Without first alerting us, our family had our analog utility meter switched out for a Smart Meter. We did some research on what this would mean for us and were pretty concerned by what we found.
I think you might be, too.
Problems with Smart Meters:
Smart meters communicate constantly 24/7 through electromagnetic, or radiofrequency (RF) waves, that flow all around us.
These RF waves move through space at the speed of light.
The smart meter is a two-way device on your home that communicates measured energy usage to your utility. No one has to come to read your meter because the meter pulses data about your usage to the electric company. It does this as often as every 15 minutes, in fact.
What is Dirty Electricity and How it is Related to Smart Meters?
Most of our home’s electronics are powered by direct current (DC) at about 12 volts. Yet, modern electrical circuits use alternating current (AC) at 120 or 240 volts. Electronic devices have to convert the AC power to DC power. This conversion creates “dirty electricity” in the form of erratic electromagnetic interference (EMI) which is a type of radio frequency (RF).
This dirty electricity travels through your home’s electrical system and radiates into your home through outlets, power strips, and electronics, polluting your surroundings with “electropollution.”
Smart meters contribute significantly to the levels of dirty electricity in a home.
With a smart meter, the repeated spikes and surges of higher frequencies of electricity run throughout every circuit of a home. Electropollution travels through the air, contaminating every room in your house. (source)
The good news is that we can often mitigate damage. I will get to that in a minute.
The World Health Organization classifies wireless radio frequency (RF) emitted from devices as a class 2B carcinogen, same as DDT and lead, based on studies linking cell phone radiation to brain tumors.
Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related death among children ages 0-14 years (source)
Military studies here show pulsed radiation can cause serious health problems, including tinnitus, memory loss and seizures.
Thousands of studies link biological effects to RF radiation exposure, including increased cancer risk, damage to the nervous system, adverse reproductive effects, DNA damage, and more.
RF radiation causes chronic inflammation leading to fatigue, cognitive problems, irritability, anxiety, and memory loss. (source)
See also this letter from Dr. David Carpenter, endorsed by 50+experts. (source)
Dr. Carpenter. 2 minutes:
and 2:40 min:
As of January 14, 2021, 255 EMF scientists published in peer-reviewed journals from 44 nations signed the International Scientists’ Appeal.
Their warnings state that 4G/5G antenna densification is escalating health risks. They call it a global crisis and included:
- cell phones
- Wi-Fi, ‘smart’ meters, and 4G/5G grid technology
- digital baby monitors
Again, the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies wireless radiation as a carcinogen, based on studies linking cell phone radiation to brain tumors, with children 1-14 suffering the most. (source)
Vulnerable People Include Those with:
- EMF sensitivities
- medical implants
- compromised immune systems
- children
- pregnant women
- seniors
- the environment
If you have a pacemaker, PG&E warns you to stay 6 inches away from a Smart Meter. (source)
What Can I Do about Electropollution?
To eliminate much of the “dirty electricity” in your home, the easiest step is to unplug items you aren’t actively using. Simply turning items off isn’t always enough as many small appliances continue to draw power from the grid even when they’re not on. You can learn more in this article.
Detox Heavy Metals to Decrease Smart Meter Damage
We understand that heavy metals in the body such as from implants, vaccine adjuvants, MRIs, or amalgam teeth fillings act as an antenna that attracts EMFs to the body. Here are a few ways you can detoxify your body of heavy metals to help reduce your hypersensitivity to EMF radiation:
8 Detox Strategies If You’ve Been Exposed To Pesticides or Toxins
Rebecca’s Story: TRS, a Safe Heavy Metal Detox, Can Help Pregnancy
Minimize Exposure!
If you cannot opt out of having a smart meter, ensure that no one spend much time within 10 feet (3 meters) radius from it.
The beams are omnidirectional and go in all directions! Do not plan to live life (a bed, couch) behind the wall of where the meter is located.
Putting a Smart Meter Guard made of a conductive metal mesh screen over it will be helpful. It will block 90% to 95% of the RF radiation.
Or, make your own—watch this 3 minute video:
Parts used: Heavy duty aluminum kitchen foil, tape, aluminum window screening, 5 to 7 inch hose clamp.
