In a panic, there were some (with no research to back it up) claiming that elderberry was horrible for us during covid-19 or during influenza. We should not let a few malign one of the best remedies we have!
Remember that the main mechanism for elderberry is to minimize the budding replication action of the virus (it’s a neuraminidase inhibitor lots like tamiflu, but without the harsh psychiatric complications). This happens when started at the tiniest first sign of a cold or flu!
I give more information to refute all the hype and a list of herbs that will CALM a cytokine storm, so please read to the end!

Well-known pediatrician Elisa Song, MD weighed in on this question.
What is a cytokine storm and does elderberry make it more likely when you have influenza?
Dr. Song, MD states:
While it’s true that some people have sadly died from influenza and other infections due to a “cytokine storm,” please remember that this is a RARE occurrence and that the media highlights the few and very sad cases of people who die from influenza (some due to cytokine storm, some not).
Of course, they don’t highlight the many 1000s of people who get influenza every year and do not die, including the many more 1000s who have zero or very mild symptoms.
While we don’t understand the exact pathophysiology of the cytokine storm, we know it’s NOT just a problem of immune system OVERREACTION; it’s also a problem of immune system UNDERREACTION. The parts of the immune system that create inflammation are in overdrive, and the parts of the immune system that are supposed to REGULATE and bring this inflammation back to equilibrium is not active enough.
Remember – INFLAMMATION is NOT always bad. Inflammation is our body’s normal response to infection and stress. We need inflammation to heal.
Inflammation that goes unregulated is the REAL problem.
The cytokine storm involves dysregulation between PRO-inflammatory cytokines, ANTI-inflammatory cytokines, and REGULATORY cytokines.
(See below what herbs TO USE that can CALM a storm) *
***For the FULL Spike Protein PROTOCOL (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
What’s the Verdict on Elderberry?
Dr. Elisa Song, MD continues: Do I think that elderberry can trigger or make a cytokine storm more likely when you have influenza?
I really don’t.
The centuries of use of elderberry and data on its activity against the influenza virus, its immunoprotective and antioxidant effects leave me with very little concern that its “immunostimulatory effects” will cause your immune system to go haywire.
Elderberry has been shown to:
- increase BOTH PRO-inflammatory cytokines and ANTI-inflammatory cytokines
- REDUCE oxidative stress (oxidative stress = free radicals)
- and may help to REGULATE inflammatory disease like autoimmunity
What about autoimmune issues?
There have not been case reports of elderberry-induced cytokine storms, and I have not stopped using elderberry for my kids or my patients, even with autoimmune disease. But as with anything, listen to your body and it’s always best to check with your naturopathic or functional medicine doctor!
This question came up in my Thriving Child Community private FB group. Come on over and join us to ask questions like these and be part of our worldwide community dedicated to helping children thrive – body, mind and spirit!
Elisa Song, MD has this posted to her FB page.
*Herbs That Calm [or Cause] A Cytokine Storm
Educating yourself about this is EXTREMELY important.
When someone in your house gets “the sniffles” there are so many wonderful ways of treating the illness through a natural route including:
- Elderberry Syrup (the main recipe)
- essential oils
- diffusing
- baths
- tinctures
In essence there are a lot of resources to use in order to combat the illness before it gets worse.
But, if someone in your care (including yourself of course) gets ill and it keeps getting worse, and worse, and worse and worse… you could be FEEDING the problem by what herbs you are using.

Here is a list of herbs that help to COMBAT Cytokine Storm (and if you keep getting more and more sick, these are the herbs to INCREASE): (source)
- Turmeric (how to make Golden Paste)
- Black seed (aka black cumin seed) or oil
- Elder LEAF
- Yarrow
- Cayenne
- Garlic (how to make Fire Cider)
- Horseradish (how to make Pepper Juice)
- Red Raspberry tea
- Skullcap
- St. John’s Wort
- Tea Tree Oil by inhaling
- Vitamin C (lots of it!) How to get to bowel tolerance with high dose usage
Now… here is a list of herbs to STOP taking if an illness is starting to escalate to a BAD stage: (source)
–Honey (any sugar of any kind makes it worse)
-Colloidal Silver
Keep Cytokine Storming In Perspective:
Blog post When Not to Use Elderberry: Using a Little Discernment, states that cytokine storms trigger a type of viral-induced sepsis which is an autoimmune event involving an amped up immune system response that “could” result in pneumonia or death. It’s been associated with H1N1, but other viruses have sparked storms, as well.
