I encourage every parent who cares about the future of his/her own children to watch this. I know that many would choose not to know, but your children need you to hear this message.
I’m keeping the text very brief in this post so you can put that time into watching!
Robbie and Landon Starbuck left the entertainment business because they saw that a silent war was being fought for the hearts and minds of children —and to expose this war on children and stop it.
They know this is overwhelming, but you need to know. Please watch this documentary.
Media creates all of this.
This social engineering is how you make people see ‘theories as facts’, ‘facts as theories’, ‘opinions as violence’, ‘silence as safety’, and ‘men are fully able to become women’ at the snap of their fingers.
Clear the time and watch with your spouse. I can’t recommend you watch this enough! Arm yourselves.
You can also watch this video on Rumble here.
One of the most effective forms of normalizing the woke agenda is via something known as ‘the Mere Exposure Effect’. The mere exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things or people that are more familiar to them than others. That means the more you show someone something, the more they start to like it or prefer it.
That psychological mere exposure effect is the reason society is now flooded with what would have been considered ‘fringe’ by most people only 10 years ago. Simply exposing someone to fringe concepts, makes us normalizes things that would never have been considered normal before.
Please take your rightful place as a warrior protecting and preparing the next generation.
Resources to Strengthen Families:
30 Ways Parents Can Guarantee Having To Support Their Kids Forever
Fed-Up Parents & The Quiet Exodus From Public Schooling
15 Apps That Are Being Used To Target Our Children
“I’m Sorry, We Don’t Do Sleepovers” & 4 Reasons Why Not
Family Mealtime: Lost Ingredient For Civilizing Children
9 Hard-To-Hear Facts About Wireless & Your Child’s Brain
Our Plates Are Full But Our Tanks Are Empty: Is Satan Stealing Our Families?
Screentime Intervention Helps Angry, Depressed & Unmotivated Kids
Reasons Today’s Kids Are Bored, Entitled, Impatient with Few Real Friends
It’s Not Dangerous For Kids To Be Bored Sometimes
Screen Time, Digital Drug: Brain Images Show It’s As Addictive As Opioids
The Often Missing Secret To Your Child’s Ultimate Success
25 Foundational Hymns To Teach Your Children While Young
Our Children ‘Immersed in Culture of Disrespect’
Please HELP! How Can We Have Peace In Our Home?
Databit x Databit, We’re Building Our Own Electronic Concentration Camps
Are You Turning Your Child From You? 3 Common Mistakes Parents Make
The Social Dilemma: Connected Electronically, Yet Isolated & Lonely
100 Discerning Questions & Conversation Starters For Hands-On Parenting
Training a Child is (just a bit) like Training Puppies
And there are many, many more that you can access more here or by using the search bar and a keyword.
“The thief [the evil one] comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Christ Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.“ ~John 10:10
“Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.“ ~Proverbs 4: 23
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” ~Psalm 51:10
***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
Deep Roots At Home now has a PODCAST! We are covering everything from vaccines, parenting topics, alternative medicine. Head over today and like, share and download a few episodes! https://buff.ly/3KmTZZd
I’m still on FB but shadow-banned hard… If you want to stay connected, here is one way…
Censorship is real. My Pinterest account was just suspended; surprisingly, part of my main board is still available through this link, and it scrolls down a long way so all is not lost! BEWARE of the promotional ads in there! They are not placed by me. Pinterest now sells space in boards for these ads, and Temu is a scam. Do not click on them!
You can also find me on Instagram, MeWe, and Telegram.
And please join me for my FREE newsletter. Click here.
©2025 Deep Roots at Home • All Rights Reserved
Diana Frerichs
Good morning. Im very interested in veiwing this video but the link seems to be missing. Thank you for all your valuable information. I’ve learned so much through your site. Keep uo the great work!
Hi, Diana, the video is right there in the post, but I added a link to Rumble where you can also view it.
Hope that helps!
Jelaine Aprile
The link does not work now. Any other ideas of how to view it?
Hi, Jelaine, I am not sure why the video was not working! BUT I found a better link on Rumble that should not be taken down and it is now it’s working again.
I am sorry for the inconvenience!
Jelaine S. Aprile
It’s working now, thank you!♥
Leslie Caffey
I was only going to watch a few minutes of the film – I just finished the whole thing Thank you for posting and sharing this outstanding work. I will continue to share it and encourage others to watch.
Thank you, Leslie! It IS SO important! I have been praying over this video since I saw it and felt led to post it!
May it bless, awaken, and activate families to the rampant evil that is preying on our precious children.
I appreciate any sharing that you can do! Pls join me in prayer for the hearts of the parents to be for their children! To God be the glory!
Sending peace,
Thanks for posting this. I started watching it and had to finish. So much evil.