In case you haven’t heard, alpha-Gal syndrome (AGS) is on the rise, yet it’s still largely unheard of.
And, I’ll share a successful treatment below, so please read to the end.
What is this new syndrome? Alpha-Gal syndrome is an unconventional food allergy, characterized by IgE-mediated hypersensitivity responses to the sugar molecule galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal); it is not a food-protein.
One thing we know is that alpha-Gal can come from a tick bite.
But before we are afraid to go outside anymore, let’s look into the OTHER surprising sources of alpha-Gal, and which foods do not contain it. (I will list these in a minute).
I believe the climate-change push to get rid of meat and make fake food acceptable is real. There’s also a desire to get people to disconnect from nature and into fifteen-minute cities. Advancing a “novel” medical condition that makes people scared of meat and the outdoors checks both those boxes.
WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew Liao has proposed the idea of scientists genetically modifying humans to be allergic to meat. In a 3-minute video, Liao has also discussed shrinking the physical size of humans via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources. (source)
Alex Jones (who is a bit grating to my ear, but usually factual) breaks the OTHER SOURCES you need to know down into understandable bites. He is supported by PubMed studies and facts from the CDC. Skip the last 2 minutes of ads.
10 minutes.
What Can Trigger alpha-Gal?
Yes, the CDC clearly states that alpha-Gal can be found in drugs, vaccines, and products containing these mammal ingredients, as well as in meat (pork, beef, rabbit, lamb, venison, etc.) – they all can trigger α-Gal syndrome, just like ticks. Ingredients that may contain alpha-gal include:
• Gelatin (see different gelatins and bovine extracts highlighted on the vaccine ingredient lists here).
• Bovine serum and extract (heavily used in vaccine manufacture)
• Magnesium stearate (commonly found as an additive in some encapsulated supplements)
• Cobra venom (1, 2) (here’s a list of fairly common drugs made of venom)
• Other medical products, such as pig or cow heart valves, surgical mesh, monoclonal antibodies, cancer drug Cetuximab, and heparin.
Here’s the excipient list Jones was showing in the video.
Remember, all these drugs are highly-processed and man-made and about as far from what God naturally gave us as could be.
So I’d be more afraid of the drugs than the bugs! Due to our family having had Lyme, I encourage everyone to just simply check for ticks, learn how to properly remove a tick and have a few things on hand to treat a tick bite immediately. I just have to say: don’t be terrified of bugs. Don’t be stupid, but don’t be terrified, either. Preventatively, we use non-toxic Cedarcide. It is safe and it works! Please don’t use neurotoxic DEET.
[I believe that with the widespread, unprecedented reliance on man-made drugs, we shouldn’t be shocked to see a rise in AGS. My instinct early on, even as a medically-trained medicine nurse and RN, to avoiding OTC and regular pharma medications for close to 40 years (including and especially Tylenol and Benadryl), has been the right one for our family. (No, I am not saying Tylenol and Benadryl have alpha-Gal in them, but they are very harmful and have really bad side-effects and the studies support me in this). See my natural go-to pharmacies here and here.]
A Warning From a Study: Shingles and MMR Vaccines May Trigger Anaphylaxis in the Meat-Allergic
Labcorp is one place to get an Alpha–Gal IgE Panel.
Switching gears, another trail I started following is shocking, yet not shocking considering the genetic modification of mosquitos:
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation made a significant grant of $1,469,352 to Oxitec Ltd., a biotech company, to genetically-modify male ticks. And of course, ticks are known to cause AGS.
Oxitec’s project was/is aimed to address the global pest problem affecting CATTLE, a significant source of red meat. Gates later provided $4.8 million more in funding.
The intertwining of Gates’s interests and this rise in AGS cases is drawing scrutiny. Gates holds stakes in pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Inc. that produce antibiotics such as doxycycline, commonly used to treat tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease. Moreover, in 2017, his foundation granted over $1 million to Ceres Nanosciences, a diagnostics company specializing in Lyme disease detection. In the food industry, Gates has significant investments in plant-based and lab-grown meat companies. He has backed companies such as Upside Foods, Good Meat, Beyond Meat, and Impossible Foods, some of which which have been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the production and sale of meat substitute products.
