Playing off of A Week’s Worth of (Seven) Reasons We Always Get the Flu Shot, here’s my lineup of 10 reasons why our family will always RUSH to take the new Pfizer Covid vaccine.
It is alumin-ating, and we can learn a lot! 😉
So we should rush to take the Covid Vaccine, right?
***For the FULL PROTOCOL (now including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
10 Reasons:
1. We don’t mind our Human Rights are being Violated – The international Nuremberg agreement clearly states that “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” Mandating any medical treatment, especially those that have not been proven safe or effective for a person over time, violates this agreement.
2. I’m so busy I can’t research for myself, so I trust the Government even though the adjuvant ingredients are known toxins and can be fatal. Babies are exposed to 4,925 mcg of aluminum from scheduled vaccines; yet incredibly, the FDA admits more than 25 mcg is toxic.
***Now the mRNA “vaccines”, on the other hand, are made with Polypropylene glycol (PEG), which has never been used before in an approved vaccine. A wide range of crazy objects have been found in these vaccines and in blood of the vacc’d.
3. It’s fun to be guinea pig – Has the new COVID vaccine been made without animal tissue containing retroviruses such as the mouse retrovirus XMRV? The same retrovirus that has been detected in some vaccines to cause cancer and possible Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
4. Lack of Saline Placebo Testing must be Good Science– As an RN, I was shocked to learn that testing was NOT done with a saline placebo. ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Vaccines are being tested against other vaccines as the placebo – vaccines that contain nearly the same ingredients instead of a neutral saline placebo.
The lack of true safety testing has us suspicious of true motives.
5. There can Never be Too Many Vaccines! – As children, many of us over 60 only received 3 or 7 shots, including boosters. Today’s children receive 69 doses if they follow the CDC schedule. Some 6-month-old babies receive 6 different shots containing 9 diseases in one sitting…and die or lose their bodily functions within hours or days.
If you have tissues, read about the loss of 20 month old Nicholas Catone after his DtaP vaccine.
Find me the studies on the synergistic effects of the ingredients of multiple injections, especially in our most vulnerable age groups. Why do we want to increase our toxic load?
6. Since I trust the Government, I’m not concerned about Contaminants – But seriously, numerous childhood vaccines screened for glyphosate weed killer were all found to be positive for this powerful chemical. Also, gelatin is derived from pigs fed grain with GMO/glyphosate residue. Have the COVID vaccine animal-derived ingredients been sourced responsibly?
7. I like that this vaccine will fundamentally change me; I didn’t like myself before anyway!
Dr. Naomi Wolf: “They can have ‘software upgrades,’ and they [Moderna] literally use that language as a metaphor.”
“CRISPR gene editing is the baby of Bill Gates. It’s his favorite technology, and it basically creates a platform [for] these lipid nanoparticles for gene editing.”
Under 3 minutes:
8. We’re not afraid of failures in COVID Vaccine Trials – Moderna’s human trials have not only failed; they have landed 9 test subjects in the hospital in serious condition. Subjects have contracted Transverse Myelitis and other serious side effects, and some, in Korea and now Brazil, have even died.
Remember too that these trials are performed on healthy people, not the elderly and vulnerable who are most likely to succumb to Covid-19. When mandated, 60% of Americans with pre-existing co-morbidities and 54% of children presently living with at least one chronic disease, will be unsuspecting trial participants.
9. We’re gamblers and will take our chances with effectiveness – It is well known that flu vaccines (coronavirus is in the flu family) have been between 3-47% effective (on average 19%) due to the mutation of the flu virus. It has been reported that the COVID-19 virus has already mutated hundreds of times. Even if 95% of the population was vaccinated, with a 20-30% efficacy rate on average, reaching herd immunity is an impossibility, so mandating the COVID vaccine to obtain herd immunity is a mathematical impossibility, and not worth the risk of harm.
10. Corruption is to be expected… after all, it’s 2020–
“In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, Pfizer is one of 4 companies that have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.” ~Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
“It requires a cognitive dissonance,” Kennedy commented, “for people who understand the criminal corporate cultures of these four companies to believe that they’re doing this in every other product they manufacture, but they’re not doing it with vaccines.”