Please understand this is a rare occurrence.
The author above writes, “In the name of making better, more nuanced choices, I’m going to start recommending that pregnant women not use it (elderberry) during the flu season because they are already at an increased risk of hyper-immunity.[vi]
Is that Enough To Stop Elderberry Use?
Some people cite this study of 12 people, which says that elderberry boosts cytokine production in healthy people. They say that means elderberry shouldn’t be used daily and/or can cause a cytokine storm. The study does not say either one of these things. It concludes that stimulating the immune system may actually be beneficial for health. It also does not address the issue of “cytokine storms” at all.
(This study and this study have much more in-depth, balanced looks at elderberry’s effects on the body.) (source)
Elderberry inhibits the early stages of a viral infection by “blocking key viral proteins responsible for both the viral attachment and entry into the host cells.”
And even respected herbalist Stephen Buhner is saying E’berry is okay. These are his words!
Elderberry is best used at the very onset of symptoms as I explain on my Elderberry Syrup post.
***For the FULL Spike Protein PROTOCOL (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.
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I’m so glad you wrote this. My sister just texted me this morning that I should stop using elderberry because of this.
I’ve tagged her in your FB post. Thank you!!
Yes, there is so much panic these days! Good research always opens perspective. And bottom line, when used with judicious care and wisdom, God’s gifts are always better than anything man could make!
Blessings, ~Jacque
I had a cough for a month with lots of mucus, went to the ER because I thought I must have pneumonia, no, xray showed clear, went in a week later two days in a row with racing heart, two more xrays, still clear. was really tired of coughing,decided I would really double down on natual things to fight it. I took massive doses of Vit c, oregano oil, colloidal silver, elderberry syrup, zinc C , Eucalyptus oil, Vicks, licorice tea.. and while doing that started getting short of breath, went back in and had pneumonia… not sure but I felt I was getting sicker and sicker, and I was, but I was taking lots of natual stuff, it wasnt the flu, that I know of, but I can kind of believe this article..
Beverly, now we are armed knowing which herbs can CALM this inflammatory reaction. Thank you for your insightful comment and sharing your story here!
Interesting that you were taking BOTH HELPFUL and Not HELPFUL herbs at the same time, so they may have been balancing each other out? Just so interesting!
Did you see the list/meme of the one TO DO? If you are still working on that pneumonia, just use the helpful ones now and see if you don’t respond better! Always pay attention to what your body is telling you!
Praying for you, friend!
Blessings, ~J
I learned from Dr. Patrick Jones (a vet in Idaho that uses natural treatments for animals and people) that grape leaf tincture is great for when elderberry or echinacea (immune-stimulants) are not working for getting better from a cold or flu. This is just what I remember, so I’d do some research before trying grape leaf for yourself. =)
Thanks for this.
Thanks for that, Katie! Yes, I had heard that, too, as well as currant tincture!
Interesting information. Although I may be weary of coming to your site due to your ads. I was looking at this with my children and all of a sudden there was an ad with dr. Oz and shark tank for erectile dysfunction or something like viagra. I was appalled, then we moved past that only to have the ad show up again.
I thought this was a safe site.
Oh, dear, Taz! I am so sorry that happened. I do not ask for those ads, as I have opted out of that category (medical, sexual and reproductive health ads)! I will go and make a complaint! I do desire a safe site!!
Taz, I also checked to see if that content was indeed opted out and it is and has been since I set it up several years ago.
