[The Upside Down House is a project created by a Polish businessman and philanthropist named Daniel Czapiewski, and is located in Poland in the tiny village of Szymbark. The house is also meant to be a profound statement about the Communist era and the state of the world. – source]
Today there is a total reversal of what God’s Word says is good and wholesome to something that resembles darkness, confusion, and evil.
Do the world’s ways influence you and your family to make choices that hurt you and others?
Do you agree that there is a general perversion of the truth in the world, and that it is out of control?
I realize this is just one person’s opinion, but I see this occurring in these areas:
~ the blurring of roles of men and women and gender-confusion such as in my recent post here.
Pediatricians Call Gender Ideology What It Is – Child Abuse
~ a culture of death that despises life, children and the elderly, guaranteeing abortion and right to euthanasia
~ eating meals alone instead of family mealtime
~ decreasing standards to a one-size-fits-all system in our schools as in Common Core and Critical Race Theory indoctrination as early as the second grade.
~ defiling young children’s hearts and minds. Confusing children K-5 with sexual content they cannot yet understand
“The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of government tomorrow.” ~Abraham Lincoln
~ our vigilance and training of children dwindles as keepers-of-the-home (mothers) are gradually side-tracked with self-focus
~ abdicating biblical instruction to others, as something just for Sunday, or not at all
~ rampant materialism: Black Friday, which should perhaps be renamed Bloody Friday, is getting darker every year
“Who covets more, is evermore a slave.” ~ Robert Herrick
~more and more loss of parental rights such as in the Charlie Gard case:
~parents not being informed of the downsides of medicating their child, yet blindly trusting doctors with their most precious treasures
~ compromise of our food supply: unhealthy foods are slowly dumbing us down (the right column should say RAW MILK)
~ taking away parental responsibility and giving it to the state
~ what airs in social and news media and is claimed by the world to be truth
~ what we choose for entertainment, much of which is filled with varying degrees of violence or filth (such as the Netflix film ‘Cuties’)
~ a lack of work ethic and an entitlement mentality
~ how people seldom greet one another in elevators or on city streets and neighbors don’t speak anymore
~ electronics addiction; less and less eye to eye communications, loss of childhood play
~ the need for drugs (anti-depressants, stimulants, and sleep aids) is at an all time high
We are rapidly becoming a very fearful people, incrementally being isolated, and left to our own wrong thinking.
And this was written well before Covid-19!
“There is a way which seems right to a man but its end is the way of death.” ~Proverbs 16:25
We read that in the last days good will be called ‘bad’ and bad will be called ‘good’.
“Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
and clever in their own sight.” ~Isaiah 5: 20-21
The enemy, who is bad, wants to mock the order of God’s creation and turn it upside down, so the creation will worship him instead of God. He wants all people of the world to become confused as to what is right and true. Those without a relationship with our Maker will in general, or naturally, do the opposite of God. In Satan there is always rebellion.
“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed..” ~Psalm 2: 1-2
We think we are free when we pursue self, but in reality we are obeying Satan. If we get our eyes off God and on ourselves we have been deceived.
During each day of creation, God declared everything in the world He had created was ‘very good!’. In God, who is good, there is always restoration.
Jesus came to cut the strings the enemy has placed in our lives that pull us this way and that.
The enemy has tried to conceal this by reversing the idea of good and bad in our hearts.
God is good, and He has a good life for you through His Son, Jesus. To know Him is so much better than anything we can accomplish in ourselves. He loves us and longs to set us free, and that is what this message is all about.
So until Jesus Christ returns, we will always live in an upside down world, but with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live an abundant life and not be fearful of the outcome. “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” ~1 John 4: 4
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
This is such a wonderful post. And its been on my mind a lot lightly especaily the part about electronics.
Isn’t this a heart-rending shame. Our society IS upside-down, and not one bit ashamed of it. I’d love to think there is hope for change, but I really think we’re past that. My soul and spirit are grieved to no end on a daily basis over the senseless road we’ve taken as a nation and as families. So many have chosen careers instead of the noble position of home keepers that the nation’s children are raising themselves and demanding to have their own way. We’re a nation of delinquent parents. Sigh.
