One significant factor that is contributing to the growing rates of iodine deficiency and thyroid issues is bromine exposure and toxicity.
Iodine, vitally needed by every tissue and organ in your body, supports your thyroid function. Although many cells use iodine, your thyroid gland uses what’s available first to produce the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).
Bromide is an insidious additive used in many common products. Because of the sheer amount of bromide-supplemented products, exposure to this man-made additive has caused severe depletion of iodine in the human population.
Bromines are common endocrine disruptors. Classified as a chemical halide, bromine competes for the receptors in the thyroid that capture and take up iodine. In other words, bromine displaces iodine and puts you at risk for a number of health problems. Bromine also may interfere with iodine’s ability to prevent breast cancer. This problem is called the “Bromide Dominance Theory.”
Elevated bromide levels have been implicated in every thyroid disease, from simple hypothyroidism to auto-immune diseases to thyroid cancer. Malenchenko found bromide levels 50 times higher in thyroid cancer than in normal thyroid tissue. (source) Bromide blocks the production of thyroid hormones which can help explain why thyroid dysfunction is at an all-time high in the US.
Levothyroxine, a synthetic hormone and black box prescription drug for hypothyroidism, was the 2nd most commonly prescribed medication in the US in 2020.
A visible way to know if you suffer from bromine toxicity and iodine deficiency is if you are developing cherry angiomas on your trunk and extremities. While many experts say “no one knows the cause”, this study reports a clear connection.

One Big Unseen Cause of Bromine Toxicity
Science Direct tells us that brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are incorporated into many different items used daily, including toys, cars, plastics in electronics and electrical wiring. We are exposed through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact. Toddlers are at increased risk due to higher hand-to-mouth behavior. BFRs are also in or applied to furniture upholstery, clothing (especially children’s sleepwear), curtains, mattresses, carpets, and swimming pool treatments.
Savvy parents seek out organic cotton pajamas and untreated bedding. (source)
Children exposed to these compounds have a lower IQ, increased risk of cancer, disruption of thyroid function and decreased social skills. Flame retardants are one of the reasons why firefighters tend to have a higher incidence of cancer than the general population.
Bromine Containing Foods You Should Avoid
The UK and Canada and many other countried completely banned bromate use in 1990s. Still, in the U.S. varieties of this chemical make their way to your food by means of ingredients or pesticides:
1. Potassium bromate – This type of bromine is often found in bread flour. The addition of potassium bromate as an additive to commercial breads and baked goods is one reason why bromide exposure is high in the US. However, better companies (like King Arthur Baking Co. and Bob’s Red Mill) sell non-brominated flour. (Un-brominated is not the same thing as un-bleached and un-bleached flour may still be brominated).
2. Brominated vegetable oil – This emulsifier is used in certain soda products, such as Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Sun Drop, Squirt, Fresca, Fanta, some flavors of Powerade including Strawberry Lemonade, and some flavors of Gatorade, including Orange.
3. Methyl bromide is often found in food pesticides. FOR YEARS methyl bromine-pesticide was heavily used (and may still be used) to fumigate the soil of California strawberry fields.
4. Bromine-containing drugs are widely used for asthma, depression/anxiety, cholesterol, and so many other conditions. They include Celebrex, Cipro and Levaquin, Crestor, Lipitor, Flonase, Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, and Diflucan and all contain both bromine and fluoride. Here’s a much longer list. Avoid these medications in general, especially if you have low thyroid or fluoroquinolone toxicity.
Adjust Your Diet to Avoid Iodine Deficiency
There are steps you can take to fight bromine exposure. It is very important to pay attention to what you put in your mouth.
You should consume organic foods as often as possible. Organic vegetables and grass-fed meats are raised using chemical-free practices.
Before you eat any produce, make sure you WASH them thoroughly, so you can help prevent pesticide exposure.
Avoid sodas and chemically-sweetened beverages, and drink only pure drinking water or these non-sprayed organic herbal teas.
Use only organic whole-grain breads and flour. If you can, grind your own organic grain. Be sure to check the labels as most commercial baking goods are brominated. King Arthur Baking Co. and Bob’s Red Mill) sell non-brominated flour and state this on their labels. Over the past 30 years, with bromination of almost every bakery product, we’ve seen an increased prevalence of breast and thyroid cancers in American women.
Do not use plastic containers, as they can contaminate your food and drink. Instead, use glass containers or ceramic vessels.
***The best way to raise your iodine levels is by consuming organically-grown sea vegetables and organic spirulina. A form of algae, spirulina boasts of high concentrations of iodine. The NHANES and other data clearly show iodine level have been falling over the last 30-40 years and thyroid illnesses have been increasing. (source)
Also, look into desiccated beef liver by Ancestral: https://amzn.to/3OW1bPx. Other ideal sources of iodine include organic raw milk and organic eggs.
You Can Effectively DETOX Bromine!
With any toxicity, the main goal is to significantly reduce it. Yet many don’t realize that they can reduce these health-disrupting toxins.
Advanced TRS (a clinoptilolite nanozeolite oral spray) binds and removes toxins with a positive charge including: aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead, bromide/bromine, fluoride/fluorine ions (from amalgams, water and antidepressants), barium, strontium, uranium, etc), MRI gadolinium contrast, herbicides and pesticides, mold and yeast toxins, carcinogens from smoke and haze, plastic residues, and radioactive material in the body. (See the safety profile metastudy of 142 studies here).
For my personal order link go here. For the Master email, go here or the Full Spike Protein Protocol, go here.
I’ve worked with families and recommended TRS since 2019. We’ve seen many thyroid imbalances gradually righted and many able to lower or eventually get off their thyroid meds. Here are 3 anecdotal stories:
My desire is to equip and empower you to take back your health. For more information on TRS, there are a number of articles one can view here, here, here, here.
(We don’t get toxic overnight, and we can’t detox it all out overnight.)
It is suggested to use TRS for a minimum of 6 months or the 6 bottles’ equivalent of TRS to see early improvements.
Some families see results very quickly in weeks. But many more report that significant gains start showing up AFTER the 9 – 12 months mark because they need prolonged, DEEP detoxing.
“I (God) will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” ~Psalm 32:8
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
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