At the news of every child’s birth, what’s the first question we ask about the baby – even before we ask if the baby is healthy? We want to know if it’s a boy or girl!
Knowing the sex of the child is the first way we begin to connect with and understand the new human being. To be human is to be gendered – male or female. And one of the most important jobs of a parent is to help their children develop as healthy boys or girls and into strong, confident men and women.
How do we as Christian parents teach our children about gender and gender distinction in light of the huge cultural and moral shift that has been taking place?
To answer this question, let’s begin with three premises:
- Science DOES show men’s and women’s brains are hard-wired differently – also, we can look and see that men and women are created differently [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Professor Eric Vilain, a UCLA geneticist specializing in sexual development, recently explained to the Atlantic Monthly that, “There is no evidence of biological influence on transsexualism yet.” If we ever do find some hard-wired biological component for gender identity”, he says, “my hunch is, it’s going to be mild.” [8]
- God’s plan and purpose for the roles for men and women is under severe attack [9]- misinformation creating gender confusion abounds in media, academia, law and public education
“Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality and family; and, in the process, transforming the very fabric of society. We must keep our eyes on the goals of providing true alternatives to marriage and of radically reordering society’s view of reality.” ~Paula Ettelbrick, Law Professor and Homosexual Activist
God commands Christian parents to teach children biblical truth and celebrate the design God gave to men and women. We must also model gender differences to out children. Read Deut. 6: 5-7
Can We Help Our Kids Avoid Gender Confusion?
In a word, yes!
We CAN help them, but we cannot guarantee the outcome.
We must love them no matter what and be wise!
There are so many really strong biological influences now from:
- food contamination with glyphosate and other toxins
- vaccine fetal cells
- plastics
- what an unborn baby is exposed to in the womb at a critical time (see fetal cells in vaccs above)
- and much more
In addition, deviant behavior has been around since the beginning of time long before there were vaccines, hormones, chemicals, etc. Its primarily the work of the evil one, parents who cater to every childish whim that comes along, and the PC culture.
If I were parenting young children again, I would do, at least, these 3 things:
1. Parent proactively –
“It is critical that both mother and father work together to provide loving but intentional direction. For boys, the mother should be the one to “push” the child from feminine behavior, and the father should “pull” the boy toward more masculine play and interests. One of the worst things is for dad to “shame” the boy for girl-like behavior. He should always work to welcome his son into the curious world of men. That is how healthy masculine identity happens.” ~Focus On the Family
2. Teach sound theology early to avoid gender confusion-
Children’s book God’s Design (from an awesome series) by Sally Michael will give a rich beginning – Inoculate your children from gender confusion by thoroughly and lovingly communicating biblical truths to them at a young age.
Children are encountering a confused and distorted message about gender at younger and younger ages. Discussion of gender and gender roles can no longer be taken for granted or put off until adolescence. Children need to understand, well before their teenage years, how God created men and women to be equal in personhood, dignity, and worth, and yet different regarding the roles He designed for them to have. God’s Word has a great deal to say about this and is more than sufficient to instruct us in this area. A child who is solidly taught the truth is not easily deceived.
One reader stated it well: “It’s because our culture EMBRACES homosexuality that so many young people conclude they are “gay” simply based on what might be fleeting feelings. If we want to truly help young people come to a proper understanding of their feelings, recognizing that feelings are fleeting, we would go a long way to help then understand they have been lied to…by the devil, by our culture, and by their very own feelings.”
This interactive book is perfect as an addition to a homeschooling curriculum for children 7 to 12 years old, but it would be ideal to read aloud to/with a child much younger.
3. Homeschool –
Click the photo to read how the gay agenda permeates public schools!
Philosophies that spawn gender confusion are nothing new to the public [government] schools. The gay agenda has long been infiltrating the public schools through children’s assigned reading and books in the school library.
The first shot over the bow happened on Friday the 13th, May, 2016, as the Obama administration issued an edict to all U.S. schools requiring they open bathrooms according to self-proclaimed gender identity instead of biological sex … or risk lawsuit and loss of federal funds.
One of the nation’s largest public school systems is including gender identity to its classroom curriculum – the idea that there’s no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.
Others have followed suit already: Sex Education & Graphic Images for K-5 In Public Schools
Let’s not sit still while gender confusion philosophies are taught to our kids!
Now parents have more reason than ever to consider home-education and protect their kids from gender confusion in all its many facets.
Also, consider what you feed and give your children!
Jesus answered, “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? ~Gen. 1: 27
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Charity Morgan
Thank you so much for this post! This whole issue has been on my heart lately, so I’m especially blessed to see you standing up for teaching children truth. amen to another reason to homeschool!
Been far too long since I stopped by your blog…thank you for so much encouragement on one site! Blessings to you!
Hello, beautiful Charity!
Thank you so much for the encouragement! Sometimes, I think that we have been blindsided by issues that are truly minor compared to the most important one parents face – the condition of the hearts, souls and minds of our children. It is the MOST important thing a Christian parent will ever do!
It is a treat to get to ‘talk’ with you here 🙂 God bless you, sweet friend~!
You know, I liked this blog till I saw all the homophobic comments. Really disappointed, why are you so afraid of change?
Peri, the Word of God supercedes anyone’s opinion or any supposed concerns I have. As a Christian, I have a healthy fear of the Lord Jesus Christ (for He holds the key to eternal life and death), and it informs everything I do (Prov. 9:10). I am sorry you feel anything I said was homophobic. I addressed what to do as parents to help our children not to be confused by rhetoric that has caused many who follow the siren call to take their own life (I’m speaking of the really high suicide rates among the gay population). As a person who loves others, it seems the kind thing to do to avoid something so destructive. In medicine we had a saying, “First, do no harm.”
Thank you for your comment, and thanks for reading Deep Roots at Home.
Charlotte Moore
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!
Blessings back, dear Charlotte! Love you!
Thank you so much for addressing this very important topic with biblical wisdom. I appreciate all the research you did to serve parents. Blessings on you as you continue to speak God’s truth to a needy world.
Thank you for your encouragement, Sally. I give glory to God that He continues to give Christian parent’s wisdom as we seek Him for answers in a very difficult world.
Thanks for writing this. Thanks for having the courage to do so. I am definitely not what I would consider a religious person, but I still pray and read the bible. I have nothing against homosexuals even though I don’t agree with their lifestyle. I have had homosexual friends in the past. I’ve never been afraid of them. I have never hated them…just don’t agree. It is crazy how leftist social justice warriors are so quick to label someone as a fearful homophobe simply because they wish to shield their children from this type of indoctrination.
In the past I have always been a liberal democrat until Obama came into office. Then the climate started drastically changing. I quickly educated myself on the neoliberalism and globalism that is now controlling the Democrat party.
For three years my daughter was in the safe cocoon of the Montessori school which doesn’t engage in this type of indoctrination. But the school only went through age seven. So now that our daughter is eight, we are homeschooling. And wow, it has been worth it! Even though it is a lot of work, I have a sense of relief because we control her environment and what she is exposed to.
Thank you for the resource. I may wind up using it.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Francie. I am blessed that you are blessed 😀
God bless you as you do the important work of teaching your daughter!
Lori Larson Parnell
Thank you SO MUCH for this post! I am so excited to have stumbled upon your blog! I am raising a 2 year old boy and in this day and age it is becoming increasingly harder to talk about such topics unfortunately. Thanks again, cant wait to read more of your posts:)