For years, anyone who said that climate engineering and weather modification was real was labelled a “tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist”. As it turns out, it was true all along. Policymakers in the EU recently called for an international assessment of geoengineering risks. And now, the fact that a UN report is saying that solar geoengineering should be regulated –is making mainstream naysayers look foolish.
I’ve written on this before here, but have never shared 4 simple ways to protect ourselves from the harmful effects. (See them at the end).
Kristen Meghan, former Air Force Sr. Industrial Hygienist/Environmental Specialist, now a whistleblower, shares her discovery of documents of what the global elite have been secretly spraying chemicals on populations for decades. (Her Air Force Specialty Code was 4BOX1, Bio-environmental Engineer). (source)
4 minutes.
Geoengineering Whistleblower Interview with Kristen Meghan‼️
Kristen Meghan worked for the US-Army as an environmental specialist and became a witness to geoengineering. In this short interview she shares her first-hand knowledge and insights‼️🙏👇
Source 👇👇
— Sophia Dahl (@sophiadahl1) July 8, 2024
This article will make the case that rain tests conducted in Northern California are solid evidence that the sky is being sprayed with metals.
All the way back in 2016, an analysis of rain collected in Sacramento, CA, was was found to be almost 100 times the usual past reporting limits – at an astonishing 4,700μg/L of Aluminum.
Barium was over three times the reporting limit (64μg/L), while strontium was more than double its reporting limit (44μg/L). You can see the California Lab Services Analysis here.
And Mt. Shasta in N. California is another area that has been extensively tested (2010), and the once pristine water is now no longer fit to drink. 7 minutes.
People who are not naive should recognize the validity of evidence like this and would probably agree that someone has been spraying the sky for years.
Neurological Warfare: Aluminum & Barium
As a mother, grandmother and nurse, I’m concerned because Aluminum is a neurotoxic metal, plain and simple. If it’s being sprayed down on us like pest control, what are the results? A staggering rise in Alzheimer’s, autism and even alcohol use disorder.
At the end, I will give 4 simple proactive ways (one’s we’re already doing) to get this stuff OUT of our bodies.
Aluminum seeps into the brain, bypassing our body’s natural defenses, leading to a surge in neurological disorders that didn’t even exist at these levels fifty years ago. People are losing their minds, literally, and children are being born into a world where their brains are under attack from day one.
The research study ‘Aluminum in the Human Brain: Routes of Penetration, Toxicity, and Resulting Complications‘ shows aluminum’s “role in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), alcohol use disorder (AUD), multiple sclerosis (MS), and Parkinson’s disease (PD) from 1976 to 2022.
This image from this study shows the nasal cavity and lungs (inhalation) are the main routes into the brain.
Kristen Meghan mentioned Dubai flooding. And yes, Dubai’s cloud-seeding planes were in the air before record flooding. Were they copying what China is doing?
Some states (like Kentucky) have begun to ban geoengineering practices, all-the-while more and more photos reveal what most don’t even suspect:
And Barium has been released into the atmosphere since 1971 as discussed in this early study: Chemistry of barium released at high altitudes. And in the 1950s and 1960s, decades before the conspiracy theories were born, much of Britain was sprayed with airborne chemicals in a series of secret germ warfare tests. And in 1950, San Francisco was sprayed with a chemical agent from a ship to gauge the effects of a bioweapon attack on a populated area.
Barium accumulation mainly occurs “from drinking contaminated water” and “from plant foods.” The health effects of barium exposure is primarily reported as kidney diseases, neurological, cardiovascular, mental, and metabolic disorders.
Bernard Eastlund’s HAARP patent mentions that barium be put into the atmosphere.
The Players Behind the Curtain
Physicist David Keith (University of Calgary, Canada) has been in charge of deciding how to dispense Bill Gate’s money. Keith tells a shocked Stephen Colbert about how they are spraying all of us from 0:00 to 2:45:
Mentioned in the video above: The patent for ‘Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming’ states that aluminum oxide be used. (United States Patent: 5003186, A Raytheon Patent)
The military-industrial complex, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and an unholy alliance of global elites operate with impunity, all under the guise of ‘geoengineering’ and ‘climate control.’
