Though dangers of 5G are soundly pooh-poohed almost everywhere we (are allowed to) read, an article entitled We Have NO Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe in the prestigious Scientific American tech journal warns us:
“The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of “fear mongering” over the advent of 5G wireless technology. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature tells us about the health risks from wireless radiation.”
We live in an extremely confusing world today. Just having accurate information is incredibly empowering (that is why I write).
5G, the 5th Generation of wireless technology, will utilize millimeter waves for the first time, in addition to the microwaves already in use for 2G through 4G.
I want to briefly peek into what this means for every living thing on the planet for hummingbirds, for necessary pollinators and ultimately for humans… If you’ve not read about this deeply, you may find what follows hard to digest at first, but please view this information as a gift. I hope this gives you a starting point to take action.
As I said in 9 Facts About Wireless & Your Child’s Brain, it’s my goal to stimulate you to research this information for yourself.
To see where you stand, the interactive Ookla 5G Map tracks 5G deployment around the world. Enlarge the map to see where it is in relationship to your home.
Now a little over a year later this image is obsolete! Now it is 98% HOT PINK. I kid you not. To see the updated map, click the link!
T-Mobile also has a U.S. coverage map.
Researchers, numerous scientists, doctors, and concerned parents like myself have been – for over 3 decades – warning about the dangers of electromagnetic fields and wireless radiation.
Please Get the Digital Baby Monitor OUT of the Nursery!
Now widespread 5G technology is imminent. Can we agree with Rome Councilor Massimiliano Quaresima who stated, “I am in favor of technological progress but not the experimentation of 5G technology in the absence of scientific data on the repercussions for health.”
As of January 2020, 5G has been deployed in 378 cities across 34 countries. South Korea leads, followed by China, the US, and the UK. Remaining countries are Saudi Arabia, Spain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Australia, Germany, and Romania. (source)
5G only works over short distances. The signals are poorly transmitted due to solid material.
Many new antennas are needed, and full adoption will result in antennas 10 to 12 houses apart in urban areas. Therefore, the forced exposure is greatly increased.
General EMF Scientific Research
In 2017, 180 prestigious doctors and scientists from 35 countries signed a petition calling upon the European Union to enact a moratorium on the rollout of 5G until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by independent scientists.
Hundreds of Serious Adverse Biological Effects
Hundreds of studies show there are many serious adverse biological effects from these exposures on our biology, including:
(click the links to read the studies and papers)
- single and double strand DNA breaks and altered gene expression
- oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA
- increased blood brain barrier permeability, the BBB is what protects your brain from toxins
- Decrease in reproductive capacity and sperm quality
- changes in cellular free radical activity (known to be a precursor to disease) from exposure to EMFs as found on household wiring
- weakening the immune system (other studies have found similar effects)
- reduction in melatonin production (Adequate Melatonin Reduces Infectiousness of COVID-19)
- altered stem cell development, important ability to regenerate and repair damaged tissue
- damage to endocrine system
Think of EMFs as an immunosuppressant, thereby making your immune system unable to respond to toxins and other attacks. This can mean that viruses, bacteria, mold, pesticides, and other toxins can easily access your body.
Think of the implications of that with an epidemic OR a pandemic. With a low immune system, no vaccine can help you!
EMFs are linked to numerous diseases, including:
- cancer, this Swedish study group has published many high quality studies on this
- brain and heart tumors (animal studies)
- cardiovascular disease in a review of 242 studies
- memory and learning deficits
- Alzheimer’s disease, over a dozen studies
- chronic fatigue, through oxidative stress and effects on the antioxidant defense system.
Prof. Martin Blank PhD in cellular biophysics at Columbia University explains damaging biological effects of EMFs. (source) He exposes that changes in the brain are greater for the young and how the dangers of EMFs have been hidden from us:
Coming Warnings
In 2019, CBS News reported a 5G antenna was removed from a primary school grounds after parents there started to suspect that it was linked to childhood cancer in the school.
Products to Protect:
Gear to Protect Mama and Baby from RF Belly Band:
You can also get Radio Frequency Meters to check your own microwave/RF/EMF levels at home.
So what to we do with this information?
I feel like God is calling many of His children to pray and war in the Spirit. So, if you’re feeling that nudge, too, know it’s God. Join me in this!
We can also raise awareness.
We can research. We find ways to mitigate and strengthen our families’ immune systems.
My go-to place is God’s word and prayer…for wisdom, insight, strength, understanding, courage, and so much more, and I pray these things for you, too. We have a loving Father who will give us help when we ask:
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” ~James 1: 2-5
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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Jill York
Do you know how grounding jewelry and EMF protection apparel might help protect us from the harm of 5G?
And I am joining you in prayer!
Hi, Jill! I am still trying to figure all this out! At the end of this video, Dana gives a lot of information:
I hope this helps…we are all trying to figure this out as I type! Best iss to NOT have WIFI in your home and use airplane mode on your phone as much as possible!
Sending love to you, ~j
Zeye Murgy
Not that any cellular signals are safe,but be careful how you interpret that T-Mobile map – High-band 5G (mmWave) does not travel very far and is blocked by pretty much any/everything. To get that kind of coverage requires low-band and mid-band 5G, in the frequencies currently in use for 4GLTE, 4G, 3G,and voice/text.
I’m still searching for a high-band 5G antenna database – It should be public information from the FCC, but they appear to have hidden it DEEP…
Zeye, Yes, we were just talking about that last week! I wish we could find out more info, but you appear to be correct in that it is hidden. There seems to be no other explanation.
Thanks for weighing in! I appreciate your comment!