• Poultry, such as chicken, turkey, duck, or quail
• Eggs
• Fish and seafood, such as baked cod and ocean-caught salmon
• Fruits and vegetables
A Successful Treatment for Meat, Dairy & Many Other Allergies
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT) is the only medical treatment I’ve found for significant AGS meat and/or dairy allergies. The main a-Gal symptoms are gastrointestinal, dermatologic (skin-related), and respiratory.
This study shows: “The SAAT method showed effectiveness in the large majority of patients. No adverse reactions were noted as a result of auricular acupuncture.”
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT) is a powerful technique that provides the longest relief from allergy symptoms compared to other common treatments. It is a specialized yet simple acupuncture treatment where one needle placed in the external ear can drastically reduce allergy symptoms by 80-95%. (source) The treatment addresses allergies or sensitivities to:
• Food: gluten/wheat, soy, dairy, corn, eggs, sugar, meat (alpha-gal), nuts, fruits, vegetables, shellfish, preservatives, and more.
• Environmental: animal dander, dust, molds, chemicals, pollens, trees, grasses, weeds, and more.
Check these links to find licensed acupuncturists that perform the Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment: here, here, here, and here.
There is a LOT more on alpha-Gal I’d like to share and it involves the COVID vaccine, but it will require another post. Stay tuned!
“I (God) will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” ~Psalm 32:8
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Oooh, thanks for remembering that we asked about this! Maybe (probably) others have asked too. In our area, this malady is GREATLY increasing, and everyone knows someone who has it. Both my daughters do.
Thank you again.
Caroline, yes, I just put that post out and was coming here to comments to let several know and you were one of them! The situtaion is pretty convoluted, but I hope this helps make it more clear.
Also, If you want a way to lower toxin load that can make anything we are trying to fight harder to overcome, don’t forget the product (Advanced TRS) that brought our family out of the pit of Lyme disease.
These posts both give more information and contain my personal link. and
I would be happy to work with you, gratis, of course. My email is [email protected]
..Jacque, I am so grateful I found you… Your posts are always informative, well researched and to the point. I appreciate how much time and care you put in each post.
Sometimes one wishes these so called “scientist and parasites/elite” would get a hobby as it is crazy what they are coming up with – creating food allergies against meat?!
These people need our prayers – they must be so emotionally, mentally disturbed that they use their God given time for such criminal activities…
Your website has just become my go to for finding natural healing solutions which are practical and helpful. Thank you. But somehow God is finding ways, he makes the way where none is and it is wonderful to walk in peace in love – even during these disturbing and sometimes taxing times… God bless you and all here… May Gods love protect us all.
Thank you, Danae, yes it is all so disturbing. I absolutely do NOT prefer to write about these horrible issues, but feel compelled and called to do so!
Thank you for your sweet encouragement! Please join me in prayer that it won’t lead people to despair, but rather drive them to seek the Lord and ask Him what to do as they move forward!
Sending peace,
Yes, I know that what you are doing is creating strength, we cannot overcome if we are unable to confront these “imbalances” or “lower frequencies” and have ways to solve them. Your blog is a little oasis of divine thought and healing… I remember how I felt when I read some of your posts with a bible quote at the end – it made all the difference in relating to information. As challenging these last 3 years were… at the same time I feel God finds an answer for everything. HE is almighty — and there is nothing love cannot heal… All of you here – have a wonderful day.
Danae, thank you for that encouragement! I do want to help us all become stronger in all ways spiritual (with Christ), physical, and emotional!
Yes, God’s word strengthens and edifies us as we process life’s challenges!
Thank you, friend!
Sending peace,
Sue Beer
How long do you think this has gone on? What concerns me is that I had valve replacement nearly 16 yrs. ago with a pig valve. They now call them tissue valves. I had a redo replacement in May. What should I be looking for? Or do I have to worry about this?
Sue, I would not worry about it if you haven’t had any issues attributable to it. Just continue to build your system and get strong in all ways spiritual (with Christ), physical, and emotional!
It was apparently first seen in 2008.
I am pretty sure that if we keep our systems detoxed and ‘clean’ from inflammatory and immune suppressing toxins and metals, that we won’t be reactive as much as one who’s carrying a toxic load (which only gets greater with time).
That is why I am such a proponent of regularly detoxing all the environmental stuff coming at us in our food, water. air, and rain. And that includes all meds (OTC and otherwise) and anesthesia and imaging dyes, etc.
