During an online discussion someone asked, “Why did God ‘create’ or ‘allow’ cancer?”
What a great question. Why would a truly benevolent Creator do such a thing? Does God hate us? Why would God let cancer exist? Why does God let innocent, good men, women and even children get cancer – and die?
Let’s investigate.
[Shared with written permission from Ted Koren/Koren Wellness, because greater understanding will help you not just survive, but thrive. And please don’t miss the video below.]
Why did God create or allow cancer?
Why does cancer exist? I’m sure you’ll be surprised to learn that your ability to make tumors comes factory installed – your body is genetically programmed (using oncogenes) to create tumors.
Not only that, in addition to the body creating tumors, it nourishes the tumors with a blood supply. Why would this occur?
Why would an exquisite creation such as our God-created, wisdom-filled body have this built-in seemingly self-destructive mechanism? Is it a mistake? Is the body stupid?
It makes no sense unless… …unless the tumor that the body creates and nourishes serves a purpose. What purpose could it possibly serve?
The role of the tumor
Tumors are highly toxic. We know this because when a tumor is quickly broken up (lysis) so much toxicity (or poison) is released that the person’s organs may fail leading to death. (Source)
The role of the tumor is to store away or sequester toxins.
Tumors/cancers and toxicity go together. It is observed for example, that toxic chemicals are stored in breast tissue:
Elevated levels of (unpronounceable) polychlorinated biphenyls, bis (4-chlorophenyl)-1,1 dichloroethene, and bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1 trichloroethane were found in fat samples from women with cancer, compared with those who had benign breast disease. These results suggest environmentally-derived toxins are the cause of mammary carcinoma. (PMID:1567239).
One independent researcher reported a 100% correlation between root canals and oral infections being on the same side of the mouth as the lung and breast cancers in nearly 4,000 women without one single exception. (Hughes F. Research by Robert Dowling. Am I Dead? … or do I just feel like it.)
For nearly a century it has been known that tumors/cancers concentrated in populations exposed to toxicity – especially to people living or working near, downwind or downriver from chemical factories, refineries, toxic waste and others spewers of poisons. The observation is inescapable – people who are exposed to toxins get cancer. An excellent book on this subject is The Secret History of the War on Cancer by Devra Davis. Dr. Davis writes:
In the 1930s, researchers in Germany, Japan, Italy, Scotland, Austria, England, Argentina, US and France showed that where people lived affected getting cancer.
Ask an American oncologist, “Why did I get cancer?” and he’ll look at you like a deer in headlights and mumble something about genetic mutations. However, the cause of cancer was well-known in Europe. Natasha Campbell McBride, MD, creator of the GAPS diet protocol who went to medical school in Russia, says, “In Europe and Russia it was always known that toxicity caused cancer; there was no question about it.” (Via personal communication with the author, May 2017).
Cancer tumors come and go throughout our lives
Tumors have a limited life span in most cases; tumors come and go all throughout our lives. You may have many tumors today and none tomorrow – if your body is working as it should – because you have a natural ability to remove toxins (detoxification). The tumors then won’t be necessary, and your body will dissolve, neutralize and eliminate the tumors.
An example of this is the fascinating revelation that far more tumors/cancers are found on autopsy (for example in victims of auto and other accidents) than are even diagnosed in doctor’s offices. For example:
Clinically-apparent breast cancer afflicts 1% of all women between 40-50. On autopsy, it was found in 39% of women 40-50. (PMID: 8464435).
The body’s ability to dissolve and remove tumors, even life-threatening cancers, is known medically as the phenomenon of spontaneous remission. Spontaneous remission is well documented in the bio-medical literature. The tumors just disappear.
But sadly, not for everyone. When we become over-toxic from repeated exposure to internal toxins (endotoxins) and external toxins (exotoxins) and cannot detoxify quickly enough these necessary growths grow out of control.
***For the FULL PROTOCOL to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Because God loves us
From a religious perspective, we may say that God has given us the ability to create tumors/cancers because He loves us. God has installed within us a marvelous self-protective mechanism – the tumor. It is only when we foolish humans often unknowingly repeatedly poison ourselves and continue to do things that interfere with our body’s natural ability to detoxify that this protective mechanism breaks down. Cancer is not the problem – cancer is a symptom of a generalized whole body condition.
The tumor is the result of the problem, not the cause. Tumors are designed as defense mechanisms to keep us alive.
Once again: The role of the tumor is to store or sequester toxins. Tumors keep toxins from spreading and keep the poisons confined to a small circumscribed area.
What about chemotherapy for cancer?