That said, my hope is built on promises from my heavenly Father – so I look up and rejoice that the time is nearing when we’ll be called home. I know you do, too!
Have a wonderful week!
Love, love , love this post!! This is something that my mom and I talk about often. How everything that is OK and that everyone is doing or supporting is the exact opposite of God’s ways, Word and plan. I love everything that you have said here and agree completely. The only thing that I can add is a hearty and strong AMEN!! I especially love the last 2 sentences. Praise Him that we have no need to fear for what is to come or happen because He is greater than anything in the world!! Thank you for this post! How I wish so many would read this and realize God’s Truth.
Many blessings to you,
That is my prayer, Libby. And your kind words encourage me. I shared this scripture with Gail: “so that…we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul…” Hebrews 6:19b,20a. We do flee on one hand, but on the other, we are in the world and must stand as witnesses to the world.
Gail @http://biblelovenotes.com
I am often aware of this upside down reasoning in our culture. And other times I am probably a part of it without realizing it. The saddest part is that so many worldly philosophies have become “Christianized.” It is sometimes a struggle not to feel negative about the future for my grandchildren.
We need God more than ever.
I am struggling with the same thing, though grandchildren are a few years off yet. I was searching for a scripture on hope that I could cling to and found this: “so that…we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul…” Hebrews 6:19b,20a. Bottom line is that His children will have everlasting life in a perfect world and there will be no sorrow or pain anymore!!
Oh, yes, we do need HIM now more than ever! As one with her first grandchild on the way, my heart cries out for His mercy for the future generation. May we be faithful to pass on the torch! ~Lisa
Thank you! Timely word that I needed to hear (confirmation of sorts) and appreciate all you do for your readers. Thank you for sharing your heart and the good Word!
Nabila Grace
So true! I see it a lot in my field of work being a hairstylist. I struggle personally with the balance of electronics due to the nature of my business in needing me be available to respond to clients in making appointments right away etc. It’s been a good learning lesson though in learning that it’s ok to leave my phone and live more intentionally be it putting a puzzle together with my son or baking with my daughter. These are the things that help me try to stay grounded since I do have to have my foot out the door so to speak. So then when random and different situations and or conversations at work drift by me I can stick to what is real and focus on what’s right side up.
Sadly, so much of this is creeping into the church as well. It is a big mess. I am not perfect, for sure, but the church is looking more and more like the world every day, in my humble opinion.
Kelly Cook
No, it’s not just you. I do believe we are seeing the end times though. I wish that meant I was more passionate about sharing the Gospel, but I’d be lying to say so. I am more aware of the spiritual condition of those around me though and asking God to help me share.
Heather Anderson
Thank you for sharing this timely post. I have felt so grieved in my spirit the past few days over the state of our nation. This is not a new sensation for me, but the difference was that I almost gave in to despair. My husband, thankfully, washed me in the Word and continues to remind me that God is on the throne. “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?” Our world is indeed turned upside down, and our hearts ought to be grieving and not complacent. This is our challenge as the church, mourn and weep, pray, speak truth, and love. Discernment and wisdom must become our garments.
Oh, this is a daily thought you have captured here! You really can’t escape the feeling, like Lot in Sodom… I think that is why the home is so dear. We CAN control (to a physical degree) what is brought into those four walls and make them a living sacrifice to God…. A safe haven for our families, a shelter from the storm.
Charlotte Moore
I can sure say a big AMEN to this and the comments that have been made. It has to get worse for the BIBLE to be fulfilled. HE is coming back and I think it is sooner than we can fathom. JESUS is our only strength to make it in this perverse world until HE comes. It is heart wrenching to see all that is going on in the name of religion though. There is a true and living GOD and HE will prevail.
Excellent post! You are right on target, my friend!
pam stahl
Thank you for putting this post together. I ponder these things often and sometimes start to think that I’ve gone mad because my thinking is so different from the culture at large.
pam stahl
Thank you for putting this post together. I ponder these things often and sometimes start to think I’m going mad because my thinking is so different from that of our culture at large.
You are spot on. Love this and plan to share a link this Saturday, my friend. Praying for God’s mercy upon us, and that a faithful remnant will stay His hand of judgement. Of course, the flipping of good and evil in our culture is surely a sign of His judgement upon us. Thanks for your boldness is proclaiming truth in these dark days. ~Lisa
Amen! Great post my friend.
