Does TRS Detox/Binder help with Coronavirus?
The short answer is: No.
TRS is not a cure for coronavirus even though it does have great effects as the detox cleans up the root cause of other diseases.

Before I get into what TRS does do, these are the recommended protocols for preventing the spread of this and other respiratory illnesses:
- #1 Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, (and teach your children) especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Stay home when you are sick, and keep children home from school when they are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a non-toxic household cleaning product.
How A Deep Cellular Detox Works to Strengthen the Immune System
Because of its ability to pull toxins, metal, and excess minerals out of the body, TRS (a clinoptilolite nano-zeolite) can theoretically be helpful against pathogens when those pathogens require heavy metals to complete their DNA chains:
In the above study, it does list previous coronavirus strains as requiring “excess” zinc to stabilize them and allow survival, so in that case, possibly TRS could help to some degree.
COVID-19 is a NOVEL coronavirus, likely a lab-created/escaped virus. There is not any real data on heavy metal in COVID-19 to remove that I have been able to find at this time.
Thus, it is not wise to count on TRS as some kind of cure for this novel coronavirus, COVID-19, even if with normal, common cold coronaviruses it can make a difference.
As always, TRS doesn’t heal or cure anything and is not a medicine, but it clears the body of toxins/metals and such so the body can heal and rebalance itself as it was designed to do!
This summary comes from German scientists at a recent medical symposium:
TRS is a nano-zeolite detox spray. These are the toxins/metals TRS will detox:
Remember, TRS does not heal. Detoxing simply allows our bodies to heal themselves as they were designed to do.
So no: TRS can NOT cure COVID-19, and it should NOT be viewed as a treatment or cure or even as a preventative of the virus.
TRS nano-sized zeolites scavenge and bind dangerous ‘reactive oxygen species’ (ROS), which 5G creates.
But no one knows why or how zeolites do that. Basically, in other words zeolites can act as antioxidants for reasons no one understands. So you couldn’t really go around to people saying that. But that is the implication of several recent studies.
About TRS, a Safe Heavy Metals Detox:
TRS is:
- TRS is tasteless and is sprayed directly into the mouth
- a spray that you can use on food or in drink if a child will not take it in their mouth
- just 2 simple ingredients: nano-sized mineral zeolite and water (it safely crosses the blood brain barrier and can work where other detoxes cannot go)
- safe in humans and animals. It is neuro-protective. See this definitive PubMed study
- able to be used by babies, children and adults, as well as in pregnancy
- is very effective both orally and topically
Note: I have decided to share this product because of our own personal story, and the many testimonies I’ve had users share with me. We are working now to detox deeply so if there is a forced, mandated v@cc, we will be able to stay ahead of toxin uptake by the body.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” ~Psalm 34:8
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Ina Mae Cunningham
Would like mire info on trs and seizures. much
Hi, Ina Mae! I will email you now!
Hi Jacqueline, may I purchase TRS without becoming a distributor? I’d like to give it a try.
Hi, Laura!
Yes, it is a product driven company and the company does not require customers to sign up as distributors in order to purchase its products at discounted prices. I will email you with my link! ~J
Tanya Stravers
I’m interested in purchasing- thank you!
Danielle Hacker
Hi Jackie,
I’ve been on TRS for 7 months from you and my family would love to try, is there anyway for me to be changed to a distributor under you and if so how do I go about doing it. Thank you! Danielle
Hi, Danielle! Yes, I can switch you to being a distributor now that you’ve used it and love it!
I will email you now!
Lynda Thibado
I just received the 3 bottles and am wondering if there is a protocol for use? Do we start with 1 spray a day, working up to more? Is there a better time of day or before bed to use?
Thank you,
Hi, Lynda! Yes I sent you a welcome email. Look in your spam folder and if you don’t see it, please let me know!
For those reading here, if you are concerned with toxins like mercury in amagams, childhood vaccine adjuvants, pesticides/herbicides (from farming around you or contaminated foods you’ve eaten), mold, plastics, etc. there is a cost-effective, brilliant, and simple way to bind them and remove them deeply (cellularly as well as in the gut and blood). Or, if you just want to strengthen your immune system, read on!
Here is some basic information:
FAQ on my website:
reads: AdvancedTRS contains nano-clinoptilolite and water (just 2 ingredients). Clinoptilolite itself has been shown to:
—Bind heavy metals and over 80,000 toxins
—Adjust the balance of vital nutrients like iron & calcium
—Support intestinal microflora and pH
—Promote healthy immune function
Please read Avalyn’s Story:
I do complimentary coaching via email with every order through my link, or you can friend me at
Please contact me if you have any questions! I am here to guide.
Blessings, Jacque
Carol Ann
Can TRS be taken with food, or is it best without?
Hi, Carol Ann,
TRS can be taken with or without, sprayed into your mouth.
With children on the spectrum – if they are orally adverse to taking a spray, we can give it in their liquid or on food. It has no taste.