Thank you so much for letting me know this has happened and my sincere apologies!
Blessings, Jacqueline
That horrible and shocking!
I have been trying to reach bowel tolerance with Vitamin C for 5 days. I’m taking Doctor’s Best Vitamin C with QualiC. I am up to 12 1000 mg. capsules a day and haven’t even rumbled. Does that seem unusual to you? Do I keep going higher? Thanks so much for your time – I so respect your wisdom and insight.
Hi, Deb! We do know that it takes higher doses the sicker we are, so you may take much longer to get up to tolerance. It is an indicator! I wonder if it may be bc you are using capsules, and bc I don’t know the company, it may be that is isn’t as bioavailable as they say. Yes, you can go way higher and it will not harm you. The body sucks up Vitamin C and we see some amazing thing when people are really in acute situations!
When you run out, you may want to try the one I recommend in this post: https://deeprootsathome.com/4-natural-science-backed-ways-to-be-prepared-for-coronavirus-pandemic/
The whole protocol is in there and the product that Suzanne Humphries, MD recommends: https://amzn.to/33LNWsy and this one is great, too, but more expensive bc of how it’s buffered: https://amzn.to/2xn0DOw
I hope this helps, friend!
Thank you so much for answering. I am waiting for the Vit. C you suggest to arrive any day. I also am taking your garlic tincture, elderberry syrup and TRS. Prayers that you stay well in this incredible season we find ourselves in. Deb
Joanna Roewart
Thank you for your perspective on elderberry. I take it every day and have for a long time. When I heard about the possible cytokine storms I stopped for several days. I have rosacea and it flared up terribly when I stopped. So I restarted and feel great. I’m also a big believer in oregano oil for colds and flu. Any thoughts on daily elderberry?
Yes, Joanna, like Dr. Elisa Song said, “listen to your body and let it be your guide. If you are feeling great, use as needed. But if you have a congestion and are getting worse, worse, and worse, then stop and start using one of the 10 herbs on the list that are know to calm a storm… there is a image listing them there!
I hope that helps, friend! ~J
Jane Graham Reed
I wrote a comment yesterday inviting Jacqueline to a panel discussion about Black Elderberry but perhaps I didn’t leave my email! Here it is. Jane Graham Reed
Hi, Jane! I apologize, friend! I am currently on the other side of the country with a new grand baby!
I will email you! ~J
Hello! Is it safe to use elderberry syrup while you are nursing?
Yes, Deidre! It is safe unless you are taking it as an alcohol tincure and taking wayy too much! Probably right now elderberry syrup is better.
Congratualtions of this new little one!
Blessings to you all,
We have been using elderberry syrup and colloidal silver for our toddler. With this new pneumonia virus among children I am wondering what you would recommend. Thank you for your insight.
Hi, Jon,
I love what you are already doing, but don’t over do by giving only every other day.. Save the bigger, more frequent, doses for when you really need it.
For RSV: https://deeprootsathome.com/rsv-3-routes-to-stay-out-of-the-hospital/
#1 thing – I would have a desktop nebulizer at home for the first hint of something respiratory.
These 2 posts cover all you need to know (including links) to hydrogen peroxide, nano-silver, saline, etc.
For adults or children: https://deeprootsathome.com/dr-mercola-nebulized-peroxide-the-single-most-effective-early-strategy/
A no mixing approach that is also safe: https://deeprootsathome.com/nebulizing-nanosilver-glutathione-for-lung-ailments-the-how-to/
By closely reading both of those you will be prepared and have your bases covered.
This is something you may also want to consider: https://deeprootsathome.com/child-teen-dosages-9-key-nutrients-to-prime-their-immune-systems/
I believe that what we are seeing is mainly in covid vacc’d children (or those who were closely exposed to someone who was recently boosted). Shedding is real and everyone responds differently to the Spike Protein!
Do not give way to fear – I also believe ‘they’ (CDC, NIAID) are looking for something that is scary enough to convince parents to once again rush to get a V.
Sending peace,