Breanne Best
Not that I’m a Twilight fan, but what prompted you to choose the Twilight cover? No premarital sex, and they’re advocating marriage. Granted, there was a considerable amount of fighting in the final movie, but it just makes me wonder, with all of the other choices that could have been made to adequately represent how complacent we’ve become with what we allow into our lives entertainment-wise, why choose the cleanest YA I’ve seen in years?
As for the fighting, it’s nothing less brutal than what we see in the old testament. In fact, I’d say it’s cleaner given the lack of extramarital affairs and genocide. I don’t mean this, in any way to be rude or undercutting, because I completely agree with you on 99.9% of your post. It just struck me as odd that you’d choose that cover in particular when there are SO many other choices.
Great post otherwise, I just got hung up when I saw Twilight of all things. Stephanie Meyer went out of her way to keep it a clean, YA-friendly saga. She’s a devout Mormon and loving mother. She had her own children in mind when she penned her words.
I have not even seen the Twilight movie…our children, who for the most part make their own choices now, have not. I chose it for the ‘Entertainment’ magazine cover and the overall look of it is dark and evil. I could have chosen far worse, but didn’t want it on my blog, frankly!
At first, I was grabbed by the *apple* (Eve’s apple as she offered it to her husband in the garden). I felt for this post it was symbolic of how we are eating the apple of temptation as we slowly succumb to the ways of the world. Thank you for kindly sharing your thoughts, but I must disagree. Please see Amanda’s comment. She voiced my thoughts perfectly.
Respectfully, the very subject of vampires is dark, part of the horror genre. Vampires have long been considered to be demons and are associated with satanic rituals. In the mythology, they feed off of the blood of living things. I think the inclusion of such literature/entertainment is very appropriate to this discussion. It seems a perfect example of evil being called good in today’s world.
Very thought provoking! I need to do some thinking and praying.
Oh, yes, Anita! Prayer and fasting and Praise as we see the Lord doing just what the Bible has told us would be! I love you and am praying for you, too!! I don’t mean this to be a downer, but that we would LOOK UP to the Savior and be aware…
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10: 23-25
Cindy P.
Thank you, thank you for this very insightful post. I also have been feeling the creeping darkness and upside-down world. And your words of truth and encouragement, remind me to keep my eyes on my precious Lord and continue to seek to be reconcilers and agents of redemption in this lost world.
A sister in Christ,
Yes! I have been noticing the weight of all this craziness and upsidedown thinking a lot lately. It really seems to be getting worse at an increasing rate the last couple of years. The decisions that people make and things they do (especially in the public arena of government and entertainment) make no sense to me, and I was beginning to wonder if it’s me that crazy. Thank the Lord for His Word that plainly tells us the Truth!
Laura Lane
Well written and well spoken.
Laura Lane
My blog, Harvest Lane Cottage
You are so right…both in the fact that we live in an upside down world and that we can live abundant lives in Christ in spite of what the worldly culture tells us. AND we can raise our children with different values from the world.
Janis Cox
I am following you from WholeHeartedHome. Great pictures .. we hope to go to Poland in the fall – maybe we will see the house?
Totally understand your post – but we must not lose heart – because Jesus has overcome the world – right?
So glad to find your blog, its a huge blessing!
Amen! Very well said and very well documented. I feel “dumbed up” myself because I choose not to watch, listen to, or read the news. It is too much in my already overwhelming life of things to do/be/etc. But even more concerning to me is the complacency with which we live today. We are becoming more and more afraid to question authority – or even stand up and speak to our neighbors. I keep thinking about the quote after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, “We have awakened a sleeping giant.” We all need to be awakened and answer our calling from God. Thank you for your blog.
What you said about standing up to authority (evil authority only) is so true. We have become afraid and our good standing and right influence in our respective arenas and neighborhood has been so diluted as to be impotent. I pray the sleeping church will be loving and winsomely active again. Blessings and happy Easter!!
Judith at WholeHearted Home
I saw a house like this in Orlando, FL and intend on blogging about it sometime. Thanks for linking up at WholeHearted Home.