The prevailing model of the “War on Cancer” – kill the tumor – is completely backwards. The tumors are not the problem, they are the answer. Attacking the tumor may cause a kickback causing the body to struggle harder to keep the tumor functioning to collect the toxins. That’s why studies show that chemotherapy can make tumors more aggressive. For example, the headline from Dailynews.com commenting on an “unexpected” chemotherapy finding:
Shock study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor spread. (source)
Scientists found that healthy cells damaged by chemotherapy secreted more of a protein called WNT16B, which BOOSTS cancer cell survival. ‘The increase in WNT16B was completely unexpected.’
(PubMedID: 22863786)
The answer to a toxic condition is not more toxicity. Chemotherapy is highly toxic and is itself carcinogenic (cancer causing). That is why the success rate of chemotherapy been described in one of the largest studies ever done as “appalling.” (Abel U. Chemotherapy of advanced epithelial cancer – a critical review. Biomed Pharmacotherapy. 1992;46(10):439-452).
Echoing that finding, a major study reviewing fifteen years of chemotherapy treatments found that the five-year survival rate for those on chemotherapy with the most common cancers that caused the most deaths was zero to about 2 or 3%. (Morgan G, Ward R, Barton M. The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies. Clinical Oncology. 2004; 16:549-560).
That chemotherapy harms patients is well known:
Not only did chemotherapy not benefit patients … it appeared most harmful to those patients with good performance status … use in patients with terminal cancer may need to be revised. (Prigerson HG, Bao Y, Shah MA. Chemotherapy use, performance status, and quality of life at the end of life. JAMA Oncology. Published online. July 23, 2015).
If you or a loved one suffers with cancer, this video contains vital information which should not be withheld. I would not ask your time if it wasn’t important.
For a complete healing
For a complete healing of cancer, we must address its cause. What a person diagnosed with cancer needs most is detoxification, cellular nourishment, stress relief, a health-promoting lifestyle and avoidance and removal of toxicity.
The goal of the healthcare practitioner should be locating the cause of the toxicity (both internal and external) and working with the patient to enhance detoxification, cleansing and purification, and mitigation of external causes for a complete recovery.
There’s a reason why detoxification practices such as hot baths, sauna, fasting, cleanses, herbs like Essiac, and many others are found in every culture through humanity’s history. If the ancient Greeks, Romans, and native peoples from all over the world understood the need for detoxification, shouldn’t modern day Americans? We, as a culture, are far more toxic than any other civilization, and we have the diseases to show for it.
TRS (zeolite clinoptilolite) activates the P21 gene which appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals:
There are many partially successful detox methods. There is only one cellular detox method that fully binds ~80,000 known environmental metals and toxins (and does not release them back to the body)— and that is Advanced TRS.
TRS is even safe enough to use in pregnancy and while breastfeeding. (See this definitive PubMed metastudy stating safety in humans, animals, and their developing offspring).
Though the process of binding/chelating lead out of the body will take months to be complete, it is quite simple.
TRS is a 2-ingredient oral spray made with ultra-pure nano-zeolite mineral and purified water. The specific type of zeolite mineral in TRS spray is clinoptilolite with a robust safety profile.
How does TRS spray work?
Zeolites have a high negative charge and a strong affinity for toxins as toxins are positively-charged. With the nano zeolites encased in water, a good way to think about it would be hundreds of thousands of little toxin magnets encased in water molecules clusters going into your body. These toxin magnets are attracted to heavy metals, pesticides and any other toxin that has a positive charge. Their tiny pore size of 0.9 nanometers means that they have a huge amount of surface area to capture toxins in their honeycomb shape. The encapsulation in water molecules clusters means that they can go wherever water goes. They cross the blood brain barrier easily and detox the whole body at a cellular level. They never interact with the body, only the toxins.
Once toxins get pulled in and stuck onto the magnets, they are captured, are rendered inert, and have no chance of breaking loose. This is why TRS does not cause redistribution or damage to the body. The loaded TRS molecule is transported out of the body mainly through urine and other usual elimination pathways in 6-7 hours. As the nano-zeolites are so tiny, the kidneys don’t have to filter them: that’s how gentle this method of detoxing is.
Visit here for more product details and to order TRS.
The most important thing to remember is the best way to be truly cured is to address the root cause. The tumor is not your enemy, it is your ally, so work to promote its function so it will no longer be needed.
Cancer is a disease of toxicity. The most common forms of toxicity, which are unknown to most people, is a subject for another article.
God permits cancer, but in the final analysis, He is sovereign and He alone has the power to heal us.
Shockingly, Studies Show Ivermectin Is A Safe, Potent Cancer Fighter
Check out my other posts on cancer.