Until it is enforced that no politicians are receiving funding from vaccine manufacturers, we should fight any mandated vaccine.
Of course, if vaccines were safe and effective, they would not hesitate to sign a warranty of vaccine safety (liability agreement)… [but] they know they are doing harm, so most likely, they will refuse to sign that document, and refuse to be responsible for the harm they cause.
Download a Warranty of Vaccine Safety
Any refusal to sign is evidence that they know that vaccines have risk, and you therefore are fully within your rights to refuse the Covid gene therapy regardless of any legal mandates.
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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christine jimenez
Hello! My husband is in the military and will likely be the first to have to get the vaccine. Would you please direct me on how I can detox him and rid him the minute he gets home from getting it.
Christine, I just sent you an email!
wanda Sternhagen
Hello. Is there a detox. Two sons in the military. No choice on vaccine. What to do?
Also I read stephen Buhner s article about protocol for covid 19. He said elder berries did no good. Only leaf tinctures. Did I read it wrong? It was also quoted by you in s reply on the comments where you listed his link. (Which I followed…81 pages. My eyes are burning:/)
Hi, Wanda!
Yes there is an excellent detox, and many are using it with good success. I will email you now.
Shawn Warner
I would also like trhis info.
Shawn, I will email you! ~J
Hello Jacqueline,
I would like the same information that Christine requested as I have 3 sons in the military. Thank you for all the information you share here!
Debbie, I will email you now! I have a recommendation!
Hello Jacqueline,
I am new to your site. I found it by looking at articles about my spiritual mentor, Elisabeth Elliott. Love your October 2018 article about her.
I am very very concerned about the COVID vaccine. My husband and I are seniors and will refuse the vaccine as long as we can. We take no vaccines, but practice a healthy lifestyle, with organic foods and supplements to support apoptosis and glycosylation. Still, I would appreciate receiving information on the detox you mentioned for family and friends who may be required to have the vaccine. God bless and defend us all in these troubling times. Thank you, Jacqueline!
Welcome, Linda! I am so thankful you are aware of the vaccine and eat and live your lifestyle with understanding!
I will email you instead of try to give you information here.
Until then,
Hello, and thank you for your article. Could you send the detox information to me as well? Have family in the medical field, and will be getting the vaccine because of their jobs… any help is welcome!! Thank you again!!
Hi, Julia!
I just emailed you! Glad to help!
Kathleen Aherne
I also would like the detox information. Reading No1 I am not sure how it can work, but I am hoping it will. Thank you for another brave and helpful post. We will feature it in the next Blogger’s Pit Stop. I trust it will reach and help others.
Hello Jacqueline, could please also send me the information on vaccine detox?
Thank you so much.
Hi, Resa!
I am going to email you now! I apologize for the delay!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
I WILL NEVER take the COVID vaccine!!! Lots of GREAT reasons you list here for not doing so!! Shared.
Another military family here…Can I get the detox info, too? And is there any information on whether all the Covid vaccines in development are going to be the RNA, gene-modifying type, or are there just certain companies using that? The nanoparticle thing, too, is that all of them, or just certain ones? Thank you so much!
Hi, Elizabeth!
I will email you now!
My husband is in the military as well! Would you please share the info with us, Jacque?
Hi, Dennisse!
I will email you now! I haven’t forgotten! ~J
Hi, Dennisse! I apologize for the delay! I will email you now!
Will you please email me the vaccine detox information. Also Information on the RNA, Gene- modifying and nano particle segments of your article. Thank you very much
Hi, Peggy!
I will email you now! ~J
Hi Jacqueline,
Can you send me the information you have sent to the others as well please?
Thank you,
Hi, Bethany!
I will email you now! ~Jacque
Jennifer Ross
I’d love to get that detox email as well. Thank you!
