 months, better yet, a year. But do the best you can for at least 6 months.
3. If you can’t get everything you need, collaborate with neighbors that you trust to make sure you have communications. (Maybe you split and share a satellite phone because we will probably lose communication. Many are warning this will happen at some point. It already is.. think Verizon, Bank of America, etc.
4. Make sure you have cash. Also gold and silver for bartering. Ammunition, etc.
5. Take stock of things in your house that you can use for trade. If you are a plumber, mechanic, nurse, doctor, farmer, gardener, these are valuable assets for barter and trade.
6. You want to have plenty non-perishable food, a water source (and ways to clean the water since the grid may be down), money, backup power whatever that may look like, a source of heat if in colder climates, etc. It is borderline too late now to buy food because prices are already way up, but I urge you do what you can.
7. Make a hard copy binder as the internet may not be available. Make copies of what is important to you on health, natural medicine, medicine cabinet info, homeopathy, gardening, etc.
8. I highly recommend for power necessities, satellite phones, and back up solar generators of all sizes. We love our Ecoflow (with the solar collector panels) and are already using it to gain practice and proficiency for when we need it.
My Top Posts For When the System Crumbles:
• My One-Stop COMPLETE List To Be Prepared in an Uncertain World
• Prepper’s Booklist: Key Books & Tips For the Prepared Family
• Potassium Iodide & It’s Alternatives In A Nuclear Emergency
• Food Storage: 10 Emergency Foods That Last Practically Forever
• 22 Foods You Want On Hand In a Time Of Crisis
• 15 Reasons You Want Plenty of Salt on Hand If SHTF Happens
• Can You Preserve Meat Forever? Yes, With Just 1 Ingredient!
• Save The Meat in Your Freezer: Fail-safe Canning in a Grid Down
• Food Storage & Shelf Life Charts From Months To 25+ Years
• For more on FOOD, go here and scroll down.
• Affordable, Easy, DIY Berkey Gravity-Fed Water Filter System
• Rain Barrel Ramblings: Clever Ways To Water the Garden & Be Prepared
• Water Without Electricity – The Frost-Free Bison Hand Pump
• Know How To Store & Purify Your Water BEFORE An Emergency
• Fluoride-Free Water Even If There’s NO Electricity: We Chose the Berkey
• A New Way to Wash Produce to Kill Parasitic Eggs, Listeria & E. Coli
• For more on WATER, go here and scroll down.
• My Complete Guide To A Natural No-Side-Effect Medicine Cabinet
• Topical Care for Wounds, Bites, MRSA, Burns, Eczema & Teeth
• For Medicinal Herbal Tinctures, go here and scroll down.
In conclusion, uncertainty is part of life. God in His wisdom doesn’t always do what we expect Him to do. The idea of following Him forward on an unknown path is frightening. But beneath all our fear and questions, that still, quiet voice whispers for us to trust Jesus. His voice isn’t demanding; it isn’t shaming. It woos us to look up toward heaven in the midst of our trembling earth.
Hebrews 4:16 reminds us, “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Distress and uncertainly in life has never weakened God’s faithfulness. If we hold tight to His lead as we’re navigating the dark, He’ll help us to trust His steps.
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” ~James 1:12
“In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
~Jesus speaking in John 16:33
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Doesnt matter
You forgot to mention the biggest threat – ‘those who say they are Jews and are not but are of the synagogue of Satan”.
Zionism and the religion of Judaism/chabad Lubavitch/kabbalah are the problem. The mother of harlots rules over the kings of the earth as she rides the beast that carries her (revelation 17).
No corrupt politician will save America. The elect of God know here we have no continuing city.
No need to fear or panic, Christ is coming and will make all things new. Nothing here is lasting or worth hanging on to. Hebrews 11 applies to the true sheep today, just as it did in days gone by….