Avalyn’s Story: How TRS, a Safe Heavy Metal Detox, Can Help Your Child
“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!” ~Romans 11:33
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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Jaqueline, I must encourage you to further research KST. If you have not already you can look up videos of how it is performed on YouTube, such as this one:
KST is a form of divination that generates a binary (yes/no) answer. God clearly forbids us from divination in his Word (Deuteronomy 18). Please look into this technique!
Thank you, Lydia, for your concern. I am okay with some forms of muscle testing and other ways (like using a pendulum and asking it questions as some do) is not okay.
As an RN, I listen to my body and get clues as to what is right or wrong all the time. I do not feel that is divination, rather it is using the wisdom the Lord has given me.
It is a fine line (as a practitioner) to listen to the body of a patient.
I would contend that if it is not tied to mysticism, an Eastern religion such as New Age or anything other than giving God the Father the glory, and if it is healing,
I choose to look at it as a gift from God Almighty, the Great Physician.
The Bible tells us that “a large crowd was following him because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick” (John 6:2 ESV). He healed many sick people in the cities
he traveled to. But Jesus wanted more than to heal their physical bodies. He wanted them to believe in Him.
The Bible mentions other aspects of the mind and the heart that Jesus takes care of. For example, He takes care of our anxiety (1 Peter 5:7). He gives us peace (John 14:27), rest (Matthew 11:28), and joy (John 15:11). He gives purpose to our lives (Philippians 1:21) and makes us part of His family (John 1:12). Every good thing that we have and everything we need comes from the Father through Him (James 1:17).
This video would be an example of muscle testing, and this is NOT tied to anything spiritual, but rather physical energy that we all have. Form what I understand, KST looks at the body’s energy and uses it to help us treat problems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKCQCHbbJWM
I hope that helps.
Jesus is my Lord and the Holy Spirit is my guide, and none other.
I did add this to the post: “[Note: I have no affiliation to the KST, and do not know all the specifics, so do your own research.]”
As a fellow believer I absolutely believe that the Holy Spirit can give us those “something is not right” feelings, and we can also, through prayer, have our questions about certain health issues answered. I also 100% believe that chiropractic care DOES work (personal and family experience here).
However, I urge prayerful caution in regards to KST in particular — “biofeedback” can easily be blurred into things like asking the body (not the person) where the spinal misalignment is. I don’t think it would be wrong at all to ask the Lord to show you as the patient or healthcare professional what the root of this or that problem is. As a Christian who has seen naturopathic medicine work firsthand, it is tragic to me how new age/occult practices are being mixed with herbal medicine for example (which has real physical/chemical properties that heal). God has filled the earth with plants that heal us. How like the enemy to insert these practices among the good gifts God has given us! This blurring is spiritually dangerous for both believers and non believers alike and part of why the mainstream medical community as well as many Christians write off naturopathy as “voo-doo”.
Pastor Jeff Durbin (Apologia Church in AZ) addresses KST in his sermon “Modern Tools of the Occult”. His wife took their son to have KST treatment not really knowing what it was, but afterward having that “something isn’t right” feeling, until Jeff and the other pastors at Apologia looked into the practice and its history.
He addresses KST specifically around the 1:00:00 mark. This is where I first heard about this practice and probably never would have known about it otherwise. Of particular note is the discussion of “non local”/“era III” medicine via Larry Dossey, MD — whose worldview of us all being connected to a “cosmic mind” is what KST is built upon.
Thank you, Lydia,
I will need to look into the underpinnings of KST more fully, is until then it is good to be forewarned! I doesn’t sound good as you described it!
Update: I removed the info on KST bc I cannot validate it without a lot of time (which unfortunately I don’t have) – so better not to lead anyone into something that could be harmful.
Thank you so much! ~J
Gary McCollom
This was an awesome article and I learned so much and some of it I wondered to myself, like the tumors being a ‘collection device’ of sorts.
Holy cow have we ever been lied to for a long long time.
Came across this today and thought you might like it and I am gonna post a video from someone I saw this morning talking about ‘getting sick’. Sorry on your telegram channel, if it allows me to.
I had often wondered about ‘germs’ as well and now I am certain I know the answer to that question as well…they don’t exist.
This bears repeating but one thing I say to most people I meet and almost all I talk to online is I chose to trust in our Almighty God and His amazing immune system whereas too many others trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate.
May God bless and watch over and keep safe all the worlds truth givers.
P.S-I( was never able to get the detox protocol that you offer.
Hi, Gary,
That article curls my socks! And raises the hair on the back of my head! I will email you this afternoon and get you the information you seek.
I apologize that you haven’t been able to get it. (Good things come to those who wait!)
This is a super interesting post!