Hi, Jennifer!! Good to see your name here! I’ll email you now ~J
LeAnn Caseria
Thanks for this information. I too, would like the detox information. I learned a some about the importance of detoxification after battling cancer a couple of years ago and will be asking my Naturopath also.
Jacqueline, where can I find info regarding aborted fetal usage in the covid vax? I recall some putting together a vid online breaking down the contents in the vax…I would like to pass this info along to everyone I know.
*recall someONE putting…
Hi, Justina!
I apologize for the delay! I’ve had a house full of family!
I do not exactly know what will be in the different vaccines. I am trying to (with certainly) find that same video myself.
I am sorry!
María Isabel Hernandez
I’m very grateful for the information you share here and I’m glad that the COVID 19 vaccine isn’t mandatory in my country(as yet), so in my family we will avoid getting it for as long as we can. I love to read all your posts, specially the ones related to vaccines but I enjoy reading you overall. May God keep blessing you for your commitment to inform us about a lot of topics in life. Blessings from Acapulco, Mexico
Hi Jackie,
Trying to respond to email you just sent out today 12/17/20….
Please look at the pertinent info being put out by the frontline doctors dot com. I’ve watched 3 shows this week on Daystar network show Ministry Now. Watch asap because they are being censored and removed by liberals. Catch one tonight 8 central. Also, their Facebook streams it.
God bless your important ministry to the body of Christ!
Lori in Missouri
Can you kindly send me detox information as well? Also, is there a link already on your website on how to refuse to be vax? Thanks so much!
Hi, Micah! I will email you now! ~J
Dave Wallauch
Am interested in the detox info please, for a friend who is a front-line nurse, having to treat Covid patients!
Dave Wallauch,
I will answer you in email! ~J
Hi from Eastern Washington. We have several family & friends in the military who will be getting the vaccine, including young children possibly. Please send me any recommendations you can share. Thanks so much!
Hi Debbie,
This is Rebecca Jacqueline’s daughter. I’m responding to her messages since she’s really ill with shingles. Please pray for her!
I’ll send you an email and copy my mom so that we can get this question answered!
So sorry she is sick! Yes I’ll be praying for her, for protection from this virus & for healing. I had it myself a few years ago. Thank you so much.
JJ Jayne
I would like the detox info as well. I am choosing not to get it but I am in education and may be required to at some point
I also would like the detox information as I receive all vaccinations as a front line worker. Thankyou
Cheryl mccann
Have a job requiring the experimental vac. No recourse. Is the detox info still available?
Thank you, cheryl
Annette Roots
Would I be able to get detox info as well pls. Many Tks for keeping us informed.
Annette, I will email you mu master email! Blessings to your family! ~J
Can you also send me you detox information please? Also, what are your thoughts on it working on possible shedding that people are saying they are experiencing with being around people that have gotten the Vaccine?
Hi, DoreAnn,
I am sending you my Master email for time-sake! ~J
Chelsea Pfannenstiel
I also would greatly appreciate getting the vaccine detox information also. Thank for all you do.
Chelsea, I will send you the Master email now! Sorry for the delay ~J
Hi Jacqueline. Please can you help me. I took the Covid vaccine Pfizer a couple of months ago and since then not been well with one thing after another. Right now I have constant chest pains which the doctor diagnosed as costochonditris and I have had constant headaches with dizziness since then. I want to know how can I detox this from my body. Please can you email the detox method any advice or information would be gratefully appreciated right now as I’m struggling to cope. Thank you for everything you are sharing to help people
Dear Nigatt,
My heart is breaking as I hear so many testimonies similar to yours. A young woman just msg’d me that she is miscarrying this morning weeks after her first shot.
Instead of me emailing or messaging you at this time, please go through this link. Everything you will need to know is here. https://deeprootsathome.com/trs/
I am overwhelmed with requests for the protocol and many are in serious trouble with the c000 vid inj..
I can’t keep up and even eat or minister to my family otherwise. I apologize!
Once you have read everything and still have a question(s), leave it here and I WILL get back with you.
I am having to default to doing it this way and still be able to help.
I am praying for you now.
Sending peace,