If you are concerned with toxins in medications, vaccine adjuvants, pesticides and herbicies (from farming around you or in food or tea you’ve consumed), molds, gadolinium in MRIs, plastics, etc. TRS is a cost-effective, brilliant, and simple way to bind them and remove them deeply (cellularly as well as in the gut and blood). Or, if you just want to strengthen your immune system.
Here is some basic information:
FAQ on my website:
reads: AdvancedTRS contains nano-clinoptilolite and water (just 2 ingredients). Clinoptilolite itself has been shown to:
—Bind heavy metals and over 80,000 toxins
—Adjust the balance of vital nutrients like iron & calcium
—Support intestinal microflora and pH
—Promote healthy immune function
Please read Avalyn’s Story: It is even safe in pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
I do complimentary coaching via email with every order through my link, or you can friend me at
Please let me know if you have any questions! I am here to guide.
Blessings, Jacque
Carol Ann
Thank You!
Sandy M
Hi. I have been following your blog and FB for many years. I too am a retired homeschool mom.
With all the crazy going on, I am beginning to consider using TRS. I will follow some links I already see in the above comments. With 2 of my kids in jobs that are already forcing the jab (both hospital systems – which I find absolutely insane), and the threat of that to all of us, can you tell me if what I am reading about TRS might be true that it helps with the spike protein? I think there are already reasons to use TRS but just looking to see if it has application to this drug therapy. I’m sure there are metals in the serum so that I would imagine helps. Anyway, if you have info you feel you’d like to email me, that would be fantastic. It is hard to find anywhere to get info anymore. Thank you so very much.
Hi, Sandy M,
Yes, I can help. I will send my Master email now.
We are using the protocol including TRS and staying well even though we are sure we had abundant evidence of transmission in late Jan from co-vacc’d friends.
Blessings to you fellow sister and homeschool mom!
Sandy M
Hi Jacque:
I did not find your master email. I am so sorry. Would you mind resending it?
Thank you,
Sandy M.
Sandy, the email I sent last week got returned as undeliverable, but we are on track now! I will remove your email from being visible.
Sandy M
I just commented but was unsure if I gave the correct email. I post it again below. Also, besides following you for many years, your elderberry syrup recipe is my go to! Thank you!
Hi Jacque,
I have been reading your posts for years and still take turmeric daily because of you. Thank you!
My time to read your posts has dwindled since I began working last year but a few weeks ago my husband and I were considering getting the vaccine and really took a few days of intense prayer about it before we did it. During that weekend the Lord reminded me of deep roots. I am so thankful! We have since decided against it and have built up vitamins and minerals and even a few rx in our home medicine cabinet. I have another concern about toxins and have been looking in the tsr. Can you email me directly so I may go into more detail?
Thank you again for all your research and the heart and soul you put into your website.
Hi, Cindy!
That makes my week to know that some are deciding to say “No” to the injection.
Here is the Master email to get you started. It contains the full protocol that a group of us health care workers have come up with for broad spectrum protection (both for those who’ve taken the “V” and from what it is transmiting).
I will email you now.
Hello! I have appreciated your work for years. My daughters are considering a career in nursing. Both are interested in trauma care. To get through clinicals one would need DTAP (every 10 years) and the other may be in need of one or two others as we stop vaccinations when she was a toddler. If they moved forward I would split the DTAP and do three separate and spaced out, but I’m highly concerned. Both of my girls really want to do this (be a nurse) and I have not found any exceptions to this. They can do a religious exemption to flu and covid but there are three childhood ones that are not eligible for exemption. Do you have any suggestions? Would doing a detox protocol help? Is this risk too great? Any ideas/tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much and God bless!
Hi, Gen,
My heart goes out to those who desire to serve others through nursing or medicine. It has been a horrible problem since mid 2020 when the mandates began for healthcare workers, many who complied with the covid jab and were harmed so badly or lost their lives: I mention this only to give them wider perspective on the topic because another pandemic could arrive if some have their way.
One thing, Gen, I doubtyou will find the DtaP as singles. I tried that 15 years ago, and found they are not available, even if they ‘say’ that is what they will give.
Read this and show your daughters so they will see the narrative on tetanus alone makes no sense (that is what they will be taught):
The whole medical system is slowly collapsing and so that nurses will be asked (once employed, esp in a hospital system) to follow a ‘one size fits all’ approach as they did during covid and corners will be expected to be cut. If they can find a setting with a naturopath or functional doctor, the chances of having to make the horrible choice of taking shots vs losing their jobs are significantly less.
I hope that all makes sense, and I will be praying for wisdom for them as now is a difficult and evolving time in healthcare.
Here are 2 posts that may give further insight. They were no fun to write (examples of near worst case scenarios), but they illuminate the truth of where we are now:
Last thought, there are still some good hospitals, but harder to find.
Sending peace,