(CAUTION: There is some explicit language in this blog deemed necessary for the readers to understand the dangers being posed to children by schools.)
For years, we’ve been warning about the sexualization and abuse of our children and the mainstream media accused us of exaggerating, claiming it would never happen in early childhood education. But here we are, witnessing the double whammy of the blatant sexual agenda in schools and Disney’s grooming “entertainment“. This is what happens when parents sit back and do nothing.
Attempts to expose children to sexual material are pervasive in schools across the country. From obscene books in school libraries to explicit content in entertainment, children from preschool to high school are faced with sexually-charged content while their parents are kept in the dark.
This powerfully exposes the worldwide agenda that is influencing our children in profound ways. Much of the agenda originates from the U.S., contaminating other countries.
10 minutes.
Planned Parenthood (PP) and other abortion organizations hope to destroy the traditional American family unit so they can push their abortion agenda programs on children. What better way to do that than to propagandize children during school hours when parents are not watching what’s going on.
You can’t have generic prayer or Bible classes in public schools. But you can have all the sex studies programs your progressive school board wants your child to get.
For decades, so-called “Comprehensive Sexual Education” (CSE) has permitted every type of birth control device and drug to distributed to minors in public schools.
Vermont was the first state mandating free condom distribution to kids from middle school and up. They are provided free by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.
In 2012, New York City public schools began dispensing condoms, abortion pills, and birth control pills to high school students.
In 2020, Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Washington) signed a bill MANDATING sex education for all students in public schools from grades K through 12, with no opt-outs.
In 2021, a MASSIVE Chicago Public School program made condoms and raunchy, explicit books available to children in elementary school. (source)
In Baltimore, a city where a minor needs a parent’s permission to go to the zoo, public schools were handing out birth control pills to kids as young as 11. Minors also received condoms, the Depo-Provera shot, Plan B, the Ortho Evra patch, birth control pills, hormonal implants, and the NuvaRing. (source) Watch the 4 minute video on Baltimore here.
These drugs and devices create long-lasting health and mental-health issues: Birth Control Pills: What One Young Woman Wishes She Had Known
In Virginia’s Loudon County Public Schools, a focal point in this fight, students were required to read “Monday’s Not Coming” by Tiffany Jackson, containing sexually explicit material. The school libraries had graphic pictures of sexual acts between a boy and an adult man.
Each state has these kinds of school programs, though some parents are still in denial!
Concerned parents with traditional values have a decision to make, as bad actors impose their coercive Marxist agenda on innocent children. Parents can homeschool their kids. They can move. But as more radical politicians adopt these extreme policies that sexualize children, there will fewer places where parents can go to protect their kids from the indoctrinators.
As a mother and a grandmother, I am increasingly alarmed by the aggressive sexualization of children in our culture and schools. We must fight the indoctrination our grandchildren and other children their ages will face, as they are exposed to this perversion from every angle.
We homeschooled our children based on the biblical command in Deuteronomy 6: “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.“
Parents, fight back against the left’s push to sexually and ideologically brainwash your children.
“It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” ~Luke 17:2
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Jacque – The only safe place left to teach children is the home! Even in our “Bible Belt” area the sexual agenda is slowly creeping into the schools. There is currently a group of parents who are fighting the public library for including explicitly sexual books on the shelves where their children look for books.
It’s so sad. The conservative Christian culture that stays silent about sex (not teaching their children about sex from a Biblical perspective) sure doesn’t help, either. Kids feel they must learn about it somewhere else because their parents have made it a taboo subject at home.
Thank you for your courage and willingness to speak the truth in love when so many others will not do it.
Thank you, Katie!
I will add this here so maybe some will see it:
“Parents who are fearful of talking to their kids about sex leave a void of silence the world will be glad to fill. The problem is, many parents are too afraid to talk to their kids about sex because they don’t want to say “too much too soon.” Unfortunately, “too much too soon” often turns into “too little too late.” https://deeprootsathome.com/how-and-when-should-you-have-the-talk-with-your-children-about-sex/
Thank you for your encouragement!
Love you, sister!