You should have RF screening behind the fuse board on the wall that the fuse board is mounted upon to shield the RF exiting the back of the utility meter. It does not stop the RF, it simply lowers it some. I advise using an RF meter to check their shielding.
A few layers of heavy duty kitchen foil or aluminum window screening is generally sufficient on the wall behind the fuse board. (source)
You can use RF blocking paint inside your home.
States/Places Where You Can Opt-Out of Your Smart Meter:
If you want to opt-out, first ask for an analog meter, otherwise you may end up with an older first generation smart meter which has many of the same downsides.
Opposition has led at least seven states to enact policies to allow customers to opt-out of having a smart meter installed on their home, while New Hampshire requires customer consent for smart meter installation and Pennsylvania law prohibits opt-outs. At least another 22 states have allowed electric utilities to implement opt-out programs through proceedings with public utility commissions.
Here are a few I can find in a quick search: California, Oregon, Austin, Texas, New Mexico, Indiana, and Louisiana.
Opting out will cost you something every month, but health-, security-, and possibly dollar-wise, it will SAVE you!
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~Jim Rohn
5G: How I Wish It Were Mr. Rogers Coming To Our Neighborhoods!
Simple Ways To Lower Your EMF Risks: Start In the Bedroom
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Hi Jacqueline,
Thank you for the information that you share! We live in Michigan and several years ago I called our local utility company, telling them they installed a smart meter without our consent and we would like it removed. They of course, strongly discouraged us from doing so, almost making us believe it was almost a question that shouldn’t be asked and there would be quite a hefty monthly increase in our bill, and we fell for it. Now after reading your article I plan on making another phone call and digging my heels in a bit deeper.
Also I wanted to thank you for the e-mail you sent yesterday. I replied to the e-mail and received the auto-reply, so I’m glad I had an opportunity today to thank you. I haven’t been able to watch it all, maybe this weekend.
Many blessings!
Sue, I will pray that you reach a person reasonable to work with and meet with success!
We have worked hard to mitigate/block the possibilities of escape into our living area, but we also spend a lot of time in the yard, so we put screening over the meter and it reads MUCH lower now – and still sends to the company!
I am growing in my detest over all the intrusion!
We may have been better to go off grid! Haha BUT God!
Laura Toews
This is timely! I am in the process of listening to this.
Laura, thank you for sharing that! I have heard it is very instructive and helpful!
Blessings, friend!
Hi! I’m so thankful for all the information you are constantly giving. It has been such a blessing to me over the past few years! We have purchased some land, and we are going to be starting the process of building a new home in the next year. I was curious if there are more things, like this smart meter, that you would know of that we should beware of when it comes to things used in our homes. I have heard that vinyl floors are not good and I do have a berkey based on your recommendation (that we love!), but was curious if you knew of anything else that should be avoided in our homes or that we SHOULD have. Or perhaps you have a post about this subject somewhere that I might have missed? Thank you so much for all you do!
Hi, Abby, I am glad you are moving out a ways on some land. That is exciting!
When we built our home, we had to use all no VOC paints (back then it was Porter Paints no VOC paints) and went with all tile downstairs (with some wool area rugs) to avoid the normal terrible new carpet 4 year offgassing. Most common residential carpets are treated.
Yes, we would never use vinyl flooring or anything and PVC is a POP (Perpetual off-gassing propensity) -means forever… even shower curtains. Most glues are full of formaldehyde..
This is what I searched: “how to build a low voc home” to find these articles..
We used the company Safecoat for our stains, polyeurethane finishes and also our caulk and glues: https://afmsafecoat.com/
Another resource: https://clayconstruction.ca/building-a-healthier-home-by-using-low-voc-materials/
Furniture has fire retardants and lots of glue and MFD board which are also bad for that. https://www.greenhomeguide.com/askapro/question/when-does-mdf-offgas-when-the-heat-is-on-in-the-winter-or-throughout-all-seasons
Also, shelving and cabinets.
We used an all nylon upstairs and it didn’t seem to offgass at all.. https://therugsgal.com/best-rugs-for-babies-to-crawl-on-what-rugs-are-safe-for-babies/#IS_POLYPROPYLENE_RUG_SAFE_FOR_BABIES
I hope that helps you some!
Sending peace,