Remember the fires in California that seemed to burn hotter and faster than anything we’ve seen before? Those weren’t just freak accidents. Witnesses reported seeing planes in the sky, crisscrossing back and forth, just days before these fires broke out.
Aluminum particles are known accelerants, making fires burn hotter and spread faster.
Are They Releasing Aluminum?
A renowned nuclear scientist has published a paper confirming that humans are being poisoned.
Marvin Herndon, PhD., a nuclear-, geo- and cosmochemist –noted for figuring out the composition of the inner core of Earth as being nickel silicide –has published a groundbreaking paper in the peer-reviewed journal Current Science titled “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications…” (source) He believes that there is evidence of a secret government geoengineering program, injecting stratospheric particles/aerosols into the atmosphere – endangering human health.
The abstract reads as follows:
“The geoengineering activity via tanker-jet aircraft emplaces a non-natural, toxic substance in the Earth’s atmosphere which with rainwater liberates highly mobile aluminum. Further, I present evidence that …clandestine dispersal of coal fly ash and the resulting liberation of highly mobile aluminum, is an underlying cause of the widespread and pronounced increase in neurological diseases, and as well, the currently widespread and increasing debilitation of Earth’s biota.” (source)(source)
The paper goes on to discuss and cite publications which have detected heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, coal fly ash, and more. For example, during the period between July 2011 and November 2012, 73 rainwater samples were collected and analyzed for aluminum and barium; 71 were collected from 60 different locations.
Aluminum was detected in 77% of the rainwater samples; there were also very high barium and very high strontium concentrations.
These concentrations of metals are not the result of natural phenomenon, like volcanic explosions, for example.
Bill Gates is funding this according to Science.org.
And to put a fine point on this…
Bill Gates could be spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airline pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe.
At timestamp 7:56, you will see a screen shot of the Science Translational Medicine study revealing “Polymer Nanoparticles Deliver mRNA to the Lungs for Mucosal Vaccination“.
You will also hear a pilot give a testimony about what he’s seen and done. The pilot ends by saying, “So these guys, they think they are doing something glamorous and exciting, like working for the CIA or military intelligence. They think they are James Bond.”
18 minutes.
Part of the transcript:
As Science Translational Medicine‘s editor Courtney Malo explained in this important article, newly developed airborne vaccines can be used to disseminate mRNA widely and rapidly without relying on injections – or the need to seek consent:
We have been looking into this because we started hearing reports from colleagues that something had changed in the storage facilities onboard and they weren’t signing hazardous goods forms anymore. In the US, the military is spraying mRNA. From what we understand, mRNA is being sprayed in remote areas and cities where vaccine uptake is lagging. In Europe, we hear that it is a combination of military and commercial planes. Many of these guys don’t understand what they are doing. But we know that in the US the military has been spraying chemicals on populations for decades now.
Our research suggests that mRNA is a military developed product and the cover story involving Moderna and Pfizer was just for cover. In reality mRNA was a DoD and Deep State product made in conjunction with the globalists 10 or more years ago.
What else are they spraying? As John (above) explains, they have done tests in Europe using mass spectrometry to analyze the metallic residues that settles on cars and windows during periods of heavy chemtrail pollution. The results are disturbing to say the least:
It’s important to understand how toxic this stuff is. We are talking about graphene oxide, aluminum oxide, barium and mRNA. These are some of the most toxic metals in the universe. I have young children. To think they are being slowly poisoned with this stuff… When I saw the results of these tests, I became radicalized. There is no other word for it. A fire was lit inside me. I have been researching ever since and this is very dangerous, but I quickly realized I am not the only one in the industry, far from the only one, who wants to expose this.