Work to lower/cleanse out all those things from your system and it really undercuts the chances.
I am thankful, though, for those valves for those who need them! And I’m thankful you are doing so well, it sounds!
Praying for you now,
Sue Beer
I am doing very well. I am very watchful as I lost a lot of blood being this was a redo. I knew that so I have been very cognizant of things that might happen because of giving blood after being vaccinated. So far, I am back to normal tending to our vegetable garden.
Laurie A
Thanks so much for covering this. My husband has AGS, and a local acupuncturist I’ve been to is on the list. I’m happy to share this article with my husband.
Bonnie White
Hi Jacque!
What are your thoughts concerning acupuncture as an occultic practice? It’s origin in Taoist philosophy certainly makes it suspect, and I haven’t heard of an explanation that wasn’t steeped in false spiritualism. I am very willing to consider it as a healing option if I could feel some peace about what is physically happening that putting small needles in particular places in the skin should cause relief?
I know that just because superstition taught people that amber was magic and could make you feel better, didn’t mean it was true. Amber can be used as an analgesic because God created that rock with those properties. Garlic isn’t good luck, nor does it keep demons away, but we know that it IS good for us and support our bodies’ natural functions.
In other words, just because people started using something with a godless or purposefully evil intent, doesn’t mean it should always be considered evil. Satan comes to “kill, STEAL, and destroy”, and that includes herbs and natural remedies that God created for our good use. However, there are still modalities out there that ARE truly occultic and give homage to Satan, and we are not to touch those “tools of the enemy” or claim them as our own because we are “ignoring” some truth or have put a “Christian spin” on it. Witchcraft is an easy example.
So, if it’s not too laborious to answer here, do you have some clear direction/revelation about acupuncture falling into one of those categories?
Thank you for your consideration on this topic. I so appreciate all of your articles, and often hear the Lord’s wisdom and discernment for me and my family through them.
Molly Ries
Hi, Bonnie! I too was raised with a healthy dose of fear of the occult, but I don’t think that acupuncture or herbs or crystals (made by God!) or anything of the sort is of the occult. God gave us immune systems, plants and herbs to heal, and stones to protect us (have you ever seen shungite repel EMF waves emitted by a cell phone? It’s incredible.)
Obviously witchcraft is occultist! I agree 100%, but as I’ve dived deeper into my spirituality, I’ve found that many of God’s gifts to us have been mislabeled as satanic. I avoided yoga for years thinking that it was of the occult—only to find that it is an hour of daily stretching, breathing, meditating and praying that has brought me to an even deeper spiritual understanding and made me feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually than I ever have. My yoga studio even plays Christian music. Looking back, I can’t even fathom how I ever thought that stretching (literally that’s all yoga is!) was of the occult.
Bonnie White
Hi Molly,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I would ask, if “that’s all yoga is”, then why call it yoga?
Do a quick search “What is yoga?”, and you may be surprised.
I feel certain that people who are following yoga and it’s yogis, would disagree with your definition.
(You may not actually be practicing yoga.)
As an additional resource, here is a thought-provoking article I read this morning, if you are open to reconsidering your position.
May we all be led only of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Stephanie T
Thank you, Jacque. I graciously echo the many sentiments of appreciation expressed here.
Molly Ries
I had the alpha gal allergy also and my husband (a doctor) pointed out after my 3rd episode of full-body hives following a meal with red meat or pork in public or at a friends house that I was successfully eating red meat and pork at home without an issue. Could it be that we eat only antibiotic-free meat from small local farms? Sure enough, we researched and found out that the alpha gal enzyme is in the antibiotics that conventional farmers give to their livestock (pigs and cows only). I have been successfully eating antibiotic-free red meat and pork for the last 10 years.
I agree that eliminating the allergy is ultimately key, but what doctors do not KNOW and consequently don’t tell alpha-gal patients is that they CAN eat antibiotic-free meat. My allergist told me I would never be able to eat red meat or pork again. When I called to tell him that I have been successfully eating antibiotic-free meat for several years, and that I just wanted to give him a friendly, useful tip to help with his other alpha-gal patients, he did not even know the difference between conventional meat and antibiotic-free meat and had no idea what I was talking about. SMH.