By Sara Jo Poff.
(Consider this a fiction if you wish. This is a hard article to digest, but if you open the links and read to the end you may see the scope of it. Shared with permission by Sara Jo Poff because we both desire to help people become better stewards of their body as God’s temple).
To the Christians, and especially pastors/influencers, who have urged their flock to take the CV vaccine ‘for the greater good’ or to ‘love your neighbor’, can we talk?
Do you even know the roots of vaccines?
Do you know the roots of these pharmaceutical companies making these vaccines?
Well-documented. 26 minutes.
Do you know that “sorcery” in Revelation 18:23-24 — that says will lead all nations astray and that the blood of God’s people is found in it — is from the Greek Word “pharmakeia?”
Do you know that it goes deeper and that the World Health Organization was actually started and funded by the Rothschilds & Rockefellers, the same families who also funded the Nazis, Zyklon gas, and WWII? (This shows the timeline of these things referenced: https://
Source: The well-documented book Rockefeller Medicine Men by E. Richard Brown. Or the FREE PDF here.
These companies conducted illegal and gruesome medical experimentation during WWII and some of the medical “knowledge” they use today is from those inhumane experiments.
They are the initiators of mainstream media and the brainwashing that vitamins don’t help anything. The Rockefeller Foundation used the Spanish flu epidemic – and the media (that it already controlled by this time) – to start a witch-hunt on all forms of medicine that were not covered by its patents.
They used planned pandemics throughout history to maintain power and lead people to medicine out of fear.
Vaccines contain aborted fetal cells, animal blood and DNA derived from evil actions. (source)
There’s so much more I could say along this, like the roots of Bayer, and the deep corruption of the CDC, but that would require a book.
When German citizens were asked why they didn’t stop the horrible evil that was happening at the hands of the Nazi occupation, they replied that they had no idea it was going on or weren’t aware of the extent of the evil. But they knew!
What if we’ve gotten so desensitized in our society that we don’t even realize or face the enormous depth of the pure evil roots and continuing actions of these pharmaceutical companies that so many people put their faith in every day.
Do you know how many precious children are harmed or injured every year by vaccines? (see 30 pages of injury settlements from just one law firm) This is a child sacrifice religion. Pain and suffering in the VICP is capped at $250,000.00.
Wake up, Church.
The blood of these innocent lives could be on your hands if you’re not informed — or if you’re leading others astray. If you think a vaccine is going to save us from ANYthing, the Babylonian deception was successful.
I plead with you to dig into the roots of these things. I know many might think this is conspiracy theory or crazy talk, and ask for links/sources (from media bought out by these very industries), but I implore you to seek God openly, without bias or ego, through His Word and by prayers about it and see what He says.
It’s in the Word.
What if I’m right?
What if you’re playing right into the enemy’s hand?
When we should instead be taking a stand against these evils? His Word says our battle is NOT against flesh and blood but against the spiritual powers of darkness.
This situation we face right now is absolutely not about a physical (flesh/blood) virus.
Please open your eyes.
Here’s a good read showing the timeline of these things referenced:
We cannot look to those in high places to protect us. Remember Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in this world, and spiritual darkness in high places.”
If we are putting our trust in a man/woman who has power in a high place instead of God himself, we are not doing ourselves any favors. We should pray for everyone including our enemies, but we need to help each other and educate ourselves so we can be found approved as we handle the word of truth! (2 Timothy 2:15)
Sara Jo Poff started Healthy Families for God in 2007 out of a desire to help people become better stewards of their body as God’s temple. She studied as a certified nutritional consultant and is now pursuing a naturopathic practitioner program.
“Even the light from a lamp
will never shine in you again!
The voices of the bridegroom and his bride
will never be heard in you again.
For your merchants were the tycoons of the world,
because all the nations were deceived by your magic spells!”
~Revelations 18:23 (NLT)
- Are You Ready To Meet the Babies In Your Next Vaccines?
- The Science: Fetal DNA cross-reacting w/ Our DNA & Plotkin’s Words (video)
- Kitty Werthmann: Her Riveting True Story and Her Message
- Vaccinated vs. Unvacc’d Children: Guess Who Is Healthier? Mawson Study
- Death by Medicine
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