So, just in case this is indeed happening – and we see clear evidence of it above our farm at least 4 days out of 7 – here are some things we have been doing to be proactive:
4 Ways To Bind/Chelate/Rid Metals Like Aluminum OUT Of Your Body
1. There are many partially successful detox methods. But there is one detox method that fully binds ~80,000 known environmental metals and toxins (and does not release them back to the body)— and that is Advanced TRS*, a 2-ingredient oral spray made with ultra-pure nano-zeolite mineral and purified water. (If you want to get technical about it, it can do this simply by adsorbing the positively-charged toxin/metal into the negatively-charged honeycomb structure of the clinoptilolite mineral zeolite.) Most people don’t understand that heavy metal removal can be safely done at home, without redistribution of metals —and without the expensive or risky IV chelation done in in a clinic or doctor’s office. TRS is so safe to use that we can use it in pregnancy and while breastfeeding. All but 1 of our daughters have TRS babies. It is neuroprotective to the developing baby. (See this definitive PubMed study showing safety).
Crazy that we’ve been protecting ourselves with this for years. Here is my personal link for TRS. *This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Aluminum – just like I’ve written about lead, gadolinium, bromine, fluorine/fluoride, and mercury before – is not hard to get out with Advanced TRS (toxin removal system). Though the process of binding/chelating metals out of the body will take 6 months to a year to be complete, it is quite simple.
2. Use homeopathy to support the detox pathways alongside TRS: add lymphatic combo 30c and liver cleanse 30c.
3. Supplemental supports are Epsom salt baths; upping Vit C to 1,000 milligrams, 2–3 times daily; Glutathione; alpha lipoic acid (ALA); milk thistle for liver; and NAC.
4. Stay well hydrated! Aluminum can cause constipation –which only recirculates it back into the body.
For those who would like to learn about weather modification, please check out these websites. There are reports, articles, videos, patents, etc.
“May the evil deeds of the wicked come to an end! But make the innocent secure, O righteous God, you who examine inner thoughts and motives!” ~Psalm 7:9, NET Bible
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Thank you Jacqueline for your dedication and courage in warning us with the truth. That explains the source of so many cognitive issues these days.
Deborah, yes, that and the Cvd jabs! ~J
Thanks Jacqueline, for sharing this. I’ve also shared with many friends and family. I always appreciate that you end the “bad news” part with practical steps we can take.
One thing I just don’t understand….are the people who are devising this “stuff” and forcing on all of us, somehow exempt from it? I just can’t understand how they are raining all of this poison down everywhere, but think they won’t be affected by it too?
Hi, Norma,
Yes, many of us are wondering about it ourselves – why the elites/psychopaths feel they are exempt.
Maybe they are so mind controlled by the evil one that they are caught up in the trap, too, and know they can’t escape (OR they feel they will be somehow protected – which defies understanding).. Satan never spares his followers, and in the end they, having already lost their souls, will lose everything else as well!
Trusting the Lord is in control. Thankful that we win in the end!
Hi Jacqueline!
We’re in the middle of watching Frankenskies (you can watch it for free online at their website). It’s a documentary about geoengineering, no conspiracy theory, just facts.
We’re using the silica drops from Eidon minerals to detox aluminum. Boron supplement (made w/ 20 Mule Team Borax) also binds w/ many toxins in our bodies.
Someone else we know takes the silica drops and drinks a few shots of wheatgrass juice per week. He says wheatgrass detoxes heavy metals, too. He is completely unvaxxed, raised on raw milk & real food, and a very healthy young man. That’s encouraging with how polluted things are now!
The more I learn, the more I find that our Creator God has given us so many amazing gifts for vibrant health and healing. So we can add silica and the boron from 20 Mule Team Borax (as per this post: https://deeprootsathome.com/borax-baking-soda-sea-salt-1800s-pain-reliever-recipe/ )
to the list of chelators. By the way, I have silica coming after doing electro-dermal scanning that showed it compatible with me. Just 5 drops a day with the rest I am taking.
Thanks for sharing about the Frankenskies documentary.
Are you still working to make a website? on how to help soil that has been contaminated, etc.?
Hello, Jacqueline,
After reading the above article, I tried to order TRS through your site (I’ve actually used it before) but find it doesn’t go through. Would you look into this as I’d like 3 bottles for my family. I thank you for your help and for the continued stream of info you provide for the wellbeing of all.
Best to you.
Pat, I just emailed you, but I am leaving my personal link here as well: https://inspiredhealthtrs.mycoseva.com/shopline_category.html